State of the Union

Immigration, foreign policy, lawlessness, woke policies and inflation are straight killing his chances of reelection.

Only simps like Greed, H&H and Raoul will believe his bullshit claims. Everyone else with a brain - independents and Republicans - will know better
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The biggest strategy session going on in the west wing today is getting the talking points for the speech in place. Staff will be meeting with the media talking heads getting the speech in their hands so they can develop a way to translate it after the president slurs and mumbles through 2/3rds of it.

Of course anyone could write what is going to be delivered. More freebies and govt give aways. More touting the good economy, evidenced by a strong stock market(camera cuts to Pelosi standing and applauding). More pandering to lbgqtuvwxy crowd. More promises for border security. And more Orange Man Bad syndrome.

Tonight will be interesting. The Dementia Docs are also strategically debating how much dope needs to be in Mush’s system at 9pm, because normally he’s already been locked away for a couple of hours.
Prediction: he starts out strong from all the uppers they inject him with—screaming into the microphone. About halfway through, as dementia overpowers the drugs, he'll begin mumbling and stuttering while donning a confused expression.

He also shits his pants at some point.
14+ jobs created
Under 4% UE rate for 24 consecutive months
More disposable household income
Record high GDP
The number of uninsured Americans hit an all-time low of 7.2% in the second quarter of 2023
Infrastructure bill
No longer in Afghanistan
President not impeached twice
President not impeached once
President not indicted for 91 felonies
No insurrections
President not orange jesus
President not found liable for sexual abuse, defamation, and fraud.
President not paying off porn stars.
Orange man bad syndrome on full display^^^^^.

"More disposable household income"....Irony. Considering disposable household income is directly calculated by income AFTER TAXES. Thank you Pres Trump for lowering Fed taxes. What are the odds that Mush will propose raising those taxes tonight's speech?

Touting Unemployment rates: Yes, those evil tax cuts again. Amazing what happens in an economy when you limit the govt taking from your paychecks.

Record GDP?? Nope. 1984 was higher in the US.

Infrastructure bill? Aside from the inflation that remains stubbornly high, can anyone explain what it's created?

Number of "uninsured"...another interesting claim. Amazing what happens when you keep tax rates low on employers and they are able to buy benefits for employees....something the former non benefit paying employer inbred doesn't understand.
Orange man bad syndrome on full display^^^^^.

"More disposable household income"....Irony. Considering disposable household income is directly calculated by income AFTER TAXES. Thank you Pres Trump for lowering Fed taxes. What are the odds that Mush will propose raising those taxes tonight's speech?
Americans have more disposable income but yet have to pay bills by using their credit cards. I feel like this is BS number thrown out so morons like greed will eat it up.
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Americans have more disposable income but yet have to pay bills by using their credit cards. I feel like this is BS number thrown out so morons like greed will eat it up.
It’s the same for the atlanta booking photo. They just needed the booking photo
Americans have more disposable income but yet have to pay bills by using their credit cards. I feel like this is BS number thrown out so morons like greed will eat it up.
No doubt a degree of BS built into most of the govt provided numbers. I just find it hilarious, the inbred uses a number supporting the great economy, that is actually derived from "after tax income", created by DJT's low income tax policy. The same tax policy that rubes continually suggest, "isn't fair" to them.
My prediction - it will be one of the shortest SOTU speeches in history. They know exactly how long the drugs last.

He stayed pretty lucid last year, so the cocktail must be dialed in.
Is Hakeem Jeffries alive or is that a corpse? looks dead in a casket.
The top 1% pay almost half of America's taxes, but Pedo-Joe says they need to pay their fair share.

Democrats are idiots.
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The top 1% pay almost half of America's taxes, but Pedo-Joe says they need to pay their fair share.

Democrats are idiots.
After stroking the check that I will on April 15th, I'd be happy to let them pay all of it. I might be turning mentally deranged after this tax season.

Damn it I hate this time of year . . .

oh, and the blonde cvnt is an idiot
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Pedo-Joe breaks the border and now claims he wants to fix it.

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do all of the blacks that he is recognizing have memory loss? After all, they're the ones that were going to cause his kids to "grow up in a racial jungle".

Wonder which ones caused his kids to grow up and smoke crack.
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