Stephen Hawking announces $100 million hunt for alien life

It is unfathomable to me that we are the only intelligent life out there. The universe is just so big. With recent advances in planetary detection we have a much better idea of where to look, and it wouldn't shock me for us to find it in our lifetimes. We couldn't communicate with it, but we'd know it's there and maybe even a little about it.
That is a very confusing headline. They're not giving a $100 million dollar reward...a Russian millionaire is putting that money up to fund a project to look for it.
I hope we don't find it. It's bad enough we have to feel guilty about foreigners. There would be people who felt sorry for these damn things and we would have to send them money.

The search for more bums. Call it off now.
That is a very confusing headline. They're not giving a $100 million dollar reward...a Russian millionaire is putting that money up to fund a project to look for it.

Ah, OK.

We will very soon find extraterrestrial life. Intelligent life, that is going to take a very long time...of course, my tinfoil hat says we already have...and when they bring their full armada, we are beyond screwed.
Ah, OK.

We will very soon find extraterrestrial life. Intelligent life, that is going to take a very long time...of course, my tinfoil hat says we already have...and when they bring their full armada, we are beyond screwed.

There have been a slew of articles recently showing a growing movement among scientist who believe we are close to discovering life elsewhere. There is a lot of noise out of NASA putting a 20 year timetable on it. With the discovery of literally thousands of exoplanets over recent years, earthlike planets are being discovered with regularity. The problem we have now is that our instruments for discovery are outdated. Kepler and Hubble are our primary tools. They have been responsible for finding tons of exoplanets but they lack the power to look into the atmosphere of these planets for signatures of life. There are two projects in the upcoming few years that will see the launch of two new, much more powerful telescopes than Kepler and Hubble. I think this is what's fueling the optimism at NASA.

Then there's another possibility being considered. We've only been looking at the possibility of carbon based life. What about the possibility of a life form based on something entirely different such as methane? These possibilities are being considered as well.

Addressing your "we are beyond screwed" comment, you share that sentiment with Stephen Hawking. He has said numerous times that if we were ever visited by aliens it might not be a great thing. He was drawing parallels to the nightmare that fell upon the Native Americans post 1492. It would be our luck if the first alien identified itself as Pizarro or Cortes. Lol. Hawking announcing this project has created a little bit if amusement because of his past comments.
He has said numerous times that if we were ever visited by aliens it might not be a great thing. He was drawing parallels to the nightmare that fell upon the Native Americans post 1492.

So he thinks we're dumb and weak, yet seeks, to the tune of $100 million, to find these stronger aliens to kill us all.

Sounds like a good write-in candidate for president to me.
Ah, OK.

We will very soon find extraterrestrial life. Intelligent life, that is going to take a very long time...of course, my tinfoil hat says we already have...and when they bring their full armada, we are beyond screwed.

How can you be a Christian with that belief?
I hope we don't find it. It's bad enough we have to feel guilty about foreigners. There would be people who felt sorry for these damn things and we would have to send them money.

The search for more bums. Call it off now.

who says they don't live among us now??
If Fever believes in global warming, I am more confident in my belief that the "consensus" being sold is fallacy.
How can you be a Christian with that belief?

What does being a Christian have to do with anything? God created the Heavens, the earth, and the universe. So anything that is out there obviously is part of God's plan
If Fever believes in global warming, I am more confident in my belief that the "consensus" being sold is fallacy.

So the heavy droughts, the melting of ice caps, raising sea levels, Extreme winters recently and all the weather changes for the worst world wide isn't because of Global Warming?? Ok cheif
This thread has a ton of potential. That's why I predict it will devolve into a religious argument circle jerk. I'm already guilty of promoting it, but sisters comments made me chuckle. Lol.

But here is a tangent I find extremely interesting. Almost every time I read an article about the possibility of discovering life elsewhere it is called a "game changer" in obvious reference to some definitive proof that the bible and Christianity didn't get it right. I disagree. I believe that believers will adjust, say the bible was just misinterpreted, and go right on believing. It will be a "game changer" in that it will be a milestone in science and it will certainly generate discussion. But Christianity still flourishes centuries after Galileo and Copernicus shifted the world view from geocentric to heliocentric.
Its nothing to misinterpreted, it clearly states God created the Heavens, the universe, and earth. And im not just talking about Christianity......all religions Ancient to Modern says the same thing
The ones that do think differently are the same ones who believe there is no Aliens. I mean who isn't to say Aliens are actually the creation of God and we humans is the byproduct of a lifetime experiment of those Aliens?? We don't know
I'm not arguing that point. Just saying that many Christians think differently.

I know. I didn't take it that you were agreeing or disagreeing. My point is since there's nothing that I know of in the Bible that approaches this subject, rifle could just as easily ask if you could be a Christian if you prefer porter house over new york strip.
Walden I guess you believe we are the only human like creatures in all of the universe
So the heavy droughts, the melting of ice caps, raising sea levels, Extreme winters recently and all the weather changes for the worst world wide isn't because of Global Warming?? Ok cheif

You are beyond asinine..(by the way, suggesting to another "they need to get out more", while you still live in mommy's house is freaking hilarious---but I shall not digress)

Frankly I believe there is a higher likelihood of ET life forms throughout the cosmos, than there is a likelihood of MANMADE climate change. Of course the planet's climate is changing. It is always changing. Its changed millions of times over the billions of years its been here. It will continue to change..... regardless which alien life form lives in your mother's basement.
So because I live at home means I don't get out?? Seriously just because I live at home doesn't mean I am locked up in the house all the time. I do enjoy my life, I live on Long Island and 35 mins from NYC. Trust me I get out enough to enjoy life
You honestly think Global Warning is a hoax?? Man you need to get out more

Manmade global warming is horse dung. Follow the money.

As for aliens, who cares? What are we going to do about it? We can't cure the common cold or the flu. We can't get people here to take care of themselves and 80% of the world is a shit hole.
Welp....didn't expect this to head back to Long Island. I wish these threads didn't always turn personal. There's so many possible topics of discussion. We already know who doesn't like each other.
Just don't let it distract you. All right, this guy's giving 100 million to find some aliens out there somewhere. Think he's gonna find 'em?

I don't. Not based on anything scientific. Just a gut feel and pretty much all of history. I think he's betting on a loser here, but at least he's not bumming for his gambling so it's all good.
Manmade global warming is horse dung. Follow the money.

As for aliens, who cares? What are we going to do about it? We can't cure the common cold or the flu. We can't get people here to take care of themselves and 80% of the world is a shit hole.
The common cold or Flu is what would kill off Aliens if they came here. H.G Wells
If it isn't in our solar system we won't find it unless it is sentient and broadcasting out stuff. If it's here (which it probably is, I'm looking at you Europa) it's within reach, but the only observations we'll be able to make on planets in other solar systems will be monitoring to see if we can detect intentionally created signals.
Alien life doesn't necessarily mean sentient life Walden.

So we're looking for plants? Maybe we could bring them back here and have a whole forest of trees from another planet. Maybe the plants there will be able to grow in the Mojave Desert. Then of course, there would be problems with upsetting the natural order of things as they currently exist out there, etc, etc, etc......

Seems like more trouble than it's worth.
Seems subjective.

People think all these computers and living in a fancy mausoleum is advanced.

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