If you actually think I believe you looked it up, youre more of a fool then I think
You all really think Green Bank is totally listening for aliens? That stuff was built to listen to the commies.
Uh, that's Sugar Grove, dumbassWhich has nothing to do with Green Bank (other than the NRQZ) and everything to with AT&T's Etam Earth Station.
Uh, that's Sugar Grove, dumbassWhich has nothing to do with Green Bank (other than the NRQZ) and everything to with AT&T's Etam Earth Station.
No, I meant Green Bank.
And I am telling you that was Sugar Grove.
Sugar Grove was first built for possible research, then Navy communications, then to listen to the Commies, and is now NSA.
You can tour Green Bank. You try to tour the upper base at Sugar Grove and your ass is going to prison or getting shot.