Study Shows Parts of New York Are Among the Most Racist In Country

That statement was solely based on a study of google searches which included the "n" word.

nothing else needs to be said about how dumb that is.
So you agree that Appalachia and the Deep South are also not racist since those are the other red areas on the map?
So you agree that Appalachia and the Deep South are also not racist since those are the other red areas on the map?

No, he will invent his own criteria (which wont be dumb to him, shockingly) which will support his beliefs.
So you agree that Appalachia and the Deep South are also not racist since those are the other red areas on the map?

Poor logic. Using illogical criteria (which region uses the "N" word in google searches the most) to determine which regions are the most racist is comically bad.

That doesn't mean western NY, the Deep South, or Appalachia couldn't be the most racist regions. It just means this "study" is ridiculous in that it has no relevance to racism. If you want me to list examples of how absurd it is, I can.