suggestions for 9mm concealed carry pistol


Platinum Buffalo
Feb 23, 2007
not too pricey med. price range - not for target - just personal protection - for glove box or
concealed carry.
Glock 43.

There are no other options. If anyone on this board gives you any other options, punch them in the nuts and tell them to go to hell because they are stupid.

Edit: Sorry Raoul, but it's true.
Dont take anyones advice on what to buy WITHOUT going to a gun range renting it and actually firing it yourself
Dont take anyones advice on what to buy WITHOUT going to a gun range renting it and actually firing it yourself


(429's statement is true in all situations besides this one. My advice on this issue is 100% accurate.)
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Glock 19 is my top choice also will carry a shield. Hard to beat the gen 5 glock 19 I think it’s still the service weapon of the FBI.

You're looking for a strong antiseptic. o_O
Glock 43.

There are no other options. If anyone on this board gives you any other options, punch them in the nuts and tell them to go to hell because they are stupid.

Edit: Sorry Raoul, but it's true.

I find I have the "Glock shoot down and left" tendency, so I find the S&W more natural to grip. Nothing wrong with either....and the Shield is usually $100 cheaper.
The Glock 19 is too big for a conceal and/or glove box. As Tier Three mentioned, the baby Glock is a far better choice, but even that is too big for me as a conceal. Who the hell wants to walk around with one of those on their hip, try sitting down for a meal with that thing on your hip, etc.? I don't want to be the guy people can see has a gun on them. With that admission, almost all handguns are too big for a conceal unless you plan on wearing a baggy shirt and don't mind a heavy and cumbersome object jabbing into your side.

If you are alright with it not being 9mm, I highly recommend the Kel-Tec P3AT 380. Fully loaded, it is 11 ounces . . . 11 fvcking ounces fully loaded. You don't have to wear it on your hip. It fits in a small zip pouch that easily fits in your back or front pocket. In the outlines of any pants, it looks like a regular cell phone. It was so small that it passed through DCA airport in my backpack undetected.

Does it have the firepower to stop 10 300 lbs. guys? No. But if you need more than 6-7 shots and the ability to stop a serious dispute, it's the way to go.
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not too pricey med. price range - not for target - just personal protection - for glove box or
concealed carry.
MP Shield or Glock 43. Perosnally for what you are talking about I go with the MP Shield. There is a reason someone I know really well and who is on this forum has one.
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I will be sure not to be at the range when you are there.
Most of the time someone I know carries a pocket 380, MP Bodyguard. They hate to shoot it, has a long ass trigger pull. But, it is small and that is easier to carry. Not good for past 7 yards or maybe 10. But, it is a good pocket carry self defense weapon. Don't buy into the BS about a 380. Nobody wants to be shot by a 380. Right now as they travel, from what I hear, the have MP Shield 9mm by the night stand in the room, and a 380 Body Guard as a backup. Same person once traveled cross country with only the 380 bodyguard as it is easy to conceal.


make sure it fits in your fanny pack before you purchase.
Most of the time someone I know carries a pocket 380, MP Bodyguard. They hate to shoot it, has a long ass trigger pull. But, it is small and that is easier to carry. Not good for past 7 yards or maybe 10. But, it is a good pocket carry self defense weapon. Don't buy into the BS about a 380. Nobody wants to be shot by a 380. Right now as they travel, from what I hear, the have MP Shield 9mm by the night stand in the room, and a 380 Body Guard as a backup. Same person once traveled cross country with only the 380 bodyguard as it is easy to conceal.

You need a shotgun for home defense, not a handgun. Remington 870. Alternate your loads with buckshot and slugs. Perfect home defense weapon. Plus, nothing is a better deterrent than hearing the sound of racking that first round.
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You need a shotgun for home defense, not a handgun. Remington 870. Alternate your loads with buckshot and slugs. Perfect home defense weapon. Plus, nothing is a better deterrent than hearing the sound of racking that first round.
He is traveling....and I don't always agree with a shotgun for home defense, it is a great choice But, not always. And, he might have a Mossberg 500
He is traveling....and I don't always agree with a shotgun for home defense, it is a great choice But, not always. And, he might have a Mossberg 500

Sorry. I misread the post. Obviously, "he" doesn't take a shotgun when traveling.
You need a shotgun for home defense, not a handgun.

That's extremely dumb, Tier Three.

Most people's fears that lead them to wanting home defense is the break-in/robbery/murder in the middle of the night. Those situations tend to be close combat which is much better for a handgun than a shotgun. A handgun on/in your nightstand is easy to quickly grab and be ready to shoot. A shotgun requires getting out of bed, going under your bed, maneuvering it to shoot, possibly allowing time for the intruder to wrestle you for it, etc. It is too cumbersome when you need to be able to quickly grab something and shoot. Further, a shotgun isn't always hitting just the intended target. With other family members in the house, buckshot is lethal for them.

Buck load spreads at about an inch per yard. So if the intruder is 9 feet away at the bedroom door when you have your shotgun by your bed, some pellets will miss their mark by at least three inches. When still groggy from just waking up, not being able to see well because it is at night, shaking from fear while also trying to handle a heavy gun, there is a very good chance those three inches won't be centered in the target's body, but rather, will go past him. And with most buckshot, the pellets can penetrate walls and still be lethal to whomever they hit on the other side - in other words, other family members in rooms next door.

No way in hell is a shotgun the best choice for home defense unless you live in Montana and are defending against animals breaking in.
Tldr. Besides, if you think I'm wrong about that, you're a fvcking idiot. I'll trust my law enforcement, military, and firearms instructor friends' opinions over an associate D3 jockstrap washer any day.

Aren't you one of the guys who makes fun of the wvu fan for using "LMAO," "LOL," etc.? Yet here you are using "tldr." Moron.

And it appears that my post was about a dozen sentences. That is too long for your simple-mind, tier three attention?

Tldr. Besides, if you think I'm wrong about that, you're a fvcking idiot.

Wait: if you didn't read it, how did you know I was claiming that your statement was wrong? Oh, so you were lying about not having read it. You'll fit right in with liarherdfan and the guy who pretended to be drunk when he posted.

I'll trust my law enforcement, military, and firearms instructor friends' opinions over an associate D3 jockstrap washer any day.

If they are friends with you, they also must be morons.

Here is an article where 10 experts (it names each, their expertise, etc.) are asked if they'd rather have a pistol, shotgun, or rifle for their home defense gun of choice. Seven of the 10 chose a handgun with one being undecided. They all explain why they made their choice, and many of them say the things I said.

Oh, and your comment about the sound of racking being a deterrent . . . that line is as absurd as it is overused over the last 20 years. I've heard that line numerous times. You think a guy hearing the shotgun is going to be more scared than when he opens your door and sees a handgun pointed at him? Exactly. You think he is going to be more scared hearing the racking and leave instead of you taking a shot at him? Exactly.

The cons of using a shotgun far, far outweigh any of its benefits. A handgun can be just as lethal with far more benefits.
Aside- What about home defense for someone like me that will never go to the range, etc?

I’ve shot a gun only twice in my life - both times shotguns shooting skeet and dove hunting...and drinking heavily.

I’ve thought about getting a gun for home defense but I have zero clue about using one.
Here is an article where 10 experts (it names each, their expertise, etc.) are asked if they'd rather have a pistol, shotgun, or rifle for their home defense gun of choice. Seven of the 10 chose a handgun with one being undecided. They all explain why they made their choice, and many of them say the things I said.

Oh, and your comment about the sound of racking being a deterrent . . . that line is as absurd as it is overused over the last 20 years. I've heard that line numerous times. You think a guy hearing the shotgun is going to be more scared than when he opens your door and sees a handgun pointed at him? Exactly. You think he is going to be more scared hearing the racking and leave instead of you taking a shot at him? Exactly.

The cons of using a shotgun far, far outweigh any of its benefits. A handgun can be just as lethal with far more benefits.

Hell, some of them are saying grab the AR. That's going to over-penetrate both walls AND your target.

Seeing a handgun being pointed at them is scary...but they have to see it. They will hear me racking a pump before they ever get to me. It says GTFO before they ever get to the bedroom. Hell, get a dog...most people won't break in with a dog barking, not because the dog is scary, but because it wakes people up. My little Pom is very good at making a racket if someone is at the door.

If you are worried about over-penetration, or even wall penetration with a miss, get a shotgun and load it with birdshot. I hear you thinking, "birdshot won't stop a man." Yeah it will.

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Aren't you one of the guys who makes fun of the wvu fan for using "LMAO," "LOL," etc.? Yet here you are using "tldr." Moron.

And it appears that my post was about a dozen sentences. That is too long for your simple-mind, tier three attention?

Wait: if you didn't read it, how did you know I was claiming that your statement was wrong? Oh, so you were lying about not having read it. You'll fit right in with liarherdfan and the guy who pretended to be drunk when he posted.

If they are friends with you, they also must be morons.

Here is an article where 10 experts (it names each, their expertise, etc.) are asked if they'd rather have a pistol, shotgun, or rifle for their home defense gun of choice. Seven of the 10 chose a handgun with one being undecided. They all explain why they made their choice, and many of them say the things I said.

Oh, and your comment about the sound of racking being a deterrent . . . that line is as absurd as it is overused over the last 20 years. I've heard that line numerous times. You think a guy hearing the shotgun is going to be more scared than when he opens your door and sees a handgun pointed at him? Exactly. You think he is going to be more scared hearing the racking and leave instead of you taking a shot at him? Exactly.

The cons of using a shotgun far, far outweigh any of its benefits. A handgun can be just as lethal with far more benefits.

I'm not going to waste time posting the dozen+ links listing a shotgun as the best home defense option by numerous other experts. Fact is, you're too arrogant or ignorant to get into a protracted argument with over anything. Your ego won't let you ever bow out gracefully, even when you're proven wrong ten times over. You really should stick to your wheelhouse of music, pop culture, and sports. Anything outside that usually leaves you looking foolish in everyone's eyes but your own.
Buck load spreads at about an inch per yard. So if the intruder is 9 feet away at the bedroom door when you have your shotgun by your bed, some pellets will miss their mark by at least three inches.

I wanted to come back to this, so here goes:

This is totally dependent on loads. And some modern loads are very good at small spreads for home defense use. Here's just one link I found that shows you can get a spread smaller than 2" at 12 feet (really, how far away are you going to be in a home defense situation, not much more unless you own a mansion):

And you are not shooting at a stick. You are shooting at a grown man (I hope). You shoot right at center mass, there isn't shit missing the target. Measure three inches across your chest....and you'll see nothing misses and there will be utter destruction of vital organs at 9 feet. Of course you are going to blast 00 buck right through the perp and at least one wall of sheetrock, so I don't think that's a great idea for in home defense.
FYI, I am not going to join the debate over home defense weapon. There are pluses and minuses to each and yes the AR is a good home defense weapon in some cases.

FYI, my friend's primary home defense weapon is a 9mm pistol. Shotgun as a secondary. And, his shotgun is loaded with bird shot. his AR is a shit hit the fan choice. BUt, those choices are based on where he leaves and his home and the situation. The 9mm is by his bedside and another 9mm under the bead in a lock touch safe and many times the 380 in a shelf or nearby. Muliple flashlights and a a knife nearby as well. The shotgun is in the closet, hidden.

But, he is primarily going to go for the 9mm at night if he hears the bump. And, honestly, if he hears the bump is going into a defensive posture to protect himself and his better half. While calling 911. He is not going to clear his house. His job is to protect his better half and the best way is a defense posture, not going out to clear the house.

If he lived in a more rural environment he might just lean to the AR over the shotgun but, he would still always have a pistol by the bed first. For him, the AT is more familiar than the shogun, offers more firepower, is more maneuverable, and just handles better for him. But, that would be a rural environment and based on his situation. in a home intrusion in a rural environment he likes 30 round magazines. Again, this would be for a rural setting. He would likely go for the AR15. But, he would always have a pistol.

But, where he lives the pistol is a good first option.
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Hell, some of them are saying grab the AR. That's going to over-penetrate both walls AND your target.

And the majority of the experts are saying exactly what I said: handgun.

Seeing a handgun being pointed at them is scary...but they have to see it. They will hear me racking a pump before they ever get to me. It says GTFO before they ever get to the bedroom. Hell, get a dog...most people won't break in with a dog barking, not because the dog is scary, but because it wakes people up. My little Pom is very good at making a racket if someone is at the door.

You can make as much noise as racking your shotgun or a dog to alert an intruder that you're awake. Call 911? Sure. Tell them you've already called 911 and your (hand)gun is ready to shoot? Sure. At that point, if the intruder is concerned about you being awake, he is gone.

However, most people aren't scared about being robbed. They are more concerned about somebody doing physical harm to them. So what's the best way to protect yourself? Get something as fast as you can. If you're sleeping, groggy, and can't see due to the darkness, what is easier, faster, and far better - grabbing the handgun on/in your nightstand or going under your bed, pulling out your shotgun, maneuvering it, etc.? Then, after you get the shotgun, think of all the things you have to do where you can't shoot it . . . opening the door? Nope, you can't shoot and you're attacked. Hitting the light switch? Same. You have to take your hand off of it. Turning a corner? Too bad. The intruder is waiting for you and you don't have the time/space to swing the gun around.

Having a shotgun in that situation is so prohibitive to doing what needs to be done that it is asinine anyone would recommend it.

About a year ago, I woke up in the middle of the night due to a horrendously loud noise that I could tell came from my back entrance where my kitchen is. Nobody would be able to access that area without already going over a fence, through a courtyard, and through a gate. Then, they would have to walk around the yard to get to that door/windows. If somebody was coming at me quickly after I woke up from that noise, there is no way I would have had time to jump out of bed, get under the bed, get a shotgun, get up, etc. An intruder who wanted to get to me would have gotten to me well before then. Then, to have to walk around a house while holding a shotgun? Good luck when the intruder comes out from another room as you're walking past it and jumps you. Your gun is now useless. On the other hand, a handgun is still very valuable.

The noise that woke me up ended up being a lighting system that had been installed recently before I moved here. Since it landed on the floor and it was dark, I didn't see it. So as I explored that part of the house, I was able to keep one hand on my handgun and use the other hand to open doors, go outside, etc.

If I had a shotgun, I would have to take my hand off of the gun, drop the gun down to my side to open doors, etc. The time to be able to do anything with it if I was attacked would result in the gun being useless.
FYI, I am not going to join the debate over home defense weapon.

You did join it by repeatedly saying that your primary home defense weapon is a handgun. Thanks for being smart.

As I said, if you're protecting your house from grizzly bears, take the time to grab the shotgun. You aren't getting in hand-to-hand combat with a bear, and you have time to get the gun and use it. In an intruder (human) situation, you don't have the time or the space to use a shotgun if he wants to get to you. When you wake up as somebody is coming up your stairs or opening your bedroom door, your shotgun is useless. You do have the 2 seconds it takes to grab the handgun from the nightstand.
You did join it by repeatedly saying that your primary home defense weapon is a handgun. Thanks for being smart.

As I said, if you're protecting your house from grizzly bears, take the time to grab the shotgun. You aren't getting in hand-to-hand combat with a bear, and you have time to get the gun and use it. In an intruder (human) situation, you don't have the time or the space to use a shotgun if he wants to get to you. When you wake up as somebody is coming up your stairs or opening your bedroom door, your shotgun is useless. You do have the 2 seconds it takes to grab the handgun from the nightstand.
I did? That is what a friend of mine does.

If someone is in my home, I am not leaving the bedroom unless it is absolutely necessary. My kid is grown. it is just me and my woman, in bed. I guess if someone fvcks with my dogs I am coming out blazing. But seriously, I am taking a defensive position, period. Take my shit, it is insured. I guess you get a seven year old TV and a six year old computer, yippee. You come through the bedroom door, God help you. And I know you are in here, my dogs are going apeshit.

I do not need to hit a light switch. Both of my ready to get home defense options have lighting. And a green laser on the M&P. You can stare at a bright light while your chest gets holes. I can see if the laser shines through your holes to the floor after you do down.

I have one shotgun with a pistol grip. I can maneuver fine with it. I have enough bedroom light so I can see to get it. I don't see the issue, other than you won't back down from your position.

Bottom line: you get what works best for you. I dispelled your myths about spread and penetration because they are myths.

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