suggestions for 9mm concealed carry pistol

If someone is in my home, I am not leaving the bedroom unless it is absolutely necessary. My kid is grown. it is just me and my woman, in bed. I guess if someone fvcks with my dogs I am coming out blazing. But seriously, I am taking a defensive position, period. Take my shit, it is insured. I guess you get a seven year old TV and a six year old computer, yippee. You come through the bedroom door, God help you. And I know you are in here, my dogs are going apeshit.

I do not need to hit a light switch. Both of my ready to get home defense options have lighting. And a green laser on the M&P. You can stare at a bright light while your chest gets holes. I can see if the laser shines through your holes to the floor after you do down.

I have one shotgun with a pistol grip. I can maneuver fine with it. I have enough bedroom light so I can see to get it. I don't see the issue, other than you won't back down from your position.

Bottom line: you get what works best for you. I dispelled your myths about spread and penetration because they are myths.
I agree with you, Raoul. That is exactly my stance. I am not clearing a house. I am defending the room I am in. Nor is my friend and his friend, who owns all the guns. I am going to use my karate skills as I don't think I own any guns.
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I didn’t read the article - was it experts saying what they would use or what is good for the general population?

What about for gun idiots like me? I live in a nice neighborhood but we do have break ins (including our car a couple of years ago). I have three small children too.

Any suggestions? I really don’t have time to go to the gun range (but maybe this is necessary?).
Any suggestions? I really don’t have time to go to the gun range (but maybe this is necessary?).

1. You will absolutely need to go to the range to gain skills and keep them sharp. You don't want to be missing a shot and blasting a round through walls.

2. A reputable gun store with a range that can let you shoot a couple of different guns is a good way to find what you would be comfortable with.

3. I usually recommend a revolver for new gun owners. A .38 Special with a good modern round will most certainly take someone down. That doesn't mean a semi-auto pistol won't feel better to you. It's really something where you need to try some different handguns to see what is best for you. Or get a 12 gauge pump shotgun and load it with #4 birdshot. It will ruin someone's day and not go blasting through 3 walls like buckshot. I know rifle thinks that's crazy, but I'm all for it.

95% of night time burglars are chickenshits and will run just from a dog barking. 4% are stupid enough to stay in a house with a dog barking, because they are high as fvck and stupid. That 4% will run if they see you pointing a gun at them, and sure as hell will run if shot at. The .99% that gives zero fvcks and wants to fight, well you shoot them. And the .1% superman that keeps coming after taking three or four rounds to the chest, well that's what a head shot is for. But what are the odds you run into that superman? Almost zero.
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I would note, at least one of these articles talks about not using slugs. That really depends on the layout of your home. If there is a chance you could be shooting in the direction of another bedroom or living space, of course you wouldn't load slugs. The same way you wouldn't use 9mm ball ammo if you have a handgun for home defense. If, like me, you have an alarm system, a natural bottleneck, and no chance of shooting into another bedroom - then alternating loads is the way to go.
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