Tax question

Always The Herd

Silver Buffalo
Feb 3, 2007
To you tax guru's.....
The company I worked for filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy. With that company I had banked vacation. This vacation could be taken with our supervisor's approval OR could be awarded in a cash settlement upon retirement. The court aproved for the company's request to "do away with this" and make an award to each employee with this type vacation in the amount of "roughly" 1-2% of the actual value. My question is this: can I count this as some type of a loss on my taxes?

but you can count it as another way you got screwed by the republican party
and their pro big business anti middle class judges.

one other thing, the next time you hear a republican talk about getting the govt
off your back remember this, because this is the kind of thing they mean, letting
big business run over and take advantage of their employees.

This post was edited on 2/5 4:13 PM by dherd

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