Taxes are Ridiculous

i am herdman

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 5, 2006
Used to be affordable here but, the libs coming in have changed it.

Over 4 grand for taxes on my house and just paid one of my vehicles and it was damn near $400.

All so the govt can grow and be involved in everything and we can pay people to do nothing.

That doesn't include sales taxes, income taxes, etc.

That shit pisses me off.
My Mother just paid over 18k in property taxes in upstate New York.

Someone has to pay for these millions of illegal foreign nationals Pedo-Joe and his gang have let in to our country.

Democrats, their policies and their bleaters are destroying our country.

Maybe if you con artists actually fixed your state, we could all pay lower fed taxes. But nope, your shithole home state is still, by far, a taker instead of a giver. You're welcome for paying your way.

Maybe if you con artists actually fixed your state, we could all pay lower fed taxes. But nope, your shithole home state is still, by far, a taker instead of a giver. You're welcome for paying your way.
I NC. I live in a blue county. We have a democrat governor.
What needs fixin is for me fixin to get the hell out.
living in WV def is def advantageous when it comes to taxes. my property taxes are minimal in comparison to what it would be in most other states, the real property tax i pay is pennies on the dollar in comparison to many other states. and, beginning with 2024 state income tax, there's a tax credit for PPT timely paid on vehicles.
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living in WV def is def advantageous when it comes to taxes. my property taxes are minimal in comparison to what it would be in most other states, the real property tax i pay is pennies on the dollar in comparison to many other states. and, beginning with 2024 state income tax, there's a tax credit for PPT timely paid on vehicles.
I swear if I were single and looking at the world right now Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, etc might be options. But, damn it would be cold and not much around you. WV is sort of that option on the east coast side of things.
living in WV def is def advantageous when it comes to taxes. my property taxes are minimal in comparison to what it would be in most other states, the real property tax i pay is pennies on the dollar in comparison to many other states. and, beginning with 2024 state income tax, there's a tax credit for PPT timely paid on vehicles.
You must not live in Huntington. Taxes there were close to what i pay here in NC.
Move to Ohio. Reasonable state income tax, RE tax of less than 1% of your home value, no personal property/auto tax to pay every year.
You must not live in Huntington. Taxes there were close to what i pay here in NC.
all property in the state of WV is taxed at the same base rate which is based on assessed value (60% of appraised value). some counties have excess school levies (cabell co just failed their 100% excess school levy that has been in effect for years). a 100% excess levy essentially more than doubles property taxes. other taxes you may have been paying, i don't know, could be excess levy for the city of huntington (i don't know that huntington does or doesn't have one), a fire levy (again, don't know if there's one in effect or not), and other excess property tax levies.

as assessed values are calculated based on the appraised value by the elected assessor, appraised values can vary county to county. as the assessor is an elected position, there's more of a chance they'll underappraise property to keep getting elected than not.
But nope, your shithole home state is still, by far, a taker


How much is California stealing from taxpayers to support illegal foreign nationals?

Well...Let's talk about it. Mass illegal immigration and misguided state policies that provide illegal alien with benefits and services now cost California's shrinking tax base nearly $31 billion a year, according to a newly-released cost analysis by the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR).

Just think what that money could do for the homeless US Veterans and the hungry in our own country. Imagine what St. Judes could do with that money to help our children with cancer. $31 billion doesn't even come CLOSE to the subsidies that the fine State of West Virginia receives.

You're a bleater and a dumbass.
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How much is California stealing from taxpayers to support illegal foreign nationals?

Mass illegal immigration and misguided state policies that provide illegal alien with benefits and services now cost California's shrinking tax base nearly $31 billion a year, according to a newly-released cost analysis by the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR).

Just think what that money could do for the homeless US Veterans and the hungry in our own country. Imagine what St. Judes could do with that money to help our children with cancer.

You're a bleater and a dumbass.
They want illegals. The Dems do for these reasons:

California loses population which means they lose a congressional seat in the House. Bring in illegals and make them legal and it stops the bleeding.

Second, nationally, they want illegals to gain and keep power. The more people you can control the more power you have. Illegals are a gateway to that. You want addicted to govt masses and an electorate that can't or won't question anything. It is a numbers game.
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They want illegals. The Dems do for these reasons:

California loses population which means they lose a congressional seat in the House. Bring in illegals and make them legal and it stops the bleeding.

Second, nationally, they want illegals to gain and keep power. The more people you can control the more power you have. Illegals are a gateway to that. You want addicted to govt masses and an electorate that can't or won't question anything. It is a numbers game.

Evidently, even with its massive debt, California has plenty of money to give to foreign criminals. So what's Pedo-puss bitching about?
Evidently, even with its massive debt, California has plenty of money to give to foreign criminals. So what's Pedo-puss bitching about?
Maybe they do have money but, the large cities in America are not sustainable and will turn into waste towns. They are heading towards disaster. That's the part people don't get. The divide in America is between rural/small town vs urban.

Take Atlanta, the rest of GA is much different. Go outside of Raleigh and Charlotte and NC is much different. Detroit is much different than rural Michigan. The list goes on and on. Austin, TX is different than the rest of Texas.

Cities like San Francisco, Chicago, New York, etc are on a path to destruction.
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