Thank you for serving your country, Says The Tax Man

i am herdman

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 5, 2006
Helped someone we know do their taxes who is serving in the military. Between state and federal taxes they paid(after any refunds) nearly 10K in taxes.

Thanks for serving your country, going through hell, jumping out of airplanes, and breaking down your body so ingrates, low lifes, lazy asses, porch dwellars, and useless asses can sit around all day and we can funnel money to Ukraine. So we can gut rot our schools and worry about changing Johnny's sex to a girl.

Damn Theft
Im ignorant on it - are active duty wages still taxed? I didn’t know that.


By the time they get through with deductions, you're poverty level until you make at least E-4. Then you just might be able to afford a car loan.

Of course, that doesn't stop lower ranked enlisted from getting car loans with credit card interest rates and paying $40k for a Nissan Altima.
Helped someone we know do their taxes who is serving in the military. Between state and federal taxes they paid(after any refunds) nearly 10K in taxes.
Serves them right for being stupid enough to let you do their taxes.
Greed the Inbred approves of this. He needs his govt check every month
If it's good enough for U S civilians, it's good enough for the military. You stupid lying idiot.
Helped someone we know do their taxes who is serving in the military. Between state and federal taxes they paid(after any refunds) nearly 10K in taxes.

Thanks for serving your country, going through hell, jumping out of airplanes, and breaking down your body so ingrates, low lifes, lazy asses, porch dwellars, and useless asses can sit around all day and we can funnel money to Ukraine. So we can gut rot our schools and worry about changing Johnny's sex to a girl.

Damn Theft
I never made enough to pay taxes in military guess they must get paid more now of course. Sure it is still not enough but the bennies are good.
Serves them right for being stupid enough to let you do their taxes.

If it's good enough for U S civilians, it's good enough for the military. You stupid lying idiot.
Who does your taxes? Do they know to report all that under the table money?

Yehh getting perhaps shot at, junping out of planes, humping 100 lbs on your back and deploying equates to lazy bums getting earne income tax credits.
That is nuts to me. I had no clue.

We don’t have a tax income problem in this country, we have a spending problem. Active duty military , especially if over seas or in the shi* or those making less than six figures should not be paying income tax.
You do get tax free for being in a hostile fire zone.

There was a President who was trying to do away with the tax free in the war zones. You will never guess who that was.
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That is nuts to me. I had no clue.

We don’t have a tax income problem in this country, we have a spending problem. Active duty military , especially if over seas or in the shi* or those making less than six figures should not be paying income tax.
Yep, state and federal taxes. You pay taxes to you home state if they have state income tax.

Hey, but if you jump from airplanes you get $150 a month.
That is nuts to me. I had no clue.

They're not telling you the whole story.

An 18 year old private (E-1) is going to make about $2k per month. Tough to live on that, huh? Well, not really, when you consider what they don't have to pay for and what the others on here conveniently forgot to mention: they get housing and food for free. And they get 100% medical. And they get a nice pension started. And they get at least 30 days leave. And none of that stuff is taxed.

In other words, $2000 to cover a vehicle if they want one, entertainment, and clothes with complete medical and a pension. That's far better than the basic entry level position. And if they have/want their own housing, they get additional money for housing and approximately $320/month for food to the lowest level.


By the time they get through with deductions, you're poverty level until you make at least E-4.
Bullsh!t. The lowest E-1 pay doesn't even come out to poverty level AND that's not including that they get housing and food paid for. Why lie?
Definitely not you. Now tell the rest of the story and provide the person's income.
Full story? What they are getting rich or something?
They're not telling you the whole story.

An 18 year old private (E-1) is going to make about $2k per month. Tough to live on that, huh? Well, not really, when you consider what they don't have to pay for and what the others on here conveniently forgot to mention: they get housing and food for free. And they get 100% medical. And they get a nice pension started. And they get at least 30 days leave. And none of that stuff is taxed.

In other words, $2000 to cover a vehicle if they want one, entertainment, and clothes with complete medical and a pension. That's far better than the basic entry level position. And if they have/want their own housing, they get additional money for housing and approximately $320/month for food to the lowest level.

Bullsh!t. The lowest E-1 pay doesn't even come out to poverty level AND that's not including that they get housing and food paid for. Why lie?
Maybe you should have tried it. You know what life is like for an infantry E1(or other combat arms)? or enlisted guy or hell up to a Captain? Hell, people at Chic Fil A are making $20 an hour. Pension Depends on what plan you go in on. The old system is nothing unless you do 20 years. E1 pay equals about $11 an hour, but that is working 40 hours a week. They are working more than 40. In basic training it would sort of be like being in prison. Total control.

Get to unit? Guys in the 82nd rotate on IRF. So no travel for weeks or months outside of 50 miles or a couple hours. No life, Go to field. Barracks inspections. Train more , go to field. Night jumps.

So, how does that equate to an hourly wage?

Oh want to be an infantry officer? Welcome to 5 months of IBOLC. Off to Ranger school better pass( thats a living hell), Airborne School. Duty station , working 60 plus hours a week. Humpint , rucking, responsible for 30 joes or so. Staff duty, jumps, IRF , deployments, etc. That will get you a balmy 45k a year. No free uniforms for you. YOu do get a housing allowance.

Your body gets beat down and broken. it isn't glorious.

These guys don't make great money. Then, they tax it so all these lazy ass bums and ingrates in the country can enjoy it. There are plenty of troops getting food stamps and in particular if they have a family.
Look at the libs on here justifying taxation of the troops but they will justify a bunch of porch sitters and bumbs doing nothing and getting breaks, earned income credit, welfare, healthcare, etc.
Look at the libs on here justifying taxation of the troops but they will justify a bunch of porch sitters and bumbs doing nothing and getting breaks, earned income credit, welfare, healthcare, etc.
Look at the idiot^^^defending guys and gals living ENTIRELY on the government teat. Housing, food, benefits, retirement.
Look at the idiot^^^defending guys and gals living ENTIRELY on the government teat. Housing, food, benefits, retirement.
hahahaa, yehhh well why didn't you do it? Huggh? You equate doing that to sitting on a porch being a bum?

Guys like you don't last one day. Of course you likely were to big of a pussy to try.

Look at greed, equates serving the country in the nationa defense to doing nothing and grabbing checks on the dole. Look at the libs in this thread.

Greeds the type of guy that never made anything of himself and is angry at the world.
Point is we are taxed to death in this country and they even do it to our troops. Too many people not pulling their weight.
Full story? What they are getting rich or something?
This is a straw man free zone. I didn't say they were getting rich. But they are far from "poverty level" like Meg said.

$2k/month with no housing or food costs for an 18 year old isn't bad. Add to it that they have 100% medical, a quality pension, and that those extra benefits aren't taxed, and it's not too bad of a deal.

Hell, people at Chic Fil A are making $20 an hour.
Could these enlistees not figure out the Chic-Fil-A application or something?

The reality is that the overwhelming majority of enlistees aren't doing it because they want to serve their country. They are doing it because it is their best option. If they felt like $20/hour at Chic-Fil-A was their best option, then they'd jump all over it.

Depends on what plan you go in on. The old system is nothing unless you do 20 years. .
Uhh, yeah. That's how pensions work. You have to put in significant years (unless you play in the NFL). And then when/if they do leave after 20 years, they get about 50% of their highest average monthly income of 36 months. So a guy making $70k after 20 years of service can then retire at age 40 with about $3k/month and 100% medical. Sorry, but that's not too shabby.

A Marshall teammate of mine retired less than a year ago. He's in that boat. He now gets $3000+/month for life and free health insurance. Do the math and see what that works out to if he lives the normal age of a U.S. male. Break it down by his 20 years of service, and it would have meant making an additional $75k per year for each of his service years.

Sorry, but those tears don't impact me.

I have about 10 ex military (that I know of) who work for me. I didn't know it was that many until my HR department informed me prior to last Veteran's Day. One of them gets about $4000/month pension. Another was shot three times and gets about $4500/month pension for the rest of his life. . . and he is in his early 30s.

Considering that pension equates to making about $75k more per year of their service, and suddenly their pay doesn't look so bad, huh?

Thank your favorite tax payer who pays $100k a year in taxes.
This is a straw man free zone. I didn't say they were getting rich. But they are far from "poverty level" like Meg said.

$2k/month with no housing or food costs for an 18 year old isn't bad. Add to it that they have 100% medical, a quality pension, and that those extra benefits aren't taxed, and it's not too bad of a deal.

Could these enlistees not figure out the Chic-Fil-A application or something?

The reality is that the overwhelming majority of enlistees aren't doing it because they want to serve their country. They are doing it because it is their best option. If they felt like $20/hour at Chic-Fil-A was their best option, then they'd jump all over it.

Uhh, yeah. That's how pensions work. You have to put in significant years (unless you play in the NFL). And then when/if they do leave after 20 years, they get about 50% of their highest average monthly income of 36 months. So a guy making $70k after 20 years of service can then retire at age 40 with about $3k/month and 100% medical. Sorry, but that's not too shabby.

A Marshall teammate of mine retired less than a year ago. He's in that boat. He now gets $3000+/month for life and free health insurance. Do the math and see what that works out to if he lives the normal age of a U.S. male. Break it down by his 20 years of service, and it would have meant making an additional $75k per year for each of his service years.

Sorry, but those tears don't impact me.

I have about 10 ex military (that I know of) who work for me. I didn't know it was that many until my HR department informed me prior to last Veteran's Day. One of them gets about $4000/month pension. Another was shot three times and gets about $4500/month pension for the rest of his life. . . and he is in his early 30s.

Considering that pension equates to making about $75k more per year of their service, and suddenly their pay doesn't look so bad, huh?

Thank your favorite tax payer who pays $100k a year in taxes.

Yehhh, he got ****ing shot. Hey great deal buddy, but you have to get ****ing shot? Sorry about your legs and you are in a wheelchair. Those guys don't make jack. We can all look up the pay scales.

. Private sector pay is far more. Even if you are a company commander which would be a captain and are making 75 k a year it would be far more in private sector. If you are in charge of 120 guys and millions in equipment and leading battle plans, what would you make private sector? Hell, I work at a 70 million a year company and we only have 180 employees. Oh, and you are going to have zero life, be gone for weeks or months at a time in many cases.

Oh, I guess I can thank myself per your request.
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. Private sector pay is far more. Even if you are a company commander which would be a captain and are making 75 k a year it would be far more in private sector. If you are in charge of 120 guys and millions in equipment and leading battle plans, what would you make private sector?
So break it down. If they serve 20 years and made $75k for their highest three years of pay, and assuming they live to be 78 years old, it would be like making an additional $75k per year of service. So that $75k pay now looks a lot more like $150k . . . with housing pay, food pay, and 100% insurance. Sorry, but that's a pretty hell of a deal.
So break it down. If they serve 20 years and made $75k for their highest three years of pay, and assuming they live to be 78 years old, it would be like making an additional $75k per year of service. So that $75k pay now looks a lot more like $150k . . . with housing pay, food pay, and 100% insurance. Sorry, but that's a pretty hell of a deal.
why didn't you do it? why don't more people do it? I will tell you why. It is not an easy life at all. For them or for their families.
Bullsh!t. The lowest E-1 pay doesn't even come out to poverty level AND that's not including that they get housing and food paid for. Why lie?

You can pretend to know what you're talking about to an audience who doesn't know any better, but not to the actual Veterans on this board, you fvcking moron.

When I got out as an E-4 with 3 years I cleared less than $400 every 2 weeks.

In the ARMY, you know, an actual branch of the US military in which you were too chicken shit to serve, you are only authorized 4 hours rest in a 24 hour period. You will work 12 hour days when not out on field exercises. When you're out in the field, you're out there 24/7 eating bullshit that rats would eat, trying to sleep in freezing temps so cold you wake every morning with a sore throat.

I could go on about this "well compensated employment," but a precious little tender foot like you could never truly understand.
hahahaa, yehhh well why didn't you do it? Huggh? You equate doing that to sitting on a porch being a bum?

Guys like you don't last one day. Of course you likely were to big of a pussy to try.

Look at greed, equates serving the country in the nationa defense to doing nothing and grabbing checks on the dole. Look at the libs in this thread.

Greeds the type of guy that never made anything of himself and is angry at the world.
Malarkey^^^. You're just nothing but a lying idiot. Just...a...lying...idiot.
So break it down. If they serve 20 years and made $75k for their highest three years of pay, and assuming they live to be 78 years old, it would be like making an additional $75k per year of service. So that $75k pay now looks a lot more like $150k . . . with housing pay, food pay, and 100% insurance. Sorry, but that's a pretty hell of a deal.
You only earn half of your base pay in retirement, dumbass. You also only get BAS and BAQ while on active duty but even then it often doesn't cover anything but a shit hole to live in and a shoestring budget for food.

Pay is much better than it was back when I served. How does it compare to when... Oh that's right, you never did.
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why didn't you do it?
Because I had better options when I was 18, and 22, and 25, and . . .

But for those who don't have better options, you can make a good living for yourself. That former teammate wasn't quite a rocket scientist. At 22, it was the best option for him, and I can't imagine he would have ever been in a position to get $3k/month for the rest of his life had he tried doing anything else.

I will tell you why. It is not an easy life at all. For them or for their families.
Well, there's always Chic-Fil-A.

I didn't say that it was an easy life. I said that what Meg said was false. They do NOT live at poverty level. Even if you take just the lowest base pay, it isn't poverty level. When you add in free housing, food, and medical (not even counting the pension), it is way above poverty level.

You can pretend to know what you're talking about to an audience who doesn't know any better, but not to the actual Veterans on this board, you fvcking moron.
Well, you don't know what you're talking about:

When I got out as an E-4 with 3 years I cleared less than $400 every 2 weeks.
Sounds like you need a new accountant.

Today (ya' know, what we are talking about compared to 20 years ago, Meg). an E-4 with 3 years would earn about $2800/month. That means, they'd clear over $2000/month after taxes . . . with free housing, food, and medical (or at least untaxed payments for those things).

So you're trying to tell us that they have basically raised the pay about 250% from when when you were playing G.I. Joe? I doubt that.

you were too chicken shit to serve,
Your keyboard autocorrected "smart" to "chicken shit."

You will work 12 hour days when not out on field exercises. When you're out in the field, you're out there 24/7 eating bullshit that rats would eat, trying to sleep in freezing temps so cold you wake every morning with a sore throat.
I missed the part where I claimed it was hot tubs and pedicures multiple times per week.

I could go on about this "well compensated employment," but a precious little tender foot like you could never truly understand.
Good thing we don't have to rely on your claims, since they don't align with what the military publishes.

You only earn half of your base pay in retirement, dumbass.
Uhh, yeah, that's what I said. Let me go over it again: If a guy is making $70k each of his last three years (assuming those are his three highest paid), then after 20 years, he could retire and earn about $3k per month for life. What part of the math was too difficult for you. Before calling somebody "dumbass," you should probably use a calculator to assist you.

This is further proof that the overwhelming majority don't have better options (read: not too bright).

You also only get BAS and BAQ while on active duty but even then it often doesn't cover anything but a shit hole to live in and a shoestring budget for food.
Oh? The monthly food stipend, untaxed, is $455. Quite the shoestring food budget, eh, champagne and caviar kid?

Pay is much better than it was back when I served.

Again, nobody cares, crybaby. We are talking about now, since the guy Herdman did taxes for is serving, which is the issue at hand.

Herdman, when are you going to teach your son how to do his own taxes. Ever hear of Turbo Tax or H&R?

How does it compare to when... Oh that's right, you never did.
Again, better options. Remember?
Because I had better options when I was 18, and 22, and 25, and . . .

But for those who don't have better options, you can make a good living for yourself. That former teammate wasn't quite a rocket scientist. At 22, it was the best option for him, and I can't imagine he would have ever been in a position to get $3k/month for the rest of his life had he tried doing anything else.

Well, there's always Chic-Fil-A.

I didn't say that it was an easy life. I said that what Meg said was false. They do NOT live at poverty level. Even if you take just the lowest base pay, it isn't poverty level. When you add in free housing, food, and medical (not even counting the pension), it is way above poverty level.

Well, you don't know what you're talking about:

Sounds like you need a new accountant.

Today (ya' know, what we are talking about compared to 20 years ago, Meg). an E-4 with 3 years would earn about $2800/month. That means, they'd clear over $2000/month after taxes . . . with free housing, food, and medical (or at least untaxed payments for those things).

So you're trying to tell us that they have basically raised the pay about 250% from when when you were playing G.I. Joe? I doubt that.

Your keyboard autocorrected "smart" to "chicken shit."

I missed the part where I claimed it was hot tubs and pedicures multiple times per week.

Good thing we don't have to rely on your claims, since they don't align with what the military publishes.

Uhh, yeah, that's what I said. Let me go over it again: If a guy is making $70k each of his last three years (assuming those are his three highest paid), then after 20 years, he could retire and earn about $3k per month for life. What part of the math was too difficult for you. Before calling somebody "dumbass," you should probably use a calculator to assist you.

This is further proof that the overwhelming majority don't have better options (read: not too bright).

Oh? The monthly food stipend, untaxed, is $455. Quite the shoestring food budget, eh, champagne and caviar kid?

Again, nobody cares, crybaby. We are talking about now, since the guy Herdman did taxes for is serving, which is the issue at hand.

Herdman, when are you going to teach your son how to do his own taxes. Ever hear of Turbo Tax or H&R?

Again, better options. Remember?
Yehh I have heard of turbo tax. What's wrong with helping someone? Maybe some people have been gone for several weeks with no phone and doing who knows what. So, they don't have to time to do it or limited time to do it. If one of us has the program not had to plug on the numbers for them.
Yehh I have heard of turbo tax. What's wrong with helping someone? Maybe some people have been gone for several weeks with no phone and doing who knows what. So, they don't have to time to do it or limited time to do it. If one of us has the program not had to plug on the numbers for them.
Nothing is wrong with it. I just didn't take you for being a helicopter parent.
Nothing is wrong with it. I just didn't take you for being a helicopter parent.
Ok, hahaha. I have the program. Takes a minute or two to plug in the numbers. Can do it all by email. But, that's what yoiu do for folks in the military, help em out. Hell, the govt robs them and us enough.

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