Thank you President Biden for your strong leadership (again): "Biden administration reaches tentative deal to avert rail strike"

Blame low wages on the Republicans ,unemployment rate was low and admittedly you know the stock market did very well

The unemployment rate was low because so many job-seekers had their unemployment expire...

"During the Obama administration, a major reason the unemployment rate declined was that fewer people were in the labor force because what the BLS calls the labor participation rate continually declined as people gave up the search for a job or retired. For purposes of the official unemployment rate, if you have not looked for a job in the past 30 days, the BLS considers you out of the labor force.

Under President Obama, labor participation hit lows last seen in the late 1970s."

Hmmm... Latel 1970s... Anyone remember the economic malaise of Jimmy Carter's term???

At least back up your positions with real and relevant information rather than the tired and worn-out media soundbites that you parrot...
The unemployment rate was low because so many job-seekers had their unemployment expire...

"During the Obama administration, a major reason the unemployment rate declined was that fewer people were in the labor force because what the BLS calls the labor participation rate continually declined as people gave up the search for a job or retired. For purposes of the official unemployment rate, if you have not looked for a job in the past 30 days, the BLS considers you out of the labor force.

Under President Obama, labor participation hit lows last seen in the late 1970s."

Hmmm... Latel 1970s... Anyone remember the economic malaise of Jimmy Carter's term???

At least back up your positions with real and relevant information rather than the tired and worn-out media soundbites that you parrot...
Republicans continually fought to keep the minimum wage low so many were better off not working than working for low wages so they left the workforce. Unfortunately it did not end so rosy for Trump.
Republicans continually fought to keep the minimum wage low so many were better off not working than working for low wages so they left the workforce. Unfortunately it did not end so rosy for Trump.

More ifs, ands and but Trump...

Minimum wage does not equate with wage growth, especially "real" wage growth...

  • According to the Wall Street Journal, wages for "rank-and-file" workers were growing at the fastest rate in a decade, outpacing those of their bosses.
  • Wages for the bottom quarter of workers were outpacing gains for high income workers.
  • Wages for Black Americans were growing even faster. After years of stagnation, President Trump's economy finally accelerated wage growth for Black workers.
Your tired and worn-out soundbites don't work. Try something new for a change, like facts...
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Republicans continually fought to keep the minimum wage low so many were better off not working than working for low wages so they left the workforce. Unfortunately it did not end so rosy for Trump.
What doe raising minimum wage do other than drive up prices?
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Republicans continually fought to keep the minimum wage low so many were better off not working than working for low wages so they left the workforce. Unfortunately it did not end so rosy for Trump.

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You’re asking a former “computer room” janitor a question about hourly wages. He has no idea how that works. Just knew his check would show up every couple of weeks. (Just like his welfare *cough* SSI *cough* checks do now.)
I was a computer operator . I know if poor people have more money they spend thus raising the earnings of companies . Earnings are what drives stock prices. I draw social security for all the years I worked and I do not draw any SSI or welfare checks. You keep repeating lies Raleigh.
I was a computer operator . I know if poor people have more money they spend thus raising the earnings of companies . Earnings are what drives stock prices. I draw social security for all the years I worked and I do not draw any SSI or welfare checks. You keep repeating lies Raleigh.
Poor people raise stock prices? Hilarious.

SS…welfare with a different name.
Poor people raise stock prices? Hilarious.

SS…welfare with a different name.
How something you pay into be welfare? You are hopeless die hard Republican who might have more money than most people. Poor people spend money and the more they have they spend it . Corporations make more money because they spend more. Do the math.
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Henry Ford was an exception to the rule. He paid good wages to his workers and said they would buy more cars. But most would not want to pay good wages or have benefits if they did not have unions.
About 10 percent of American workers are union. Many of them in government.
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that is part of the problem today union busting starting with Reagan has hurt workers wages while executives have increased their income many times over.

So if it's not Trump’s fault it must be Reagan's?

Let's look at some information that runs counter to your partisan talking points...

"However, under a new reading of the Landrum-Griffin Act, the Department of Labor took action against consulting agencies related to filing of required reports in only three cases after 1966, and between 1968 and 1974 it filed no actions at all. By the late 1970s, consulting agencies had stopped filing reports."

"From 1960 to 2000 the percentage of workers in the United States belonging to a labor union fell from 30% to 13%, almost all of that decline being in the private sector."

Reagan was actually a union president...

"For seven terms, Ronald Reagan served as president of the Screen Actors Guild of America, where he negotiated groundbreaking contracts providing fair payments, health insurance, and pension benefits to members."

Though he did get tough with labor unions, especially the air traffic controllers, during his presidency.
So if it's not Trump’s fault it must be Reagan's?

Let's look at some information that runs counter to your partisan talking points...

"However, under a new reading of the Landrum-Griffin Act, the Department of Labor took action against consulting agencies related to filing of required reports in only three cases after 1966, and between 1968 and 1974 it filed no actions at all. By the late 1970s, consulting agencies had stopped filing reports."

"From 1960 to 2000 the percentage of workers in the United States belonging to a labor union fell from 30% to 13%, almost all of that decline being in the private sector."

Reagan was actually a union president...

"For seven terms, Ronald Reagan served as president of the Screen Actors Guild of America, where he negotiated groundbreaking contracts providing fair payments, health insurance, and pension benefits to members."

Though he did get tough with labor unions, especially the air traffic controllers, during his presidency.
Well shit. Oldies dentures just fell out.
So if it's not Trump’s fault it must be Reagan's?

Let's look at some information that runs counter to your partisan talking points...

"However, under a new reading of the Landrum-Griffin Act, the Department of Labor took action against consulting agencies related to filing of required reports in only three cases after 1966, and between 1968 and 1974 it filed no actions at all. By the late 1970s, consulting agencies had stopped filing reports."

"From 1960 to 2000 the percentage of workers in the United States belonging to a labor union fell from 30% to 13%, almost all of that decline being in the private sector."

Reagan was actually a union president...

"For seven terms, Ronald Reagan served as president of the Screen Actors Guild of America, where he negotiated groundbreaking contracts providing fair payments, health insurance, and pension benefits to members."

Though he did get tough with labor unions, especially the air traffic controllers, during his presidency.
That was before he became a republican.