Thanks Mr. PRESIDENT!!!

Damn percentage wise it sure does look like Clinton and Obama hate coal 39.5% and 7.3%. And based on total numbers Clinton and Obama have lost more jobs than Bush I,II and Reagan. 17353 to 17261

Throwing all facts aside, I guess you could come up with about just did.
Throwing all facts aside, I guess you could come up with about just did.
Actually those are facts nice try though. If you have a problem with percentages I can concede that because all I did was a basic average but you can't argue hard numbers
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Technology and the ability to strip/mountain top recovery had more to do with decreases of mining jobs throughout the 80s and 90s compared to economic/regulatory losses now. Obummer has delivered exactly what he promised. Libs should be celebrating this accomplishment. Greed once again attempting to argue apples and oranges.

I will cheer anything that slows MTR.

MTR is an abomination to God and His earth.

But I think it is clear the market (that thing conservatives worship) is killing coal in the Appalachian Basin. The easy coal is gone. Period.
Don't blame me I just used the number you provided

You abused them.

Reagan: lost 40,276 in 8 years= -5034 per year
Bush 1: lost 21,301 in 4 years = -5325 per year
Clinton; lost 28,574 in 8 years= -3571 per year
Bush 2: gained 9,771 in 8 years= +1221 per year
Obama: lost 21,155 in 7 years = -3022 per year
You abused them.

Reagan: lost 40,276 in 8 years= -5034 per year
Bush 1: lost 21,301 in 4 years = -5325 per year
Clinton; lost 28,574 in 8 years= -3571 per year
Bush 2: gained 9,771 in 8 years= +1221 per year
Obama: lost 21,155 in 7 years = -3022 per year
I didn't abuse them I added the. And took an average of the percentage lost.
I didn't abuse them I added the. And took an average of the percentage lost.

Of course you abused them. It's plain as day that 3 of the 4 previous presidents presided over larger numbers of coal job losses than the guy who instigated a war on coal.
I will cheer anything that slows MTR.

MTR is an abomination to God and His earth.

But I think it is clear the market (that thing conservatives worship) is killing coal in the Appalachian Basin. The easy coal is gone. Period.

I believe you are partially correct. The "market" has little choice but to respond when the demand for it in this country is being eliminated....less by market created force, more by govt mandated edict (electrical utility conversion to nat gas). Let's remember there is no true free "market" in the utilities industry anyway. Hasn't been for multiple decades. They are govt sponsored/supported/legalized monopolies.
It's not my fault you can't get the answer you want without misrepresenting the numbers.
Once again I'm not misrepresenting anything. I used your numbers. I never claimed your numbers or analysis was false. All I did was take a different look at your numbers. It's the same thing you do all the time
Well, here's the deal,......

Twice as many coal miners lost their jobs under Reagan than under Obama.
And here's the deal more coal jobs lost under democrats than repubs

Yep, Obama's war on coal has not been near as successful as Reagan's war on coal, or bush 1s war on coal. Obama sucks at the war on coal game.
Yep, Obama's war on coal has not been near as successful as Reagan's war on coal, or bush 1s war on coal. Obama sucks at the war on coal game.
To bad him and his democrat partner have caused more job losses than the three previous repub presidents
To bad him and his democrat partner have caused more job losses than the three previous repub presidents

Too bad that Clinton and Obama (the war on coal overlord) lost less coal jobs than St. Ronnie and Bush 1.
Yep, Obama's war on coal has not been near as successful as Reagan's war on coal, or bush 1s war on coal. Obama sucks at the war on coal game.
Yep, Obama's war on coal has not been near as successful as Reagan's war on coal, or bush 1s war on coal. Obama sucks at the war on coal game.
The past two democrats were better at destroying coal jobs than the last three repubs FACT and eg can't handle it
The past two democrats were better at destroying coal jobs than the last three repubs FACT and eg can't handle it

Obama (war on coal overlord) and Clinton suffered less coal job losses than St. Ronnie and "read my lips". 429 can't handle it.
Obama (war on coal overlord) and Clinton suffered less coal job losses than St. Ronnie and "read my lips". 429 can't handle it.
Why not include W. Oh that's right it doesn't fit your narrative. I included all presidents in my analysis. You, in typical fashion, ignore facts and data
Why not include W. Oh that's right it doesn't fit your narrative. I included all presidents in my analysis. You, in typical fashion, ignore facts and data

Fine, you want to use the last 3 repubs, I'll use the last 3 dems which would include Carter. I can't find exact coal mine job gains under Carter, but the number would easily exceed the coal jobs gained under Bush 2.

Fine, you want to use the last 3 repubs, I'll use the last 3 dems which would include Carter. I can't find exact coal mine job gains under Carter, but the number would easily exceed the coal jobs gained under Bush 2.

I just used your original data. Now your changing the argument again like you always do.
No. This was my original argument.............

"Twice as many coal miners lost their jobs under Reagan than under Obama.
No. This was my original argument.............

"Twice as many coal miners lost their jobs under Reagan than under Obama.
It not my fault if you ignored my acknowledging that. It's also not my fault you can't handle when people do to you exactly what you do in every thread.
How did you acknowlege it? With a silent nod on the other end of a internet connection? What do you mean I can't handle it?