Ok everyone has the opportunity to end up at the same destination in life. No matter how bumpy the road. Is that better?!?!?!
Ok everyone has the opportunity to end up at the same destination in life. No matter how bumpy the road. Is that better?!?!?!
Extra, also, please explain to me how my opportunities were different from those in my same community and
school district.
Extra, where do you get the notion that I had the same childhood as everyone else...please explain that
Extra, also, please explain to me how my opportunities were different from those in my same community and
school district.
Congratulations to you and your friend going for his PhD. Is it safe to assume that both of you had role models of high character that far exceeded that of your parents. (A form of Remote-Parenting)
Extre, that explains NOTHING...since we're discussing opportunities here...education, income, health...these are NOT opportunities. Parents being supportive of their kids' school, interests, and sports is Classic good parenting...a parenting issue...not an opportunity in and of itself. Don't confuse parenting issues with opportunities.
Poor parenting can stifle opportunities for their kids, just as good parenting can promote opportunities for kids.
Fev, sounds like your mother is a wonderful person and a great role model. You are truly lucky.
Kids not having food, water, electricity, absentee parents...big time suck...PARENTING Problems impacting on kids' lives...your opportunities to have a different and better life starts beyond those schoolhouse doors.
I absolutely know the meaning of opportunity. I took full advantage of the opportunities in my life to better myself.
I did it by getting an education...the same education that was made available to ALL the kids in my area. Lots of kids chose to turn their backs on that education which resulted in many of them becoming losers.
As stated previously, same books, same materials, same lectures, same opportunity to soak in some education.some in that room took advantage of the opportunity to learn, some in that room turned their backs on that opportunity
There is no such thing as having the SAME opportunity. It doesn't exist.
Breakfast, supper, glasses, health... Sounds like parenting issues to me. IQ... Some say we go with what God gave us in that department, I Wii agree that a lower IQ might lower a person' opportunities, but it is NOT an opportunity of and by itself . If you worked 6 hours after school to help provide for the family, then that sounds like poor parenting by adults not being responsible enough to provide for their offspring. Poor choices by adults often impact on the kids lifestyle, but you can't deny that you still had the opportunity to go to school and get an education.
No, they didn't have the same set of circumstances as you. Some may have gone without breakfast, some may have gone without supper, some may have needed glasses they couldn't afford, some may have been unhealthy, some may have not had the same IQ, some may have had to work 6 hours after school each day, and the list is endless. There is no such thing as having the SAME opportunity. It doesn't exist.
Thank God I had opportunity and freedom and didn't get stuck working for some hayseed in Wayne County WV.