The Ilongots


Platinum Buffalo
Mar 17, 2007
My aunt and uncle were missionaries with New Tribes Missions their whole lives. Aunt Sue passed 2 years ago. They worked with a headhunting tribe called the Ilongots. Only way into this place was an airstrip was cut by hand and they landed a small cub airplane. They operated a ham radio. The Ilongots took one head the first year they were there but dropped that practice soon after they arrived. They had to learn their language first. Then they had to teach it back to them in written form. Meanwhile they started translating the bible into the Ilongot language. What an awesome task. They prayed over every single word to get it just as God wanted it. Quite a few years went by before their first convert. Both my first cousins were raised in the jungles. They came to the states every 5 years. My aunt Sue took me back to minnesota with them and flew me back on a plane. That was quite an adventure for an 11 yr old.They now have a bible translated into the Ilongot language and uncle dale 75 still goes to the phillippines. I honestly was lucky to have two hero's in my life.Their work made a difference. It crossed my mind for me to write this. We grew up only going to church on easter. Buddy let me tell you we never missed that. lol. My aunt Sue my dads oldest sister worried about me not growing up in church. Its because of her I always loved studying the bible.Now this is what crossed my mind and this is amazing. Like Jesus she loved me before I loved them.
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