The Only Way the Dems Can Win is To Run Michelle Obama. They have to go to the race card.

i am herdman

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 5, 2006
I think it is perhaps the only way they can win at this point. Not saying they will do it, but don't put it past them. The only path they have at this point, in my current estimation, is to go to a big race card event.

She would likely beat Trump. She would divide this country more than anyone.

Don't put anything past these corrupt, power hungry, and divisive fools.
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Frank Luntz suggested Mitch Landreau, Corey booker or Wes Moore. Mitch Landreau concerns me very little as he’s a D bag with Little appeal.

The other two may have a case, maybe not this cycle but possibly 2028.
I think it is perhaps the only way they can win at this point. Not saying they will do it, but don't put it past them. The only path they have at this point, in my current estimation, is to go to a big race card event.

She would likely beat Trump. She would divide this country more than anyone.

Don't put anything past these corrupt, power hungry, and divisive fools.
The person who could defeat that sleasy ,lying ,antidemocratic Trump is Andy Beshear as anyone who could be a democrat and be the govenor of Kentucky would easily beat such a mistake for our country.
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A Whitmer/Beshear ticket beats Trump I think.

Any POTUS/VP combo of Whitmer/Beschear/Shapiro/Polis I think beats Trump.

Kamala is a problem, she's pretty unlikeable. But even Kamala and one of the above runs VERY close or beats Trump.
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A Whitmer/Beshear ticket beats Trump I think.

Any POTUS/VP combo of Whitmer/Beschear/Shapiro/Polis I think beats Trump.

Kamala is a problem, she's pretty unlikeable. But even Kamala and one of the above runs VERY close or beats Trump.
Running a “southern democrat” is a thing of the past. Andy beshear in 1988 would have been a solid option. Not today. Mitch Landreau is another example. Whittmer would satisfy the DEI requirement for a Democrat ticket but you aren’t going to be taking Kamala off without fracturing the party. DEI remains supreme in selection even if it means losing.
The person who could defeat that sleasy ,lying ,antidemocratic Trump is Andy Beshear as anyone who could be a democrat and be the govenor of Kentucky would easily beat such a mistake for our country.
Okk. I have seen a mistake and it is called the lie of the Democrat Party with Mush Brains.
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Running a “southern democrat” is a thing of the past. Andy beshear in 1988 would have been a solid option. Not today. Mitch Landreau is another example. Whittmer would satisfy the DEI requirement for a Democrat ticket but you aren’t going to be taking Kamala off without fracturing the party. DEI remains supreme in selection even if it means losing.
The Beshear/Kamala Harris is the winning ticket for sure..I know many strong Republicans who have said they will not vote for Trump just wont vote. I think some would vote for Beshear and Harris keeps the black vote strong as VP.
Peacefully and patriotically. His exact words. Explain how he “set up” anything?
DEI hires almost got him killed. DEI hires are going to screw then in the end like it does with everything. If they hadn’t been hell bent on hiring a minority woman they might would have had a viable option now.
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You did not watch the actual Jan 6th debacle set up by Trump?

You did not watch the actual Jan 6th debacle set up by Trump? And why does he always praise the awful Dictators of our enemies?
Yep we all watched when Trump said Peacefully and Patriotically let your voices be heard.

Why are you here talking politics anyway, you said you never do that again in here.
The Beshear/Kamala Harris is the winning ticket for sure..I know many strong Republicans who have said they will not vote for Trump just wont vote. I think some would vote for Beshear and Harris keeps the black vote strong as VP.
No you dont you are lying just like lying about posting about politics on here
The Beshear/Kamala Harris is the winning ticket for sure..I know many strong Republicans who have said they will not vote for Trump just wont vote. I think some would vote for Beshear and Harris keeps the black vote strong as VP.
Umm no. If they skip over Harris for pres for a white guy the black vote goes bye bye
You did not watch the actual Jan 6th debacle set up by Trump? And why does he always praise the awful Dictators of our enemies?
We all hope you hang in there long enough to see Trump reelected, you dusty old fart.

Have the nursing home staff put an extra diaper on you, so that you don't miss any of it on the TV.

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