The reality of gun control

Interested to hear where you got this information from as it appears to place more of the blame on the sloppiness of the House Bank itself rather than the actual guilty abusers of the system.

In 1992 the annual congressional salary was around $130k, or say $11k per month. Even at the 8 months that's an approximately $90k interest free loan.

At one time I saw a list of the overdrafts by amount. I wasn't able to find anything current but this is a pretty good article.

"the 66 most egregious offenders wrote about 20,000 rubber checks with a face value of $10,846,856."

This averages about $164k each, well more that their respective annual salaries.
From Wikipedia it sounded like for the most part they were basically living a paycheck ahead. So they were basically always overdrafted, but in the end got caught up. Is that not correct?

Also, the checks never actually bounced, because the (dumb) rules of their “bank” were that they’d all be covered. That was changed/fixed after this came to light.

Was anybody using it as basically free money instead of “just” a free loan?
From Wikipedia it sounded like for the most part they were basically living a paycheck ahead. So they were basically always overdrafted, but in the end got caught up. Is that not correct?

I think there were varying degrees of overdrafts. For many it was just as you posted. However there were several (and not being political, just factual), primarily Democrats (they were likely emboldened by being in power), that were very blatant in their misuse of the system. These individuals didn't have 15 checks outstanding for $10k, they had 350 checks outstanding for $350k. I'll see if I can find the list.

Also, the checks never actually bounced, because the (dumb) rules of their “bank” were that they’d all be covered. That was changed/fixed after this came to light.

That was and remains my understanding.

Was anybody using it as basically free money instead of “just” a free loan?

Yes, those individuals I referenced above.
For real the postal thing seems a lot worse than the check thing, and the postal thing had only Democrats involved from what I can tell.

I don't recall as many of the details of the Post Office scandal as I have been in the financial, tax and banking side of things so the bank scandal piqued more of my interest at the time. Feel free to share your thoughts.

From what I recall the House members had, and may still have, mail franking privileges for "official" business. To many this "included" campaign mailers. These same members would write checks out of their campaign funds to the House Post Office to give the appearance of paying for campaign mailers, but would simply cash those checks and keep the cash for themselves. Is that how you understand it?
I don't recall as many of the details of the Post Office scandal as I have been in the financial, tax and banking side of things so the bank scandal piqued more of my interest at the time. Feel free to share your thoughts.

From what I recall the House members had, and may still have, mail franking privileges for "official" business. To many this "included" campaign mailers. These same members would write checks out of their campaign funds to the House Post Office to give the appearance of paying for campaign mailers, but would simply cash those checks and keep the cash for themselves. Is that how you understand it?
That and they also used money given to them for office supplies to instead buy:

“650 pieces of china and glassware, 40 watches and clocks, 30 Mont Blanc pens, 30 pieces of luggage and 2 gold necklaces.”
The US House has voted to turn millions of Americans into felons. Idiots.

I ain't turning shit in. Let's hope it gets blocked in the Senate. If not, see you in court or wherever.
The US House has voted to turn millions of Americans into felons. Idiots.

I ain't turning shit in. Let's hope it gets blocked in the Senate. If not, see you in court or wherever.
You're a lying idiot trumptard oath breaker.
Ah, so let's sell more guns. That'll fix things.
maybe you are correct. I have seen multiple occasions where good guys with guns stop the bad guys. we probably need more citizens armed since the left and your ilk have neutered police departments across the country and leftist prosecutors are corrupting the legal system.
maybe you are correct. I have seen multiple occasions where good guys with guns stop the bad guys. we probably need more citizens armed since the left and your ilk have neutered police departments across the country and leftist prosecutors are corrupting the legal system.
That sounds really cool until you realize more have been stopped by physical force than with armed civilians.

From 2000 to 2021, ALERRT researchers studied 464 attacks (434 shootings, 23 knife attacks and seven vehicle attacks) and found civilians — including security guards and off-duty police officers — stopped attackers before police arrived on 73 occasions. In the vast majority of those cases (67%), bystanders subdued the assailant using physical force.

An armed civilian stopped attacks using a gun in 24 of the 464 attacks recorded, about 5% of all events.

In the meantime, civilians WITH guns murder 10-15 thousand per year. You have the mentality that is a good trade-off.