The Right to a Woman's Body Doesn't Belong to the Supreme Court

That is exactly what the Supreme Court Said.

10th Amendment
You're a lying idiot trumptard oath breaker hypocrite. You have less business than most people in the world to speak about the Constitution of the United States. You broke your oath to the Constitution in favor of a conman who incited an insurrection against the United States govt in an attempt to overturn a free and fair election.
Roe v Wade went too far. I don't think that a woman has the sole right to say what should happen to her body.
Man, Biden really is all over the place. Serious lack of conviction & morals on his part. I guess that’s what speaks to those who voted for him & continue to support the guy
He has no compass at all..all over the place
Man, Biden really is all over the place. Serious lack of conviction & morals on his part. I guess that’s what speaks to those who voted for him & continue to support the guy
You have to be extremely stupid to go there when you support the lying conman orange jesus.
He has no compass at all..all over the place
He really does lack conviction. I didn’t vote for Trump either time - his shifting positions always bugged me but man, Biden is just the worst.

I didn’t vote for Bernie but I at least admire voters who weren’t pussies, saw Biden for what he was, & had the conviction to put Bernie’s name on the ballot, because they thought he’d actually fight for them. But I guess Biden’s lack of a moral compass spoke to the likeminded
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