The South

I know that the purpose of this thread is to continue the argument with rifle about where the geographical center of prejudice lies in this country, but I'd like to comment on the event in the video. These rednecks showing up at a birthday party like that was nothing more than an act of intimidation right out of the KKK playbook. And like the KKK, these idiots are swaying public sympathy in support of the very people they are railing against, not rallying any significant supporters. But I'm sure their moment of glory and the thrill they live for is wrapped into the moments after they drive off and they are high fiving each other and reveling in their own sense of fraternity among like minded people. It might be their greatest moment. That's really sad.

I know there are several posters on here who kind of show outward support for the right to display the confederate flag and glorify what it stands for. I'd like to believe that much of that is being done, not in the literal sense of supporting anti-black send them back home sentiment, but as a way to support a time in America that they hold as being simpler and better. Many enjoy goading those on here that they've developed an antagonistic relationship with over the years.

That's fine, but is this something you really want associated with? Come on. I've seen these trucks with the confederate flags driving around locally and although I have no statistical evidence to back it up, I can almost assure you that the collective IQ of this group is FAR below the average IQ nationally. These guys look like they come straight out of the hollows. And when you look at them they return the stare with a look of both pride and rebellion. They feel good about themselves. Sad.

This is something about today's society that fascinates me. When did we move away from being able to gain esteem and a sense of accomplishment because we are actually good at something? In my days, the people who were gaining respect were those who studied hard and made good grades, trained hard and were accomplished athletes, paid the price to generate a successful business, etc. Now days we have people who wear their hat backwards and their pants half way down their a** and walk around like they've done something. And that behavior is actually being validated among their peers.

I guess that if you look at this from a constitutional point of view these people are within their rights to express themselves as they please. It's all good I suppose. It does kind of make it convenient for me. I mean, now I don't have to guess. I know exactly where all the idiots are, because they've conveniently used a flag as a marker for me making it easy to find them.
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The problem with those tactics is this, this isn't the 50's and 60s when Southern Blacks lived in fear and practice non-violence. Todays Southern Black are well armed, violent, and honestly don't give a ****. They are just waiting for an excuse. The last thing America needs is for blacks to stop killing each other, unite and start going after whites. It just seem like black people are going to kill regardless and the white establishment doesn't want those killer to turn their attention off each other and onto white people. It its a race war the ignorant white supremacist don't want, their is hundreds of thousands if not millions of Armed, Dangerous, and not giving a **** black americans waiting for them
Fever, I think you're alright. I consider myself to be a huge redneck, but not the type of person you seem to be labeling as a redneck. I look at a redneck as a hick from the sticks, someone that likes to do redneck type things, like drink beer on the side of the road and shoot at things. I wouldn't try to string you up or drag you from the bumper of my pickup truck. I would hang out with you and share a big blunt.

Also, I got money on you kicking Rifle's ass.
Redneck to me is 2 things, The culture and the ignorance. Its cool to me to live the redneck life Hunting, Fishing, and Drinking but its not cool to me to be of the ignorant kind. You know the ones blasting rap music in their jacked up Ford F250 while screaming :**** you ******s" at black people as you drive by
trust me, Mexicans and most Latin American and Caribbean Minorities wouldn't align with whites. Trust me on that one. And trust me the majority of whites would want to sit this out and try to find peace and appeasement. This will basically be between the Ignorant racist all talk no action Minority within the white race and the nothing to lose Violent, multiple Felon who isn't scared to shoot and kill.
Who would the police align with fever? Since you are the resident "expert" on all things race war related, what say you?
When I was in the Marines the fights between the Hispanics and Blacks were always more vicious than the fights between those two groups and Whites.

But none of it holds a candle to the fights the Puerto Ricans and Mexicans would get into.
Puerto Ricans was probably fighting for respect since none of the Latin American countries respect them
The problem with those tactics is this, this isn't the 50's and 60s when Southern Blacks lived in fear and practice non-violence. Todays Southern Black are well armed, violent, and honestly don't give a ****. They are just waiting for an excuse. The last thing America needs is for blacks to stop killing each other, unite and start going after whites. It just seem like black people are going to kill regardless and the white establishment doesn't want those killer to turn their attention off each other and onto white people. It its a race war the ignorant white supremacist don't want, their is hundreds of thousands if not millions of Armed, Dangerous, and not giving a **** black americans waiting for them

Most whites and blacks in the South get along. Honestly. There are a few idiots that don't get along with other people and do this kind of this but generally it is not accepted.

You are being an idiot about a black armed insurrection. The blacks would lose that battle handily. I know individuals that probably have more ammo the crips in a big city. Just by themselves. As Raoul mentioned, the whites have more money, more guns, more ammo, are better trained and would shut the blacks down. Plus the blacks in suburbia and country where I live would never tolerate a black mob doing that. They would join with the whites. The whites would never allow the dipshits in that video or KKK to do the same thing either. .

That being said, what you are writing is stupid. For the most part people get along.
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When I was in the Marines the fights between the Hispanics and Blacks were always more vicious than the fights between those two groups and Whites.

But none of it holds a candle to the fights the Puerto Ricans and Mexicans would get into.

That is true.