The point is starting to get diluted here. You've got a coach that we can never, ever question for his results while he led our team. He put the crown on the glory that is our football program. He, like all of us, has an ego. His is waaayyyyy bigger than the rest of us and still feels like he could run out of that tunnel and raise a trophy at the end of the field and all of the the sudden he goes from legend to saint and we're naming bridges and babies in his honor. But he played a card that had been marked...he let too much time lag before he hung his hat on an aging whineasaurus that thinks his articles in a dead medium somehow dictate the pulse of our town. He chased down a bunch of vulnerable, partied out formers that still are somehow owed naming rights and led them on a crusade for change. Change that was intended to end in a coaching or AD position for the legend and the respect that the team felt that they deserved and weren't getting.
Just like most others, some have preyed on the perceived stupidity and naivety of our region. We may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer all the time but somehow, some way, we always seem to get to the truth.
Sometimes that truth sucks.
Just like most others, some have preyed on the perceived stupidity and naivety of our region. We may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer all the time but somehow, some way, we always seem to get to the truth.
Sometimes that truth sucks.