The Violent American Culture

I don't believe South Africa is considered a developed country.

Developed enough that wealthy landowners are granted the ability to order land mines for their houses and properties...or that there's an anti-car jacking device that basically unleashes Satan's piss at you, AKA a flamethrower below the front doors...activated by a pedal pushed by a driver who is being car-jacked.

But violence exists in several of the main reasons for it, is the lack of education in the areas where it's most prevalent. Generations of people form their own family identities, some through violence, the idea of fighting your way out of something, rather than reasoning, is passed down through generations.
Sadly, this means that violence, being what kids only seem to know and do, is their solution for everything. It's what their parents and grandparents taught them.
It's also not just limited to the ghettos...Lincoln Co. HS is real bad for fighting and random acts of violence (not as bad as a school shooting thank God) but the mentality of those kids, a majority of them, fits the description I've just said.
At their age, they've also faced the idea of Identity vs. Role Confusion...the fact they've assimilated themselves into a particular social role...and have stuck with it because it's all they know and the lack of comfort in change...tends to prohibit anything else.
Start young, educate the younger generations...stick to it...and don't let them wander. It'll take 3 generations, but you can phase the whole damn thing out entirely.
I'm shocked nobody brought up slavery and all the lynching which was Genocide that happened after slavery
I'm shocked nobody brought up slavery and all the lynching which was Genocide that happened after slavery

Slavery is not genocide and I thought you were demanding we stay "in modern times" discussion. Good grief.

I'm telling you, there are many places across Europe today that make Queens NY look like a heavenly utopia. I would feel safer walking through parts of Queens (I know because I used to work some there) than being on the streets of Athens, Greece after dark.

It's about perspective....of which you have little. Amazing reading your suggestion to me earlier that said "Get out from underneath your rock", while at the same time you couldn't accomplish getting out from living with your mommy at 29 years old. You only know what you are spoon fed in your little part of the hood. And to think you want your perspective to be more narrow and discriminatory with what you are suggesting in the other thread.

What makes America a scary place isn't violence. It's reading most of the nonsense you apparently believe. If you are ever able to get out of your ignorant racist bigoted made bubble you may realize it. I'm just not sure you are smart enough to do it.
Slavery is not genocide and I thought you were demanding we stay "in modern times" discussion. Good grief.

I'm telling you, there are many places across Europe today that make Queens NY look like a heavenly utopia. I would feel safer walking through parts of Queens (I know because I used to work some there) than being on the streets of Athens, Greece after dark.

It's about perspective....of which you have little. Amazing reading your suggestion to me earlier that said "Get out from underneath your rock", while at the same time you couldn't accomplish getting out from living with your mommy at 29 years old. You only know what you are spoon fed in your little part of the hood. And to think you want your perspective to be more narrow and discriminatory with what you are suggesting in the other thread.

What makes America a scary place isn't violence. It's reading most of the nonsense you apparently believe. If you are ever able to get out of your ignorant racist bigoted made bubble you may realize it. I'm just not sure you are smart enough to do it.

I don't believe South Africa is considered a developed country.

I understand that Fever qualified this to include only developed countries, but I don't think that serves the argument well. It presupposes that just because a country is considered an advanced and developed country that that somehow changes human behavior. It doesn't. What you see in areas of South Africa and in the United States where violence happens, there are many common threads. Usually it involves large groups of people living in close proximity (which increases the liklihood of violence because there's more people) that have the common thread of poverty and hopelessness in their situation.

In the U.S. where we see people trapped in generations of hopelessness and a new economy of drugs, prostitution, etc...that becomes the only viable option for most of the young people growing up. Now...throw in how the movie and music industry in the U.S. glamorizes this behavior and now you have a culture created that engrains itself deeper with each passing generation.

That's kind of how I see inner city violence, which represents the largest numbers of violence. But the guy that goes into the schools and and theaters from time to time and shoots up the place...I don't know. Maybe it's just the manifestation of mental illness in an age where guns are readily available and the movie and television industry has planted the seed of violence for them to act out.
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"I understand that Fever qualified this to include only developed countries, but I don't think that serves the argument well."

I was simply pointing out that South Africa is not considered a developed country, since one of the posters apparently attempted to discredit Fever's statement about developed countries.
Fever, reality is if it wasn't for this country you would likely be living in a filthy run down hut and swatting flies on an island.

Be thankful for once. This country isn't perfect but it tends to correct things and make them right.
I haven't researched it thoroughly, but so far I haven't found where South Africa is listed as a developed country. So no, I won't trust you.
Okay I get it. They have the #33 largest economy in the world, world class cities, Excellent Universities and they just hosted the World Cup. Sorry I must have confused them with Haiti.
Fever, reality is if it wasn't for this country you would likely be living in a filthy run down hut and swatting flies on an island.

Be thankful for once. This country isn't perfect but it tends to correct things and make them right.

Actually my family was and still is pretty successful in Jamaica, so just quit with the racist stereotypes its getting annoying and I am sure I am not the only one. My family didn't come here because they was poor, they came here to get away from the civil war that was beginning to break out in the Late 70's early 80's

So @i am herdman reality is this, your a racist POS who don't even have a damn clue what your talking about. Want me to post my families Jamaican home where my grandmother spends half the year to get away from the winters in Chicago. Its defintaly no run down hut where we are swatting flys
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Actually my family was and still is pretty successful in Jamaica, so just quit with the racist stereotypes its getting annoying and I am sure I am not the only one. My family didn't come here because they was poor, they came here to get away from the civil war that was beginning to break out in the Late 70's early 80's

So @i am herdman reality is this, your a racist POS who don't even have a damn clue what your talking about. Want me to post my families Jamaican home where my grandmother spends half the year to get away from the winters in Chicago. Its defintaly no run down hut where we are swatting flys

I didn't mean it to be a stereotype. I didn't know you were from a wealthy family. I meant it as you should be thankful what this country has offered you and your other family members. Again, not perfect but better than anywhere else.
Fever you can't say shit about stereotypes when you just brush off Ben Carson because he's not black enough or doesn't fit into some stereotype that you think he should fit into.
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Fever is too ignorant to understand his own hypocrisy. Interesting he refers to the Jamaican civil war (sounds pretty violent there) in the '70s & 80's (actual modern times).
I didn't mean it to be a stereotype. I didn't know you were from a wealthy family. I meant it as you should be thankful what this country has offered you and your other family members. Again, not perfect but better than anywhere else.

I wouldn't say we are wealthy, I come from a family of Hard working, well educated individuals, that values doing good and being productive citizens. But I wont deny that didn't growing up living in Chicago was easy, especially living on the South Side of the city in a 2 child single parent home but I learned the value of Hardwork and not falling into the streets.
And my thing with Ben Carson is this

You are a successful black man that grew up like the majority of black males in America. And instead of using your experience in being successful, going out and speak to underprivileged black youths who don't have guidance, who don't have any positive black male role models other then Athletes and Entertainers and who grew up just like you. He uses his platform to talk down about the poor, comes with ignorant statements about Abortion and Climate Change, and tries to appease the Rich white folks who honestly couldn't give 2 craps about him deep down inside. That is my issue with him. As a black presidential candidate, he holds more responsibility that he and many other just don't get.
And my thing with Ben Carson is this

You are a successful black man that grew up like the majority of black males in America. And instead of using your experience in being successful, going out and speak to underprivileged black youths who don't have guidance, who don't have any positive black male role models other then Athletes and Entertainers and who grew up just like you. He uses his platform to talk down about the poor, comes with ignorant statements about Abortion and Climate Change, and tries to appease the Rich white folks who honestly couldn't give 2 craps about him deep down inside. That is my issue with him. As a black presidential candidate, he holds more responsibility that he and many other just don't get.
How do you know he doesn't do that? And why does he have a responsibility to do that
And my thing with Ben Carson is this

You are a successful black man that grew up like the majority of black males in America. And instead of using your experience in being successful, going out and speak to underprivileged black youths who don't have guidance, who don't have any positive black male role models other then Athletes and Entertainers and who grew up just like you. He uses his platform to talk down about the poor, comes with ignorant statements about Abortion and Climate Change, and tries to appease the Rich white folks who honestly couldn't give 2 craps about him deep down inside. That is my issue with him. As a black presidential candidate, he holds more responsibility that he and many other just don't get.
Fever I am not trying to pic a chat room fight, I think you are a good dude. However, Just tell me if you feel the exact same way about President Obama. He is successful and unlike Dr. Carson who grew up poor in Detroit, he was raised in upper class environment in Hawaii. He also went to Ivy schools. He uses his platform to push his own agenda for good or bad.Should he have not run for President and followed your advice and limited his influence to speaking in High School assemblies? Is he trying to appease rich white liberals?, do they hate him and do they really want to hang out? Are ALL white conservatives guilty of being racist due to their politics and race. I really think both of them are serious about what they are trying to achieve maybe they just have different ways of trying to get it done.
Okay I get it. They have the #33 largest economy in the world, world class cities, Excellent Universities and they just hosted the World Cup. Sorry I must have confused them with Haiti.

You didn't mention their 25% unemployment rate, and that 1 out of every 5 South Africans live in extreme poverty. So yeah, you are confused.
Fever I am not trying to pic a chat room fight, I think you are a good dude. However, Just tell me if you feel the exact same way about President Obama. He is successful and unlike Dr. Carson who grew up poor in Detroit, he was raised in upper class environment in Hawaii. He also went to Ivy schools. He uses his platform to push his own agenda for good or bad.Should he have not run for President and followed your advice and limited his influence to speaking in High School assemblies? Is he trying to appease rich white liberals?, do they hate him and do they really want to hang out? Are ALL white conservatives guilty of being racist due to their politics and race. I really think both of them are serious about what they are trying to achieve maybe they just have different ways of trying to get it done.

Two of the faults I have for Obama is he comes off too much as an apologist. Instead of come in hard on the Justice Department for Police Reform and Training, he just comes off as a weak apologist. Also the TPP will effectively kill the poor working class which the majority of black and Spanish Americans fall under
Fever nice avoidance of the question. If I remember correctly we have had similar discussions in the past and you give Obama a pass because he was a community organizer and thus was down with the struggle.
And my thing with Ben Carson is this

You are a successful black man that grew up like the majority of black males in America. And instead of using your experience in being successful, going out and speak to underprivileged black youths who don't have guidance, who don't have any positive black male role models other then Athletes and Entertainers and who grew up just like you. He uses his platform to talk down about the poor, comes with ignorant statements about Abortion and Climate Change, and tries to appease the Rich white folks who honestly couldn't give 2 craps about him deep down inside. That is my issue with him. As a black presidential candidate, he holds more responsibility that he and many other just don't get.

How many charitable foundations has Obama created and funded in order to improve education opportunities? You intentionally continue to ignore Ben Carson's actual real contributions society wide in order to support your own political dogma. I might add.....Obama has done more to appease the "Rich white folk (liberal)" through policies which insure your servitude to "whites" more than any other modern day republican. The real "uncle tom" in this conversation is Barrack Obama.
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DR Ben Carson and his foundation fund a lot of scholarships to young people that comes from disadvantaged situations and first generation college students. He is a motivating figure in the school system. Very highly regarded.
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You didn't mention their 25% unemployment rate, and that 1 out of every 5 South Africans live in extreme poverty. So yeah, you are confused.
No I am not confused. Was the United States a developing- third world nation because of the depression?During the depression at one point 25% of the people were unemployed. Of course not. So based on your flawed logic any nation that has a high unemployment rate is part of the Banana Republic I guess.Does this also mean since the United States is 16 trillion in debt we are a developing nation since it is obvious we don't know how to manage our money. For the record the unemployment rate in Haiti is 6.7 so I guess it should be part of the G8 based on your logic.Just stop it already greed, South Africa is by no means on the same level with the Unites States but it is the 33rd largest economy in the world it is not a developing nation. By the way 50 million Americans also live in poverty. That is about 18% of the current USA population.
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No I am not confused. Was the United States a developing- third world nation because of the depression?During the depression at one point 25% of the people were unemployed. Of course not. So based on your flawed logic any nation that has a high unemployment rate is part of the Banana Republic I guess.Does this also mean since the United States is 16 trillion in debt we are a developing nation since it is obvious we don't know how to manage our money. For the record the unemployment rate in Haiti is 6.7 so I guess it should be part of the G8 based on your logic.Just stop it already greed, South Africa is by no means on the same level with the Unites States but it is the 33rd largest economy in the world it is not a developing nation. By the way 50 million Americans also live in poverty. That is about 18% of the current USA population.

No, no. Not poverty, 1 of every 5 in South Africa live in EXTREME poverty. South Africa IS a developing nation, not a developed nation. One of the general reference points compared to other countries is the gdp per capita. The IMF has SA ranked 89th, the World Bank has them at 83rd, and the CIA has them at 90th. South Africa is NOT a developed country.
No, no. Not poverty, 1 of every 5 in South Africa live in EXTREME poverty. South Africa IS a developing nation, not a developed nation. One of the general reference points compared to other countries is the gdp per capita. The IMF has SA ranked 89th, the World Bank has them at 83rd, and the CIA has them at 90th. South Africa is NOT a developed country.
No no no

IMF - #33
world bank - #33
United Nations #33
CIA world factbook #34
You are one of those people who will argue no matter how much you lie, mistake facts because you can't admit you are wrong.

The developing city of Johannesburg, South Africa


Port of Prince, Haiti

Did you notice a difference there greed?
No, no. Not poverty, 1 of every 5 in South Africa live in EXTREME poverty. South Africa IS a developing nation, not a developed nation. One of the general reference points compared to other countries is the gdp per capita. The IMF has SA ranked 89th, the World Bank has them at 83rd, and the CIA has them at 90th. South Africa is NOT a developed country.

Hint: bold words will help
No, no. Not poverty, 1 of every 5 in South Africa live in EXTREME poverty. South Africa IS a developing nation, not a developed nation. One of the general reference points compared to other countries is the gdp per capita. The IMF has SA ranked 89th, the World Bank has them at 83rd, and the CIA has them at 90th. South Africa is NOT a developed country.

Hint: bold words will help[/QU
Tell you what greed. I have a good friend who has an earned Ph.D from the University of Nebraska in Economics and teaches here at Ohio University. I will ask them and get back to you. I'm sure you have better credentials than they do but I will get back to you ASAP.
While you're at it, ask that Ph.D if he can find a list where South Africa is listed as a developed country. 'preciate it.
While you're at it, ask that Ph.D if he can find a list where South Africa is listed as a developed country. 'preciate it.
I will also ask them where I can find a list of obnoxious know it all rednecks is at- I am sure I will find you on it.
lmao. Using Greeds statistics Iraq ranks higher than S. A. on "developed" status. This is why in certain cases PER CAPITA data must be looked at skeptically. The country of SA is far more "developed" than Iraq in this case.
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lmao. Using Greeds statistics Iraq ranks higher than S. A. on "developed" status. This is why in certain cases PER CAPITA data must be looked at skeptically. The country of SA is far more "developed" than Iraq in this case.
You know I feel honored to have the chance to be set straight by greed on everything. He always dismisses every source you cite , ignores all evidence you submit and always has an answer for everything even when he has nothing else to spew but the Democratic talking points he heard on MSNBC

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