I don't believe South Africa is considered a developed country.
Developed enough that wealthy landowners are granted the ability to order land mines for their houses and properties...or that there's an anti-car jacking device that basically unleashes Satan's piss at you, AKA a flamethrower below the front doors...activated by a pedal pushed by a driver who is being car-jacked.
But violence exists in several aspects...one of the main reasons for it, is the lack of education in the areas where it's most prevalent. Generations of people form their own family identities, some through violence, the idea of fighting your way out of something, rather than reasoning, is passed down through generations.
Sadly, this means that violence, being what kids only seem to know and do, is their solution for everything. It's what their parents and grandparents taught them.
It's also not just limited to the ghettos...Lincoln Co. HS is real bad for fighting and random acts of violence (not as bad as a school shooting thank God) but the mentality of those kids, a majority of them, fits the description I've just said.
At their age, they've also faced the idea of Identity vs. Role Confusion...the fact they've assimilated themselves into a particular social role...and have stuck with it because it's all they know and the lack of comfort in change...tends to prohibit anything else.
Start young, educate the younger generations...stick to it...and don't let them wander. It'll take 3 generations, but you can phase the whole damn thing out entirely.