The Violent American Culture

Since Greedtard supposedly "doesn't read my posts", Someone may want to send this to him.

Even includes a map for the severely mental challenged from Wayne county.
He will have to check that source out with SNOPES since that is the Holy Grail of all truth you know!

By the way after that you would think greed would take his defalated ball and go home, Listen here he comes 3-2-1.........LOL
You know I feel honored to have the chance to be set straight by greed on everything. He always dismisses every source you cite , ignores all evidence you submit and always has an answer for everything even when he has nothing else to spew but the Democratic talking points he heard on MSNBC

Yes. It's why he put me on "ignore". He would demand "a link" for proof of a comment, and then when it was provided, he would change the premise of the original discussion and call me (or whom ever else provided the proof he demanded) a liar. The best moment of the board (in my history here) was the moment BC challenged everyone to put him on ignore. And they did. He disappeared for several months until someone (ignorantly) asked where he was. Like a case of shingles...he came back out of nowhere.
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Yes. It's why he put me on "ignore". He would demand "a link" for proof of a comment, and then when it was provided, he would change the premise of the original discussion and call me (or whom ever else provided the proof he demanded) a liar. The best moment of the board (in my history here) was the moment BC challenged everyone to put him on ignore. And they did. He disappeared for several months until someone (ignorantly) asked where he was. Like a case of shingles...he came back out of nowhere.
If you find out who asked about him maybe we could bring them up and nominate them to be "blackballed" at the next council meeting! LOL
I have searched for about 2 hours and can find no other list anywhere that includes South Africa as a developed country. The CIA apparently does, but did not offer any criteria for doing so. Furthermore, in the CIA World Fact Book they have SA listed as both a Developed and Developing country. Using the CIA outlier does in fact give you the ONE credible source for SA being a developed country. You win.
I have searched for about 2 hours and can find no other list anywhere that includes South Africa as a developed country. The CIA apparently does, but did not offer any criteria for doing so. Furthermore, in the CIA World Fact Book they have SA listed as both a Developed and Developing country. Using the CIA outlier does in fact give you the ONE credible source for SA being a developed country. You win.

The fact that you have to research this question is idiotic. Yes it's a developed country and is one of the most developed in Africa.
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The fact that you have to research this question is idiotic. Yes it's a developed country and is one of the most developed in Africa.

Cool. Then you can supply us with another credible source that considers South Africa a developed country. I'll give you 10 minutes, since you shouldn't have to research it.
You know I feel honored to have the chance to be set straight by greed on everything. He always dismisses every source you cite , ignores all evidence you submit and always has an answer for everything even when he has nothing else to spew but the Democratic talking points he heard on MSNBC

It's no different then the republicans who spew talking points from Fox News
On what, that's my point, you don't need a link to know its a developed country. Besides, you provided information from the CIA to contradict yourself already. You lose, twice. Provide a link that says it isn't

The CIA World Fact Book, the same source I'm allowing as a source that SA is a developed country also lists it as not a developed country.
On what, that's my point, you don't need a link to know its a developed country. Besides, you provided information from the CIA to contradict yourself already. You lose, twice. Provide a link that says it isn't
This is why reading and comprehension are so important............. Within the link Greed provided.

"The CIA has modified an older version of the IMF's list of Advanced Economies, noting that the IMF's Advanced Economies list "would presumably also cover"[14] some smaller countries"
this connects the reader to this........)

Greed's links point to the data we have already shown him. LMAO.
As usual he wants to change the premise of the discussion and argue semantics. "most Advanced" economies vs. "developed/developing economies". South Africa clearly falls in the latter which was the initial discussion.
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Even I cant argue if South Africa is or isn't a developed nation.

Yes the Majority of the country is in extreme proverty like Most developed nation. But to say South Africa isn't developed when they are the chief financial country in all of Africa is asinine to me
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No organization that I can find, other than the CIA (and they don't say why they disagree with the other organizations), considers South Africa as a developed nation. South Africa's gdp per capita, ranked as 115th is $4000-$5000 below that of Mexico, ranked 92nd (not a developed country). The unemployment rate has been above 20% in South Africa for 20 years, while the Mexican unemployment rate is below 6%. The literacy rate in Mexico is higher than that of S. Africa, and the industrial production growth rate of Mexico is nearly double that of S. Africa. The percentage of Mexicans living in extreme poverty is 9.8% while that number is 20.2% in South Africa. With all that, I cannot understand why the CIA has South Africa considered a developed nation.
See that is the thing, I don't understand how South Africa can be considered a developed country while Mexico is not.

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