Then and now.

His SOTU was such a farce, just like his campaign. Biden claims to be a middle class guy, but he has allowed himself to be governed by extreme leftists. You don't have to look further than his cabinet appointments to understand he's no centrist.


Soon, he'll have the Ministry of Truth verify this, then the DOJ will start prosecuting Trump voters.

More proof that the left is insane. These people have accepted the murdering of millions of unborn children as being OK. If you have a penis but want to pretend to be a woman, they expect everybody on the planet to participate in your fantasy world. They are fine with silencing different opinions, with allowing illegal immigrants to flood across our border with no repercussion whatsoever, and will label anybody a racist for any reason whatsoever in order to fit their agenda. And while you better not touch my body if I’m pregnant, it’s OK to force me to get a vaccine and ostracize me if I don’t.

Yet every day, normal people who simply want to live their life and have the government stay out of it are the most extreme people on earth. What morons. It’s well past time that we break up and become two separate countries. The left can become Venezuela and we will go back to being the great nation we once were.
More proof that the left is insane. These people have accepted the murdering of millions of unborn children as being OK. If you have a penis but want to pretend to be a woman, they expect everybody on the planet to participate in your fantasy world. They are fine with silencing different opinions, with allowing illegal immigrants to flood across our border with no repercussion whatsoever, and will label anybody a racist for any reason whatsoever in order to fit their agenda. And while you better not touch my body if I’m pregnant, it’s OK to force me to get a vaccine and ostracize me if I don’t.

Yet every day, normal people who simply want to live their life and have the government stay out of it are the most extreme people on earth. What morons. It’s well past time that we break up and become two separate countries. The left can become Venezuela and we will go back to being the great nation we once were.
I like this idea, but only if we declare war on them as soon as the civil divorce is finalized and take the entire country back and push them into the ocean. No quarter for leftists.
Anybody heard or seen those medical ads for medical shots to heal a bent penis? mush is a bent penis.

I believe it was actually Bill Clinton that was/is a bent penis...

"she referred to a curvature of the President's erect penis - a phenomenon said to be caused by Peyronie's disease"

Biden just pees like one...

I like this idea, but only if we declare war on them as soon as the civil divorce is finalized and take the entire country back and push them into the ocean. No quarter for leftists.

I’m for it. Screw ‘em.
I like this idea, but only if we declare war on them as soon as the civil divorce is finalized and take the entire country back and push them into the ocean. No quarter for leftists.
I think they will start it. And if they do, they will regret the day it ever crossed their minds.
Anybody heard or seen those medical ads for medical shots to heal a bent penis? mush is a bent penis.
That that Peyronie's disease deal. Bent shaft. Don't google it and click on images.

Mush is the Peyroniesdent of the USA. The Bent Shaft of Office.