They are going to hide Biden's mistakes with the new Covid Bull Shit

i am herdman

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 5, 2006
If you can't see it now then you are not being honest. They are building up to do it. Just reported that Biden Admin may require Americans to quarantine if traveling abroad. They are going back on the useless mask kick.

They are hiding his failures behind this by which all accounts so far this variant is not as serious. The Biden Admin has been an abject failure. From Afghanistan to his Coivd Response to Inflation ro Supply Chain issues. Why the hell are they spending more money? Inflation is already out of control. We just got notice of another price increase from a supplier starting in Jan.

Our nation is weaker with Mush in charge. Our enemies know it. Fuel prices up. Groceries up. Regulations up. New Green Pie in the Sky Malarkey.

So they need something. Here it comes. Enough of their bull crap.

Oh and get the paper ballots ready gonna be dangerous to vote next year.
90 percent of everyone I see at the mall and in stores now do not wear them.

There are 10 percent though who do. I understand if they're old and sick looking, even though the thing is such a farce. But you know you're looking at a pure moron when you see 20, 30 and 40 year old people with the damn things on.

Oh well, it makes me ignore the throbbing constant kick in my back long enough to mutter "damn, ****in' idiots still wearing this shit?"
It’s not like another lockdown during the next election would benefit Biden, who would be what, 81? I mean, not having to endure the constant stress of a nationwide campaign, speaking only to friendly media on Zoom, from a controlled bunker, not getting "Let's Go Brandoned" everywhere he went, wouldn't benefit him at all, would it?
You don't think this goes into that at all? Cmmmon man
No. We learned last year that pandemic and lockdowns are bad for the incumbent. Which should be apparent to even idiots.

It’s not like another lockdown during the next election would benefit Biden, who would be what, 81? I mean, not having to endure the constant stress of a nationwide campaign, speaking only to friendly media on Zoom, from a controlled bunker, not getting "Let's Go Brandoned" everywhere he went, wouldn't benefit him at all, would it?
Never mind...
No. We learned last year that pandemic and lockdowns are bad for the incumbent. Which should be apparent to even idiots.

Never mind...
I did not mention lockdowns. What they will do is say for safety and health concerns we need mail in ballots, extended time, etc. All that stuff. Meanwhile you can attend a football game or basketball game. They are setting up for it. Plus, I did mention they are going to hide all his other disasters behind Omnicrockofshit
I did not mention lockdowns. What they will do is say for safety and health concerns we need mail in ballots, extended time, etc. All that stuff. Meanwhile you can attend a football game or basketball game. They are setting up for it. Plus, I did mention they are going to hide all his other disasters behind Omnicrockofshit
Ah, gotcha. So all the other nations taking steps against the new variant are also in on the conspiracy? Israel is now for the Dems, those Jew bastards.

Attending a ballgame is not a right. Voting is. I bet if really white, conservative states did mail in voting you guys would LOVE it. Oh wait, that's Utah...they love it there.

Also, there is no "n" in omicron. I saw where some cons were making fun of Biden for saying it with an "n". I guess you too are a Mush. Mushherd. Herdmush. Mushman. Pick one.
Ah, gotcha. So all the other nations taking steps against the new variant are also in on the conspiracy? Israel is now for the Dems, those Jew bastards.

Attending a ballgame is not a right. Voting is. I bet if really white, conservative states did mail in voting you guys would LOVE it. Oh wait, that's Utah...they love it there.

Also, there is no "n" in omicron. I saw where some cons were making fun of Biden for saying it with an "n". I guess you too are a Mush. Mushherd. Herdmush. Mushman. Pick one.
I called in Omnicrockofshit. Which it is.
Who is "THEY"? Whomever it is sure does a hell of a thorough job of getting the whole world to play along!
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Who is "THEY"? Whomever it is sure does a hell of a thorough job of getting the whole world to play along!
Yehh let's be like the rest of the world. The fear mongering has begun. The Dems are going to play it up now. They have to because everything else they have touched has been a failure. Oh shit, better scare people to deflect.
We learned last year that pandemic and lockdowns are bad for the incumbent. Which should be apparent to even idiots.

Yes, I learned it. Why am I the only Republican who knew it? Who knew that as soon as Trump did that, the game was over?

And worse yet, why do people want him back? He made the worst decision I've ever seen in my lifetime. I'd rather have anybody than him in there. Even the kooks. They would be too dumb and nobody would follow their orders.

It's just like now if Biden would have a lockdown, nobody would even do it. A few idiots would, but most would not. People were listening to Trump, and he let them all down. He let me down bigtime.