This Guy is so Hard to Like


Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Dec 8, 2004
Does this moron always come across so pompous and disingenuous? I hate when people don't say "please" and "thank you" when ordering. Figures this fraud would be one of them:

I watched that. He makes DeSantis look like Bill Clinton.
The GOP really is a weird dichotomy now.

They have all the hot chicks because their whole messaging plays well to people who have been handed every advantage in life. Yes honey you sure earned that sales job with your sales skills.

But they also have all the weird dudes because the only way those guys are getting a girl is forcing traditional bullshit on them.

Anyway I wish more leftist chicks were hot but I’ll take not being lumped in with JD Vance I guess.
How many times do you think you'd end up posting that before I finally gave you attention and acknowledged your presence? I see you, Michigan. Just because I am off living the wealthy life doesn't mean I forgot about you, little buddy.
The GOP really is a weird dichotomy now.

They have all the hot chicks because their whole messaging plays well to people who have been handed every advantage in life. Yes honey you sure earned that sales job with your sales skills.

But they also have all the weird dudes because the only way those guys are getting a girl is forcing traditional bullshit on them.

Anyway I wish more leftist chicks were hot but I’ll take not being lumped in with JD Vance I guess.
I'm going to guess there are a lot more hot chicks out there that would like to be able to get an abortion if they got knocked up by a rapist, and will be voting accordingly.
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