This is painful


Bronze Buffalo
Dec 15, 2009
I'm not talking about the on field product. The audio on the ESPN broadcast is horrible. It sounds like two guys in their Mom's basement commenting while playing EA Sports NCAA 2024. What happened to the stadium noise?
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I'm not talking about the on field product. The audio on the ESPN broadcast is horrible. It sounds like two guys in their Mom's basement commenting while playing EA Sports NCAA 2024. What happened to the stadium noise?
IMO & I’m not positive, someone chime in that knows if I’m wrong , but I watch other games in espn plus & the feed doesn’t seem to have the problems we do . IMO I think it’s a Marshall end problem with the feed .
If anybody from the administration reads this, please please, we are all begging you to move on from Mark Martin and Carl Lee. They both are absolutely terrible, and it makes the games almost unwatchable. I know you made your bed with channel 8 so you feel obligated to have Martin on, but there has got to be someone, ANYONE better than those 2.

Seriously, administration, you are at the games so you probably dont watch them on ESPN+. Please go back and watch just one game and you'll make the switch. Its an embarrassing product from start to finish every week.
I was watching Ark Little Rock and U Central Arkansas in womens soccer last night, the video and commentators were better.
I was watching Ark Little Rock and U Central Arkansas in womens soccer last night
Ryan Reynolds Reaction GIF
If anybody from the administration reads this, please please, we are all begging you to move on from Mark Martin and Carl Lee. They both are absolutely terrible, and it makes the games almost unwatchable. I know you made your bed with channel 8 so you feel obligated to have Martin on, but there has got to be someone, ANYONE better than those 2.

Seriously, administration, you are at the games so you probably dont watch them on ESPN+. Please go back and watch just one game and you'll make the switch. Its an embarrassing product from start to finish every week.
I usually mute all TV announcers or have them so low I dont have to listen when having any games going in the background. Even if it's Herbstreit. Their continual talking is beyond annoying. You should try it.
I usually mute all TV announcers or have them so low I dont have to listen when having any games going in the background. Even if it's Herbstreit. Their continual talking is beyond annoying. You should try it.
Ahh, so, liar and hypocrite, you are home in your la-z-boy watching the games. Not attending.

Despite your making up out of thin air your spew that those who dare disagree with you "don't attend" and "don't donate". Despite being bluff called dozens of times, you always fail to prove any of your spews.

And now, off your own keyboard, we discover what we always knew.

You are a liar, and a hypocrite.

And, umm, since, AFAIK, Herbstreit has NEVER done a Marshall game, you don't even watch the Marshall games.

Which is not surprising. You are not a Marshall fan. Probably listening to Crap-ridi awarding another August national championship to your (no actual relationship) Spamies.




If anybody from the administration reads this, please please, we are all begging you to move on from Mark Martin and Carl Lee. They both are absolutely terrible, and it makes the games almost unwatchable. I know you made your bed with channel 8 so you feel obligated to have Martin on, but there has got to be someone, ANYONE better than those 2.

Seriously, administration, you are at the games so you probably dont watch them on ESPN+. Please go back and watch just one game and you'll make the switch. Its an embarrassing product from start to finish every week.
I once herd Mark Martin describe Ott Elmore as the "former Marshall standout."
Ahh, so, liar and hypocrite, you are home in your la-z-boy watching the games. Not attending.

Despite your making up out of thin air your spew that those who dare disagree with you "don't attend" and "don't donate". Despite being bluff called dozens of times, you always fail to prove any of your spews.

And now, off your own keyboard, we discover what we always knew.

You are a liar, and a hypocrite.

And, umm, since, AFAIK, Herbstreit has NEVER done a Marshall game, you don't even watch the Marshall games.

Which is not surprising. You are not a Marshall fan. Probably listening to Crap-ridi awarding another August national championship to your (no actual relationship) Spamies.





You do realize people can watch OTHER games than the ones their teams are playing, right? Idiot.

He also didn't reference Marshall directly but more of a broad action that applies to ALL GAMES HE WATCHES. The Herbstreit part actually confirms this.

Of course, you're the one who said MU would never build a baseball stadium and even when it's been built, you still deny it's existence like a damn child, plugging your ears, stomping your feet, and closing your eyes.
You do realize people can watch OTHER games than the ones their teams are playing, right? Idiot.

He also didn't reference Marshall directly but more of a broad action that applies to ALL GAMES HE WATCHES. The Herbstreit part actually confirms this.

Of course, you're the one who said MU would never build a baseball stadium and even when it's been built, you still deny it's existence like a damn child, plugging your ears, stomping your feet, and closing your eyes.
Glad game is on the CW here and ACC announcers.
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You do realize people can watch OTHER games than the ones their teams are playing, right? Idiot.

He also didn't reference Marshall directly but more of a broad action that applies to ALL GAMES HE WATCHES. The Herbstreit part actually confirms this.
Moron. This troll has attacked me for more than two years. He (she?) is a troll. Out of thin air he has made up a list of lies about me. I don't go to the games (I do). I don't give to the BG (I give plenty). I am a fan of New Mexico State (no idea where (s)he got that one). Every time I disagree it is just the same posts, over and over and over.

So I bluff called. PROVE any of it or STFU. (S)he has done neither.

Now, this troll, who claims to live in North Carolina, makes a mistake. He admits he not only doesn't attend MU games, he doesn't watch them. Or she, whichever. Psychologists tell us that most trolls are beta males, so I will go with he. You cannot attend a MU game in Huntington and live in Raleigh and watch ESPN, all at the same time, now can you?

The troll made a mistake. Understand that this child is on many dozens of different boards, getting off by seeing people respond to his vile behavior. It is what trolls do. It is who trolls are. He made a mistake. Keeping all of his stories straight is hard. He forgot that here, he is a Marshall fan living in North Carolina, and revealed that he doesn't really attend Marshall games, nor watch them. Probably had just gotten off a board where he is a Colts fan living in Fort Wayne, or a research botanist who disagrees with the authorities on osteopoliomacromany, or a Taylor Swift groupie that doesn't like the latest outfit because everyone else does, or any of the many dozens of personas he uses to bother people, simply (yourself excluded, of course), trying to have a civil discussion about something they like.

The troll screwed up. So, moron, before throwing out "idiot" at me, learn the facts.

And go Herd.
It doesn't look like Stone Earle is the QB solution - 13/36 passing yesterday. With his QBR at 131st (Fancher at 129th), it look like we don't evaluate QBs very well! Might be a long season!
You do realize people can watch OTHER games than the ones their teams are playing, right? Idiot.

He also didn't reference Marshall directly but more of a broad action that applies to ALL GAMES HE WATCHES. The Herbstreit part actually confirms this.

Of course, you're the one who said MU would never build a baseball stadium and even when it's been built, you still deny it's existence like a damn child, plugging your ears, stomping your feet, and closing your eyes.
He's a moron, and a liar. He's trying too hard, says he wont engage me....then does this. All the while never attending a Marshall sporting event.
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Moron. This troll has attacked me for more than two years. He (she?) is a troll. Out of thin air he has made up a list of lies about me. I don't go to the games (I do). I don't give to the BG (I give plenty). I am a fan of New Mexico State (no idea where (s)he got that one). Every time I disagree it is just the same posts, over and over and over.

So I bluff called. PROVE any of it or STFU. (S)he has done neither.

Now, this troll, who claims to live in North Carolina, makes a mistake. He admits he not only doesn't attend MU games, he doesn't watch them. Or she, whichever. Psychologists tell us that most trolls are beta males, so I will go with he. You cannot attend a MU game in Huntington and live in Raleigh and watch ESPN, all at the same time, now can you?

The troll made a mistake. Understand that this child is on many dozens of different boards, getting off by seeing people respond to his vile behavior. It is what trolls do. It is who trolls are. He made a mistake. Keeping all of his stories straight is hard. He forgot that here, he is a Marshall fan living in North Carolina, and revealed that he doesn't really attend Marshall games, nor watch them. Probably had just gotten off a board where he is a Colts fan living in Fort Wayne, or a research botanist who disagrees with the authorities on osteopoliomacromany, or a Taylor Swift groupie that doesn't like the latest outfit because everyone else does, or any of the many dozens of personas he uses to bother people, simply (yourself excluded, of course), trying to have a civil discussion about something they like.

The troll screwed up. So, moron, before throwing out "idiot" at me, learn the facts.

And go Herd.
All this for someone who claims he "wont engage me any longer". The fact is, you read every word I say, because I live in your head rent free. You're trying way too hard here though. Beta??? Where did I admit I never attend a Marshall game? Talk about lying and making up nonsense. Many boards? Bahahaha. I cant attend Marshall games and live in Raleigh??? Really? Bahahaha. Keep rambling, that appears all you're good at.

You appear to need the Psychologist too. Rants like this show you need help. Serious help.

You wouldn't know a "fact" if it slapped you upside your head Sammy. I've been posting on Marshall boards since 2002. I've said this for years: grew up in Htgn, attending Marshall games since I was a kid, attended Marshall before transferring to a different school, held season tickets, member of alumni groups and BG member too.

Its hard for you to accept it. You're dumb and childish, showing while many laugh at you. Keep following me around and "not engaging with me", liar.
Ahh, so, liar and hypocrite, you are home in your la-z-boy watching the games. Not attending.

Despite your making up out of thin air your spew that those who dare disagree with you "don't attend" and "don't donate". Despite being bluff called dozens of times, you always fail to prove any of your spews.

And now, off your own keyboard, we discover what we always knew.

You are a liar, and a hypocrite.

And, umm, since, AFAIK, Herbstreit has NEVER done a Marshall game, you don't even watch the Marshall games.

Which is not surprising. You are not a Marshall fan. Probably listening to Crap-ridi awarding another August national championship to your (no actual relationship) Spamies.




Sorry, bub, you have made the mistake most multi-persona trolls usually make.

You post has been REJECTED, and your troll days here are over.

You have been blocked.
  • Haha
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