Well considering it was 1968-1972 and I was around 8 to 12 but I have no idea of the paper. It was judy maynard who was my aunt not niece. Judy died around 5 months ago. I remember this being all they talked about. We just couldnt get over the spitting. Those units flew into those bases on the west coast
Stay with me.Regardless if a army base or flying into seattle international everyone of them had family or taxi cabs picking them off. Every soldier leaving was spit at and their rides got people shaking their cars and beating on their rides. Now this was an everyday thing there. Now it might not have happened as bad in the rest of the country but you are dead wrong about how those folk from california not giving our boys hell. You are the only person who disputes this. You are being like one of the leaders of iran who says the holocaust never happened. When you claim the protesters " especially in california" didnt give our boys hell is plain silly. Claiming people are stupid for not agreeing with you and hillary cost her the election. More democrats than republicans yet you have blamed republicans for lying hillary losing. Negro vote didnt turn out for clinton
You should read hillarys new book. Its a comedy. She basically blamed the democratic party. You blame some on the board YET HILLARY BLAMES YOU
Nobody I know really cares about trumptard but they voted against hillary more than for trump. Thank goodness for electorial college or the two worst places ,,california and new york and all their perverts would pick the president.