Tiger woods

Yep, and that link provides the source of its claim. That link is to the PGA article in your first link. What that article states is that Woods has donated $12 million to his OWN foundation since 1999. That means he gave $12 million to his own foundation over a 12-13 year period, not $12 million alone in 2012 like you claimed. In other words, while you were fantasizing about me putting a dick in my mouth, you were looking foolish by posting yet another false claim.

You could have simply read your source to see that. You could have simply seen that your source was an article written on January 2, 2012, which would have meant he donated $12 million on the very first of the year to have made your claim accurate. Either way, your claim is not even close to being accurate.

Over a 12-13 year period, while Tiger was making more than $100 million/year many times, he donated a total of $12 million to his own foundation. That would be like a teacher earning $50,000 per year starting her own charity and then donating less than $500/year to her own charity. That a boy, Tiger.

Do you want to try and prove that he spend a lot of time working with children or have you had enough of being proven wrong for the evening?

Sorry, but when you're cheating on the mother of your children with more than a dozen whores, when you put your life (and others') in jeopardy by driving while intoxicated on alcohol and/or five drugs, when you're cheating on the mother of your children by bringing girls into their home, when you're texting pictures of your crank to other women, then you aren't a good father.

Jesus, you're back to contradicting yourself. You just tried proving how beloved Tiger is by referencing the crowd's reaction to him. Now, you're trying to claim people don't like him due to him being allegedly private.

I don't give it a shit if he is private. I'd prefer that. That has absolutely nothing to do with me liking him or not. The guy is a piece of shit as a person. I don't care if he is the best golfer in the world or an awful golfer. He's a shitty person. The same can be said for Michael Jordan. I think Jordan was a better basketball player than Lebron, but I will take Lebron's character and quality of person every day over Jordan's.

What does him being private have to do with what he did to his wife, his children, potentially to innocent people by driving high, to children repeatedly by not even showing very little effort to slap their hands, how he acts like a fvcking child by yelling swear words in front of children, how he blamed his DUI on a bad reaction to medication, how he pulled out of his OWN charity tournament because he didn't want to potentially be asked about his scandal? None of that has anything to do with him being private. They all have to do with him being a piece of shit as a person.

And that question can be answered by the people who liked your comment, too (@wvkeeper(HN) , @Raoul Duke MU , @raleighherdfan ). How can all of the things he has done to his family make him a good father? What does him allegedly being private have anything to do with him being a piece of shit or not?

And you're wrong- as one of the highest profile athletes of all-time, he absolutely does owe society something. Like it or not, he has a responsibility not to be a piece of shit, not to break laws that put the lives of innocent people at risk, not to treat his family like dirt, and to be somewhat respectable. He fails miserably at all of those.

So you're saying he enjoyed it momentarily after a great shot? Umm, yeah. I'm guessing he enjoyed all of the great shots he made, especially if it led to him extending a lead on a late hole.

That's bullshit. When baseball players sign autographs before games, nobody faults them for not going around the entire stadium signing every single autograph seeker. When basketball players walk off the court, nobody faults them for not throwing a wristband to every single child or slapping every single child's hand that tries.

Really, how any of you can say that Tiger is a great father and good person with a straight face is fvcking bizarro world.
not 13 million words, but close enough.

Do baseball players give kids high fives at home plate?

Do you know that when Tiger comes to a golf tournament it requires extra security. He is like Mickey Mouse at Disney World. You don't see him as often as the other characters and it is harder to get access to see him. You don't know it might create a frenzy if he suddenly starting meandering with the kids. Nobody else in golf creates that kind of frenzy.
So you're saying he enjoyed it momentarily after a great shot? Umm, yeah. I'm guessing he enjoyed all of the great shots he made, especially if it led to him extending a lead on a late hole.

I think that is when he turned off his poker face. Considering he played well all week, I'd say he enjoyed the shit out of it.

That's bullshit. When baseball players sign autographs before games, nobody faults them for not going around the entire stadium signing every single autograph seeker. When basketball players walk off the court, nobody faults them for not throwing a wristband to every single child or slapping every single child's hand that tries.

And I am not the one faulting anyone. That's you. I'm just giving you my philosophy on it. I'd hate to let 100 kids down by slapping hands with one or two. I'd be out there for hours signing for kids. Except for Cubs fans, I don't sign for Cubs fans.
Do baseball players give kids high fives at home plate?

The game isn't over after a home run and fans are blocked from baseball players' normal routes from home plate to the dugout.

Now, you have provided false info about his donations, about his time, and about him being a great father. Are you going to try and defend any of those fallacies?

Do any of you others who supported Herdman's comment want to argue about how Tiger is a great father given his numerous recent actions or defend his illogical comment that Tiger is so widely disliked because he is "private"?
I only watched the last nine holes, but at which point during play did he act like he was enjoying it?
Compared to the old Tiger, maybe all of it. There are numerous articles written about how he's mellowed out in his approach toward the game. I read something last night about one of the Ryder Cup captains even commenting on it (& he complimented Tiger on interacting with kids on the course too.)

That's not saying much considering you cheer for a guy like Tiger.
Neither of you matter in the grand scheme so why do I care if either of you fail or succeed? Seems easier to just wish people well rather than get invested in their failure.
Neither of you matter in the grand scheme so why do I care if either of you fail or succeed? Seems easier to just wish people well rather than get invested in their failure.

How about using some logic? You claimed it’s hard not to cheer for Tiger to win. If Tiger wins, that means everyone else loses. As I’ve argued, Tiger is a piece of shit as a person. His winning means far better people lose.

By you wishing Tiger to win, you’re “investing in the failure” of better people.
How about using some logic? You claimed it’s hard not to cheer for Tiger to win. If Tiger wins, that means everyone else loses. As I’ve argued, Tiger is a piece of shit as a person. His winning means far better people lose.

By you wishing Tiger to win, you’re “investing in the failure” of better people.
You think you're Blance Devereaux but in reality, you're more Dorothy Zbornak. Be less extragreen while you're at it.
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So you admit that your claim makes no sense considering your cheering for Tiger (a shitty person) to win means that better people lose.

I'd try changing the subject, too.
Nope. You're trying to insert commentary into my post because your initial line of attack was incorrect. Now, you're trying to insert other comments & points I haven't supported into your false assertion to criticize me because you can't spike the flag. And you continue to try & drag it out hoping I'll post something (or a grammatical error) for you to nitpick to somehow validate your false claims.
Nope. You're trying to insert commentary into my post because your initial line of attack was incorrect. Now, you're trying to insert other comments & points I haven't supported into your false assertion to criticize me because you can't spike the flag. And you continue to try & drag it out hoping I'll post something (or a grammatical error) for you to nitpick to somehow validate your false claims.

You claimed it was hard not to want Tiger to win. I argued that it’s easy not to want him to win, because he is a shitty person.

Nobody has been able to successfully argue otherwise.

Then, you resorted to claiming that you choose to be positive and cheer for people instead of negative and hope for their downfall. Yet when you cheer for Tiger to win, it leads to a negative (losing) by all of the others. That makes your stance illogical. When you add to it the part about Tiger being a shitty person, you’re then choosing to support a shitty person winning while supporting better people losing.

My line of attack was not wrong. Your logic is. That’s why you can’t argue your stance.
The game isn't over after a home run and fans are blocked from baseball players' normal routes from home plate to the dugout.

Now, you have provided false info about his donations, about his time, and about him being a great father. Are you going to try and defend any of those fallacies?

Do any of you others who supported Herdman's comment want to argue about how Tiger is a great father given his numerous recent actions or defend his illogical comment that Tiger is so widely disliked because he is "private"?
Bull shit. I gave you the links and his charity is well known. I never said he didn't screw up, but by all reports and the way his kid's react he is a good father to them. So, yes, he is a good father. Might be a bad husband but, he is a good father.

As for the kids, double roped area, clearly seen in the video. He went to his own family first(his kids, his mother) to celebrate first. That is understandable.
Bull shit. I gave you the links and his charity is well known. I never said he didn't screw up, but by all reports and the way his kid's react he is a good father to them. So, yes, he is a good father. Might be a bad husband but, he is a good father.


Moron, read what you claimed. You claimed that Tiger donated $12 million to his foundation in 2012 alone.

Now, read your links. They state that he donated that $12 million to his foundation during a 12-13 year period.

Those are two wildly different things. One is a donation of $12 million in one year. The other is less than a million per year while he was making more than $100 million per year.

Christ. You deplorables waste so much of my time by having to correct you on basic shit you can’t understand.
Moron, read what you claimed. You claimed that Tiger donated $12 million to his foundation in 2012 alone.

Now, read your links. They state that he donated that $12 million to his foundation during a 12-13 year period.

Those are two wildly different things. One is a donation of $12 million in one year. The other is less than a million per year while he was making more than $100 million per year.

Christ. You deplorables waste so much of my time by having to correct you on basic shit you can’t understand.
I copied and pasted it straight from the article. Copy and pasted it, silly.

Just like I am going to do again, right now

He devotes a ton of time and money to his at-risk youth charity, the Tiger Woods Foundation. In 2012, he gave $12 million to the foundation.
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You claimed it was hard not to want Tiger to win. I argued that it’s easy not to want him to win, because he is a shitty person.

Nobody has been able to successfully argue otherwise.

Then, you resorted to claiming that you choose to be positive and cheer for people instead of negative and hope for their downfall. Yet when you cheer for Tiger to win, it leads to a negative (losing) by all of the others. That makes your stance illogical. When you add to it the part about Tiger being a shitty person, you’re then choosing to support a shitty person winning while supporting better people losing.

My line of attack was not wrong. Your logic is. That’s why you can’t argue your stance.
I don't have to argue it. I stand by my statement. Why everything is an argument with you is puzzling.

You interjected a whole slew of reasons you don't like the guy, which you're welcome to do. But you seem to get angry when people don't join you in your disgust for everything. Ease up, man - it's golf. In your case, it may be something bigger, who knows. One day, if you find peace I hope people want to see you succeed as well.

The guy acted like a dick on the course, by all accounts has changed due to coming to grips with his health, & was written off, seems to have eased up, now seems like he's enjoying it, & won the green jacket. If it helps, I'll amend my statement - "It's hard for anybody without underlying issues not to want to see him continue winning."
I copied and pasted it straight from the article. Copy and pasted it, silly.

Just like I am going to do again, right now

He devotes a ton of time and money to his at-risk youth charity, the Tiger Woods Foundation. In 2012, he gave $12 million to the foundation.

Now, go to that exact quote in your source. Go directly under it where it says “Source: PGA.”

Click on “PGA” since it is a link. Read what that article says. It says completely different than what you claim and exactly what I claim.

Hell, you even posted a link to that exact PGA article earlier in this thread.

You posted three links for your argument. Two of them supper exactly what I said and refute what you said. Your third link, which you just quoted again, supports what you argue. However, the source used for that false claim leads back to your first source. It wasn’t the first source’s fault. It was the writer of the third source who misinterpreted it just like you did.

Christ. You deplorables are just really, really bad at reading.
Now, go to that exact quote in your source. Go directly under it where it says “Source: PGA.”

Click on “PGA” since it is a link. Read what that article says. It says completely different than what you claim and exactly what I claim.

Hell, you even posted a link to that exact PGA article earlier in this thread.

You posted three links for your argument. Two of them supper exactly what I said and refute what you said. Your third link, which you just quoted again, supports what you argue. However, the source used for that false claim leads back to your first source. It wasn’t the first source’s fault. It was the writer of the third source who misinterpreted it just like you did.

Christ. You deplorables are just really, really bad at reading.
I didn't misinterpret anything, I copied it from his article. A direct copy and paste.
The guy acted like a dick on the course, by all accounts has changed due to coming to grips with his health, & "

Your claim is that he doesn’t act like as much if a dick on the course now, so he’s a good guy worth rooting for?

Because acting less like a dick on the course is equal to driving intoxicated on alcohol/five drugs less than two years ago which put the lives of others at serious risk. Then, instead of facing up to it, he claimed it was just a bad reaction to medicine until the tests came back proving him to be a liar.

Your claim is that he doesn’t act like as much if a dick on the course now, so he’s a good guy worth rooting for?

Because acting less like a dick on the course is equal to driving intoxicated on alcohol/five drugs less than two years ago which put the lives of others at serious risk. Then, instead of facing up to it, he claimed it was just a bad reaction to medicine until the tests came back proving him to be a liar.

Man, not being able to spike the flag is really bugging the shit out of you.
I didn't misinterpret anything, I copied it from his article. A direct copy and paste.

And the article you used shows its source for the claim. However, the source claims something entirely different. Worse, you actually used that source and another as part of your argument even though they stated something entirely different than what you said.

You’re at fault and wrong regardless of which way you want to argue it.
And the article you used shows its source for the claim. However, the source claims something entirely different. Worse, you actually used that source and another as part of your argument even though they stated something entirely different than what you said.

You’re at fault and wrong regardless of which way you want to argue it.
Not really, he gave a shit ton of money. That was the point.
No better than greed anymore, just more wordy.
Man, not being able to spike the flag is really bugging the shit out of you.
He just isn’t as good at this as he thinks he is or that he wants to be. Spike the flag? He should worry about looking like Greed. Maybe if he just stuck to spell checking and stopped with debating he would come off a little better.
Man, not being able to spike the flag is really bugging the shit out of you.

Still can’t logically argue your point. That’s understood by now.

Not really, he gave a shit ton of money. That was the point.

In reality, he gave less than 1% of his annual earnings to his own foundation while also skipping his charity tournament which would have raised more money, because he wanted to avoid questions about being a shitty person.

You deplorables cry about fake news but do that on here more than any others.
My Dad didn't like Tiger. He would always watch Tiger...same as he would watch Kentucky basketball and hated them. Rooting against them.

Dad gave a lot of reasons for not liking Tiger. None of the juicy reasons, Dad died in 2009. Tiger cusses too much on the golf course (bwhahaha, Dad cussed the shit out of it while golfing, who doesn't). Tiger is an asshole (most pro athletes are assholes). Tiger is too cocky (as he should have been at the time, he was the best in the world). I knew the real reason Dad didn't like Tiger. The same reason Fuzzy wondered about the menu at the Champions Dinner....

Rifle, are you letting your upstate NY roots show?
Rifle, are you letting your upstate NY roots show?

This is just foolish at this point.

None of you can give any type of valid argument why you'd root for a piece of shit person. Look at everything he has done. He has done it to those he claims he loves the most. He has done it in the public eye. He has done it to those who can't protect themselves (his children) from it. He has done it to innocent people. When caught, he makes bogus excuses. Hell, look at what was said about him by some of the people closest to him - selfish, ruthless, cold, cheap . . .

Charles Barkley, who considers himself a good friend of Woods', claims that Tiger is very cheap and never tips. That supports another former close friend of Woods' who discussed how Tiger was obsessed with Navy Seals so much that he reached out to have lunch with a group of them, then stuck them with the bill.

He doesn't care if young children are around him. He will still yell "fvck' at the drop of a dime. There is not a single redeeming quality about the guy other than his golf game.

I don't care if he cusses (just show a little tact and don't do it in front of impressionable youngsters who idolize you). I don't care if he is private. I don't care if he is arrogant. His list of transgressions is long, extends for much of his adult life, and is backed up by many people who used to be very close to him who say the same exact things about him.
This is just foolish at this point.

None of you can give any type of valid argument why you'd root for a piece of shit person. Look at everything he has done. He has done it to those he claims he loves the most. He has done it in the public eye. He has done it to those who can't protect themselves (his children) from it. He has done it to innocent people. When caught, he makes bogus excuses. Hell, look at what was said about him by some of the people closest to him - selfish, ruthless, cold, cheap . . .

Charles Barkley, who considers himself a good friend of Woods', claims that Tiger is very cheap and never tips. That supports another former close friend of Woods' who discussed how Tiger was obsessed with Navy Seals so much that he reached out to have lunch with a group of them, then stuck them with the bill.

He doesn't care if young children are around him. He will still yell "fvck' at the drop of a dime. There is not a single redeeming quality about the guy other than his golf game.

I don't care if he cusses (just show a little tact and don't do it in front of impressionable youngsters who idolize you). I don't care if he is private. I don't care if he is arrogant. His list of transgressions is long, extends for much of his adult life, and is backed up by many people who used to be very close to him who say the same exact things about him.
Michael Jordan is known as one of the biggest pricks on the planet. How many fans does he have? He yells **** while playing golf on the course. tv picks it up.

The same Charles Barkley who said at one point he was not a kids role model. Remember?

Black people are notorious known as bad tippers. Not sure he is required to tip more just because he is Tiger Woods.
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This is just foolish at this point.

I'm just ribbing you, while mentioning why some people don't, or didn't, like Tiger.

I really do not care if the athletes I root for are role models. I don't care if they are assholes.

MJ? Not a role model. Gambling addict. Asshole. Punched a teammate in the face, more than once. Loved him.

Larry Bird? A prick. My GOAT.

Pete Rose? A shitty human being. Still my favorite athlete of all time.

Joey Votto? "I DON'T SIGN FOR CUBS FANS." To kids. Awesome.

Right now Tiger speaks to that part of us that wants to believe people can come back from shit in their lives. Pick yourself up and succeed. Is that an American belief? Maybe. Right now it seems pretty American to root for Tiger.

Me? I've seen Tiger do things on a golf course, consistently, that only a few people ever could do. A combination of power, imagination, touch, and domination that in his prime was awesome to watch. It was fun to see it again. I'll root for that, to find that moment in time once more. Shit, maybe Pearl Jam could release a new album worth listening to as well.
It's a me-first attitude and always has been with him.


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Those Amazing Mets were some alter boys though. Easy to root for them.

As RD says, it's really hard to be an elite athlete (or really any "famous" profession) and be a good person too. Just a lot of temptations, challenges, and a certain almost necessary narcisism and selfishness that pushes you to succeed in these endeavors. I'm not saying it's an excuse, but it is what it is. Humility isn't a great trait when you need that killer instinct.

"Gooden and Strawberry were both products of alcoholic fathers; Darryl’s was abusive, Doc’s was relentlessly overbearing. And practically from the start of their pro careers, the two plunged into their own cycles of violence and substance abuse. Both men built an ugly legacy of violence against women. Gooden missed the Mets’ 1986 World Series parade because of drugs and tested positive for cocaine the next spring, the opening entries in a long list of personal problems. Strawberry clashed with teammates and spent multiple stints in rehab for drug and alcohol addiction. Gooden contemplated suicide; Strawberry relapsed into drug use even after recovering from cancer. They became the faces of decadence, wasted talent and the full range of cultural pathologies attached to star athletes in the roaring 1980s."
Those Amazing Mets were some alter boys though. Easy to root for them.

So many poor arguments with your attempt.

First, I don't cheer for the Mets as a result of them being good people or good baseball players. I cheer for them due to being a New Yorker. Second, the '86 Mets were a wild bunch. However, the things you quoted (doing drugs and drinking) doesn't make somebody a bad person. Putting the lives of others at risk as a result of your alcohol/drug use? Yeah, that is something that adds to you being a shitty person. Getting wasted or high in your condo? No, that doesn't make you a bad person. Third, are you really trying to fault a six year old kid from cheering for the '86 Mets? Even if your first two arguments had any logic involved, which they don't, you're now stuck placing blame on a six year old for cheering for athletes who aren't good people. Enjoy defending that argument.

Now, if somebody had some sort of allegiance to Tiger through being a fellow alumnus of Stanford, being from his hometown, etc., then I could understand cheering for him. But to say it's hard to not want to see Tiger win? Bullshit.

Matt Harvey recently played for the Mets. Most Mets fans couldn't stand him and grew sick of his bullshit. They were more than pleased when the Mets cut his ass. He was a shitty person, and Mets fans knew that. Even though he played for my team, he was very hard to cheer for (exactly my point regarding Tiger, except people on here have no allegiance to hope he succeeds like Mets fans would with Harvey on the Mets).

Michael Jordan is known as one of the biggest pricks on the planet. How many fans does he have? He yells **** while playing golf on the course. tv picks it up.

The same Charles Barkley who said at one point he was not a kids role model. Remember?

Black people are notorious known as bad tippers. Not sure he is required to tip more just because he is Tiger Woods.

What do any of those things have to do with Tiger being a piece of shit as a person? Can a shitty person not identify another shitty person? Jordan, whom I already called a shitty person in this thread, isn't eliminated from being able to say somebody else is a shitty person. It may make him a hypocrite if he faults the person for the same things he does, but it doesn't make his comments any less valid.
What about the violence against women? That count?


My “argument“ (or just button pushing) is just like who you like. There are a lot of terrible people that are great athletes or actors or whatever.
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What about the violence against women? That count?

Sure. But now you're stuck arguing that a six year old should base his favorite team on how an individual player acts off of the field. Enjoy that argument. Then, you have to argue that a six year old should base his favorite team not based on where he lives, but rather, how one or two out of 25+ players act off of the field.

If a six year old (or any age) can't cheer for a team based on the actions of one or two of the 25+ players on the team, he won't be allowed to cheer for any team.

My “argument“ (or just button pushing) is just like who you like. There are a lot of terrible people that are great athletes or actors or whatever.

And that's fine. But if you'd take the time to look at what started this discussion, it was the comment made by SpermSwimmer that it's hard not to cheer for Tiger. Fvck me in the ass and call me "Sally." It's very easy not to cheer for Tiger, because he is a shitty person, just like it's very easy not to cheer for Matt Harvey, Hitler, or any other shitty person who had success.
Sure. But now you're stuck arguing that a six year old should base his favorite team on how an individual player acts off of the field. Enjoy that argument. Then, you have to argue that a six year old should base his favorite team not based on where he lives, but rather, how one or two out of 25+ players act off of the field.

If a six year old (or any age) can't cheer for a team based on the actions of one or two of the 25+ players on the team, he won't be allowed to cheer for any team.

And that's fine. But if you'd take the time to look at what started this discussion, it was the comment made by SpermSwimmer that it's hard not to cheer for Tiger. Fvck me in the ass and call me "Sally." It's very easy not to cheer for Tiger, because he is a shitty person, just like it's very easy not to cheer for Matt Harvey, Hitler, or any other shitty person who had success.

You consider Tiger was a shitty person, but now isn't? Or at least is trying really hard to not be? I think that resonates with people.

I assume you've seen Pulp Fiction. There's a lot of cool stuff, great dialogue, excellent direction in that movie. But the true greatness of the movie comes at the end, when Jules Winnfield is telling Ringo why he isn't going to kill his ass. "The truth is…you're the weak, and I am the tyranny of evil men. But I'm trying, Ringo. I'm trying real hard to be the shepherd." Deep shit. I think we are rooting for Tiger to become a shepherd.
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You consider Tiger was a shitty person, but now isn't? Or at least is trying really hard to not be? I think that resonates with people.

I assume you've seen Pulp Fiction. There's a lot of cool stuff, great dialogue, excellent direction in that movie. But the true greatness of the movie comes at the end, when Jules Winnfield is telling Ringo why he isn't going to kill his ass. "The truth is…you're the weak, and I am the tyranny of evil men. But I'm trying, Ringo. I'm trying real hard to be the shepherd." Deep shit. I think we are rooting for Tiger to become a shepherd.

Pfft. GK, Herdman, and many others were cheering for Tiger immediately before and immediately after his arrest LESS THAN TWO YEARS AGO for driving while high and/or drunk. They weren't cheering for him due to some perception that he was "trying really hard" to be a better person. They were cheering for him, because he is one of the best golfers of all time. It had nothing to do with them thinking he was trying really hard to be a better person.

It's not like he had his transgressions in 2009 and then suddenly started becoming a better person. He was shitty person before 2009. He was a shitty person in 2009 when it all came to light. He was a shitty person after 2009. He was a shitty person all of the way to at least less than two years ago . . . and some of those same shitty actions are just as evident now as they were back then.
Pfft. GK, Herdman, and many others were cheering for Tiger immediately before and immediately after his arrest LESS THAN TWO YEARS AGO for driving while high and/or drunk. They weren't cheering for him due to some perception that he was "trying really hard" to be a better person. They were cheering for him, because he is one of the best golfers of all time. It had nothing to do with them thinking he was trying really hard to be a better person.

It's not like he had his transgressions in 2009 and then suddenly started becoming a better person. He was shitty person before 2009. He was a shitty person in 2009 when it all came to light. He was a shitty person after 2009. He was a shitty person all of the way to at least less than two years ago . . . and some of those same shitty actions are just as evident now as they were back then.
I've cheered for Tiger since he was an amateur and I knew he was going to be good. I cheered for his golfing ability. Never really thought about him being distant or sheltered or needing to be likable. I liked what he did on the course because he was damn good. Beyond damn good. A local pro told me the other day nobody has perfected golf, but Tiger was as close as there was during his big run.

Let's be honest. The first "hate" of Tiger came because he was black in a white man's sport. And, then he started to pass Faldo, Norman, Hogan, Palmer, passed up Mickelson, dominated and then was a threat to break Jack's records. I know. I have heard the older generation. I even had a guy tell me one time I was playing a ****** ball because it was a Nike.

The reporters didn't like him because he didn't give them access and he was short with his answers and kept them at arm's length. He was there to win and win big. He wasn't charming like Arnold or Phil and didn't really care for the reporters. He didn't hang out with the other golfers that much. He was trained to be a good golfer.

He screwed up his marriage. Nobody disputes that. But, can you imagine if the locker room could talk on tour? There would be some stories for sure. Doesn't make it right, but he seems to be more personable, a good father to his children, and is more likable.

And, like him or not, his comeback is truly great. He is a golfer and one of the most known athletes in the world.
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