No. He didn't just lose control during one passionate, heat-of-the-moment situation and cheat on his wife. He was traveling the world banging whores, bringing women into the home where his children lived, banging the daughter of his neighbor, etc. hundreds of times. There is a huge difference.
You've conveniently then left out all of his other major issues. Running over a fire hydrant while fvcked up during a fight with his wife. Being drunk/high and driving down a highway endangering the lives of others. Instead of coming clean about those things, he then bullshits everyone by saying it was a bad reaction to medicine. Asking to eat with a group of Navy Seals (he is obsessed with them according to a former close friend) and then sticking them with the bill. That alone shows so much about his character. After all of this, he then risks more embarrassment for his children by sending pictures of his crank to women, which of course, end up online.
Where do you get that he was driving at just 20 mph? He was passed out in his car on the highway. His car wasn't moving. He passed the fvck out. Go watch the video I posted. He had no idea what state he was even in. He thought he was just in LA when he was actually in Florida. He wasn't driving at 20 mph.
And to say dog fighting is in a different league than having five drugs in your system/being wasted while driving? Bullshit. Dog fighting doesn't put a severe risk of human life in jeopardy. Driving as fvcked up as he was does.
And Ray Lewis caught shit for it everywhere he went. He flipped on the two guys he was with that night and became the star witness for the state. "No snitching"? Lewis DID snitch. He accepted a plea deal to snitch on the two guys he was with that night, who ended up being acquitted due to a self-defense argument. Further, after Lewis' major indiscretion (being with the two stabbers that night), he became a saint for the NFL. The guy was never an issue and did everything right. In comparison, Tiger has continued being a piece of shit for a decade in numerous incidents.