Torqued over the new Border Czar.

Hmmm... My copy of the KJV Bible says Barabbas...

Must be a Scientology spelling...
You know the funny thing about this is I went back and read my post. I described several immigrant groups that endured discrimination and initial poverty in the US - English peasants, the Irish, blacks, Chinese and Italians and their respective paths to economic betterment in a thread about border security.

Of course it would take a "libertarian" to focus on the racial aspects of this and not the economic aspects of the discussion. It's almost as if he doesn't think blacks can attain the same economic progress as the other groups mentioned without government assistance... Hmmm... Sure sounds like racism to me...

Meanwhile I do think blacks were obviously at a disadvantage because of generations of servitude and the road to economic prosperity was steeper and longer for them, the racist "libertarian" is unable to discern my underlying point...

An intact family unit was paramount to the other groups' societal improvements as well as the black society's improvement, particularly in the period of 1940-1970.

However his mask of racism prevents him from recognizing how the resulting welfare state devalued the black male in society by displacing him in the family and home with government money. This has resulted in fatherless families and generational poverty for many low income Americans, whether urban blacks or rural whites.

In typical liberal fashion, Dukie has always been quick to draw the race card. He claims libertarian, but his attributes prove differently. He goes race card quicker and more often than anyone I've seen, when talking politics. When all else fails, he turns to race like most liberals.

He loves his race card, like most liberals do.
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In typical liberal fashion, Dukie has always been quick to draw the race card. He claims libertarian, but his attributes prove differently. He goes race card quicker and more than anyone I've seen, when talking politics. When all else fails, he turns to race like most liberals.

He loves his race card, like most liberals do.

Yes he does...☹️
Hmmm... My copy of the KJV Bible says Barabbas...

Must be a Scientology spelling...

Classic that the ignored member went back and changed his Scientology spelling...

And he still got it wrong...🤣🤣🤣

Maybe third time is a charm...
Classic that the ignored member went back and changed his Scientology spelling...

And he still got it wrong...🤣🤣🤣

Maybe third time is a charm...
Get back with us when you understand SOMETHING in the Bible.
I didn't realize the ties Barabbas had to Trump until just now...

“And there was one named Barabbas, which lay bound with them that had made insurrection with him, who had committed murder in the insurrection.”

King James Version (KJV)
If so, I'm asking
That's not how it works, Slappy.
Of course it would take a "libertarian" to focus on the racial aspects of this
It's not every day in 2024 that someone says, "Yeah, the Civil Rights Act, fvck that shit."

Meanwhile you gloss over Joe Biden being an segregationalist
Didn't vote for him. He did like Amtrak, that's cool. Trains are cool.
much like you gloss over yourself being an insufferable p**ck...
I'd rather be a prick than a moron that thinks the Civil Rights Act ruined Americans Blacks. But you do you, KY Klan.
It's not every day in 2024 that someone says, "Yeah, the Civil Rights Act, fvck that shit."

I'd rather be a prick than a moron that thinks the Civil Rights Act ruined Americans Blacks. But you do you, KY Klan.

So you lied about a vagina and now you're lying about this. You've as much admitted you were a racist in your younger days and evidently the guilt from that causes you to project your racism on everyone else. I don't think that's uncommon.

I can't tolerate liars and that's what you have shown me you are. Congratulations - you've joined rifle and EG on the ignored list. Good riddance...
Is that the best you got? I mean, have?

Still waiting on you to have read the Bible enough to immediately know. Or, you know, Google. Try 'the Bible and immigrants".

We have laws. They have broken them.

Immigrants are one thing. Illegal immigrants are another.

As for the "best I have," it was nothing more than playing your name-calling game. It's exactly that. A game.

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