Trump: “We took over the airports”

Must have been difficult for all you America haters to watch that celebration of America last night. 4th of July has to be a tough day for your kind.
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Must have been difficult for all you America haters to watch that celebration of America last night. 4th of July has to be a tough day for your kind.

How easy it is for the trumptards to watch a military parade organized by a 5 deferment draft dodging coward.
Proud to say I displayed our Flag, revisited some American Revolution history and celebrated the holiday.

Don't know where or how the issue of patriotism would be measured by support for Donald J. Trump. What has he sacrificed for this country? Dodged the draft, didn't pay taxes and accepts election assistance from a hostile foreign power.
The President also confused the Revolutionary War with the War of 1812.

Here's the quote....

He said: “In June of 1775, the Continental Congress created a unified army out of the revolutionary forces encamped around Boston and New York … The Continental Army suffered a bitter winner of Valley Forge, found glory across the waters of the Delaware, and seized victory from Cornwallis of Yorktown.

“Our army manned the air, it rammed the ramparts, it took over the airports, it did everything it had to do, and at Fort McHenry, under the rockets’ red glare, it had nothing but victory.”
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It’s all part of his plan to turn into the dictator that you morons claim he is.
Nope, I said they had more balls to enlist than both of you. Reading comprehension skills you should work on, pussy
and I said you're a disgrace to the country you claim to love. You're no different than the Code Pink and Antifa crowd. You only love America when things go the way you want them to go. Be a marine, suck it up, and learn to overcome. TRUMP is your President, and you should be rooting for America. Six years is a long time for you to continue being miserable.
It’s all part of his plan to turn into the dictator that you morons claim he is.

I don't remember anyone here claiming cheetos IS a dictator, but if you don't think he'd take that position if possible, you're an idiot.
I don't remember anyone here claiming cheetos IS a dictator, but if you don't think he'd take that position if possible, you're an idiot.
He won’t ever take that position but please continue with your insanity and you’ll ensure a second term. does your son still work for the psych hospital? You need their services
Him messing up while speaking reminds me of the time Obama claimed there were 57 states. It happens
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Through reading this board, I've come to the disturbing conclusion that I'll never be a true "American". Of course, this is due solely on my attitude toward Trump. I would like to trust him, believe him.....but there's something in my core that powerfully resists. Some say it's "intelligence"....but I realize now it's a deep and incurable character flaw.

I admire the fact those on the right were tremendous Obama supporters throughout his presidency - never complained - just accepted and supported him completely without question. In fact, they never challenged a single thing he did, said, inferred or thought (well, they did say he was born in Kenya - but let's not go there).

Also, I truly admire the fact they continue to believe a man documented to lie several times a day amassing well over 10,000 lies since his inauguration. For me, when this administration says, "that drone was shot down by Iranians in international waters"..this awful, tourettes-like condition produces a response: "OK...this will require a bit more proof other than just you saying it's so." But not Trump supporters - a true, admirable display of pure faith in their leader.

Again, nay-sayers, critics and those in the Fake Media state that behavior is more like those adorable rodents who follow each other off the cliff to be smashed on the rocks to certain death. But I just don't see it. Trump supporters with those red hats and all.... aren't nearly as cute. :)
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Through reading this board, I've come to the disturbing conclusion that I'll never be a true "American". Of course, this is due solely on my attitude toward Trump. I would like to trust him, believe him.....but there's something in my core that powerfully resists. Some say it's "intelligence"....but I realize now it's a deep and incurable character flaw.

I admire the fact those on the right were tremendous Obama supporters throughout his presidency - never complained - just accepted and supported him completely without question. In fact, they never challenged a single thing he did, said, inferred or thought (well, they did say he was born in Kenya - but let's not go there).

Also, I truly admire the fact they continue to believe a man documented to lie several times a day amassing well over 10,000 lies since his inauguration. For me, when this administration says, "that drone was shot down by Iranians in international waters"..this awful, tourettes-like condition produces a response: "OK...this will require a bit more proof other than just you saying it's so." But not Trump supporters - a true, admirable display of pure faith in their leader.

Again, nay-sayers, critics and those in the Fake Media state that behavior is more like those adorable rodents who follow each other off the cliff to be smashed on the rocks to certain death. But I just don't see it. Trump supporters with those red hats and all aren't nearly as cute. :)
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and I said you're a disgrace to the country you claim to love. You're no different than the Code Pink and Antifa crowd. You only love America when things go the way you want them to go. Be a marine, suck it up, and learn to overcome. TRUMP is your President, and you should be rooting for America. Six years is a long time for you to continue being miserable.

I do root for America, which is why I hope trump goes away. He’s a disgrace
He won’t ever take that position but please continue with your insanity and you’ll ensure a second term. does your son still work for the psych hospital? You need their services

He would if he could moron. You're an idiot if you think otherwise. Do you still keep your wife in your home's crawl space?
He would if he could moron. You're an idiot if you think otherwise. Do you still keep your wife in your home's crawl space?
Statements like this one help my case for you needing mental help much more than you think.