Trump: “We took over the airports”

Statements like this one help my case for you needing mental help much more than you think.

It's what happens when idiots like you continue to fabricate false narratives. The only question is do you realize it's a false narrative.
Yeah, and I did. Thanks.
I'm guessing the vast majority of us did keep our doctor. According to what I've seen, around 1 million people lost their plan (due to the plan not wanting to align with the ACA). However, 20 million Americans were added to the roles of "insured" through Obamacare.

Not saying the law is perfect or even "good"....but most Americans viewed it as a positive IMO.
I'm guessing the vast majority of us did keep our doctor. According to what I've seen, around 1 million people lost their plan (due to the plan not wanting to align with the ACA). However, 20 million Americans were added to the roles of "insured" through Obamacare.

Not saying the law is perfect or even "good"....but most Americans viewed it as a positive IMO.
Insured doesn’t equate to access
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I'm guessing the vast majority of us did keep our doctor. According to what I've seen, around 1 million people lost their plan (due to the plan not wanting to align with the ACA). However, 20 million Americans were added to the roles of "insured" through Obamacare.

Not saying the law is perfect or even "good"....but most Americans viewed it as a positive IMO.

That was one of the biggest political issues in the last mid-term.
WTF are you smoking?

My sister and her hubby are self-employed and they have Obamacare. Her deductible is so fvcking high (last I heard her say was over $7k and that was several years ago) it's only good if she has a catastrophic health emergency. It's not like the premium is all that cheap either. My father, on the other hand, receives practically a free ride.

Doesn't sound proportionate to me.
WTF are you smoking?
are you serious? i know multiple people that have/had such deductibles. i know one guy (self-employed) who finally said screw it and dropped it because his deductible was $10,000 and his premium was another $7,800 annually; would rather pay the penalty than get fukt on insurance premiums and deductibles.

i also know multiple individuals who have the high deductible but have their premium subsidized to the point they pay no out of pocket for premium, but still have that huge ass deductible they can't afford to pay if they have to.

i know multiple people who minimally underestimated their income and was forced to pay upwards of $12K in premiums from the ptc back.
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Her deductible is so fvcking high (last I heard her say was over $7k and that was several years ago) it's only good if she has a catastrophic health emergency.

Isn't this what conservatives say health insurance should be for (where is murox when I need him...)? And is that not proof Obamacare is actually the Republican version of health care, as dreamed up by conservative think tanks?

Black man signs what white people want....white people hate him for it...only in America.
are you serious? i know multiple people that have/had such deductibles. i know one guy (self-employed) who finally said screw it and dropped it because his deductible was $10,000 and his premium was another $7,800 annually; would rather pay the penalty than get fukt on insurance premiums and deductibles.

i also know multiple individuals who have the high deductible but have their premium subsidized to the point they pay no out of pocket for premium, but still have that huge ass deductible they can't afford to pay if they have to.

i know multiple people who minimally underestimated their income and was forced to pay upwards of $12K in premiums from the ptc back.
Yes he is serious. He’s stupid
Isn't this what conservatives say health insurance should be for (where is murox when I need him...)? And is that not proof Obamacare is actually the Republican version of health care, as dreamed up by conservative think tanks?

Black man signs what white people want....white people hate him for it...only in America.

Fun, just making shit up, ain't it?
Yes he is serious. He’s stupid

Fun, just making shit up, ain't it?

full fledge liberal fag at this point. wonder if he's still claiming independent, or whatever.

Health Equity and Access Reform Today (1993)

Features of HEART:

An individual mandate

Creation of purchasing pools

Standardized benefits

Vouchers for the poor to buy insurance

A ban on denying coverage based on a pre-existing condition

No similarities to the ACA, right?^^^

Introduced by John Chaffee R
co sponsors: Bob Dole, R- Kan., Sens. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, Richard Lugar, R-Ind, and others.
Fun, just making shit up, ain't it?

If you mean I am making up Murox being the local standard bearer of conservatives, sure.

Tell me what I am making up here: Republican health care ideas are insurance is for catastrophic shit, if people paid out of pocket for routine shit competition would lower prices, and let insurance compete over state lines (idiotic, most of the insurance companies are already national, and they would fvck the fat state over the healthy state anyway). Two out of three here are in my comment, and are common of plans with high deductibles.

Is RomneyCare Obamacare not the Heritage Foundation's plan? Did the insurance industry not sit in on writing the legislation? Are you now going to make up some stuff?
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If independent is telling you Democrats passing Republican ideas makes me think it's two sides of the same coin, sure. If I did become a full-fledged pinko, it would be better than Republicans becoming fascists.
lol, you swallowing dtard's load, huh? jesus, yore a disappointment.
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lol, you swallowing dtard's load, huh? jesus, yore a disappointment.

And you are an inbred hilljack.

Are these not fascists? Trump-supporting fascists, I might add....

You need to get out of the hollow a little more. Or pay up your satellite bill so you can watch the news.

I'm not saying all Republicans are fascists...but it has become more fashionable to be a fascist with Trump in the White House. Funny how that works.
And you are an inbred hilljack.

Are these not fascists? Trump-supporting fascists, I might add....

You need to get out of the hollow a little more. Or pay up your satellite bill so you can watch the news.

I'm not saying all Republicans are fascists...but it has become more fashionable to be a fascist with Trump in the White House. Funny how that works.
you just did. and, you pick out a small group of assholes and label the entire party. funny how that works.

you must be one of those black mask wearing faggits that takes more dick than a toilet seat sees. i mean, if we're going to start labeling parties based on a small group of assholes . . .
small group of assholes

Some are prominent assholes, if judged by the number right-wing 4chan poop-pushers who cried when colleges would not let Richard Spencer, Milo (talk about taking dick), and other fascists speak on campus.

Why don't you non-fascist, responsible Republicans kill these fvckers and throw their bodies in an old quarry? Or at least publicly repudiate them? Why does your President say their are good people among the fascists? What the fvck kind of Republican Party do you have when all but about ten of your elected leaders waited days to speak out against this itty bitty group of fascists? Did it really take that long to read the tea leaves when it was just a small group of assholes to offend?

God bless Orin Hatch and Ted Cruz (Jesus, I never thought I would write that phrase), Rubio, Amash, and the few others who instantly shit a brick when they saw these Nazi pigs.

black mask wearing faggits

From Parts Unknown....

Why don't you non-fascist, responsible Republicans kill these fvckers and throw their bodies in an old quarry? Or at least publicly repudiate them? same reason responsible libs, if there are any, won't kill antifa faggits off or publicly repudiate them.

Why does your President say their are good people among the fascists? same reason liberal fags believe "their" are good people among antifa faggits.

What the fvck kind of Republican Party do you have when all but about ten of your elected leaders waited days to speak out against this itty bitty group of fascists? same kind of liberal party you have when none of them will speak out against the itty bitty group of antifa faggits.

my question, why are you liberal faggits such hypocrites?
And you are an inbred hilljack.

Are these not fascists? Trump-supporting fascists, I might add....

You need to get out of the hollow a little more. Or pay up your satellite bill so you can watch the news.

I'm not saying all Republicans are fascists...but it has become more fashionable to be a fascist with Trump in the White House. Funny how that works.
Swish it around in your mouth a bit before you swallow Raoul