Trump and Cruz pissing match over wives

Walden Pond

Platinum Buffalo
Oct 8, 2007
This is getting kind of old, you know. I don't care about their wives. Trump obviously has some young trophy he bought. Cruz didn't quite do so well. She looks like Adam Sandler in drag.

But who gives a shit?

Trump got him mad this time though. Cruz all this time tried to act like he was above the fray. Too important and presidential to get suckered into this petty stuff. Trump got him this time though. I'm surprised. If I had a woman like that, I'd have said she's fair game. Would have piled on myself and said I wish I could afford to divorce her.

Oh well. We're gonna be stuck watching Bill Clinton die in there anyway. He's gonna be First Lady and croak in about two years.
Bill won't make it through it. He looks bad.

The only thing I like about them going at the wives is that they have some fight in them. If they go after a wife then they could certainly say something about hillary. She's fair game as well since she stayed with bill all those years for political gain.

The Democrats pretty much have it in the bag fornthe win but our guys can't at least go down swinging. Plus garner cough support son the Democrats take less of our money.
Cruz is just afraid the church people will look down on it if his rocky relationship comes to light.
Clinton should have to wear a dress like bruce jenner. Saw Hillary talking to IT jenner. I would have run from that prefert He was in new York to get woman of the year. take away his medals. He broke the rules in gender. He says he is female. Wheaties sure should sue him. Think this country will ever get so bad that Caitlin Jenner would be on a box of Wheaties?
They went from arguing over who has the largest penis to who has the hottest wife.
And this is why Hillary will moon walk into the White House. Thanks trump supporters!
Why don't you thank the RINOs for being a bunch of wimpy ass cavers? That's what brought all this on.

They're useless. Why even have Republicans if they're just going to kiss liberal ass all the time?
The rinos needed fired and that is the best thing about trump. He fired the rinos. He probably won't win the big prize but the rinos didn't get their way this time.
They fund everything. The rest of whatever they do is just posturing. The only thing that gets done is the Democrat budget full of wasteful spending. The RINOs shook Harry Reid's hand on it and tacked it on, rung it up, cha ching, they might as well be Democrats.
Figures. You get all the money and that's still not enough.

What else do you want, outwardly embracing Hollywood culture? Don't worry, they do when nobody's watching. Their constituency though voted them in because they said they were against it, promised to try to stop it, yet do absolutely nothing but sit around collecting their paychecks while rubber stamping Democrat spending bills.
Obviously none. I'm not looking this stuff up. I'm not in school.

OK, the Republicans have stood against everything. They've all been so great. Let's go Marco Rubio!!!
  • Former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson supports same-sex marriage and abortion (although he opposes abortion once the fetus becomes viable outside the mother's body). After switching to the Libertarian Party in 2012 to run for President, he openly admitted that he governed New Mexico for eight years as a RINO, even using the phrase "Republican in name only" on multiple occasions. The Libertarian Party is liberal on social issues (with the exception that they support gun rights) but are fiscally very conservative.
  • Former Senator Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania supported ObamaCare and switched from the Republican Party to the Democratic Party to give the latter a 60-40 edge in the Senate and allow them to enact cloture on the Republican filibuster.
  • Former Senator Lowell Weicker of Connecticut, who left the party and formed his own local one in 1990, then became an Independent in 1995.
  • Former Senator Jim Jeffords of Vermont, who left the Party and became a Democrat in 2001, giving control of the Senate to the Democrats.
  • Former Representative John Anderson of Illinois, who became an Independent after losing his party's presidential primary in 1980.
  • Former Governor Buddy Roemer of Louisiana, who became an Independent after losing his party's presidential primary in 2012.
A majority of conservatives distrust RINO John McCain even though many of his policies are that of a true conservative. Key RINO principles rejected by McCain include support for gay rights, support for abortion, and support for earmarks. He has positioned his career as a bipartisan moderate, reaching across the aisle whenever possible. This is also his downfall. The era of reaching across the aisle passed -- when statist, socialist Democrats became Senators. His major political blunders mostly came during the 21st century political period. He was against both the Reagan and Bush tax cuts, and employed class warfare rhetoric in trying to stop the tax cuts from taking effect. His support for amnesty was the complete opposite of what conservatives wanted. He has always complained about enhanced interrogation techniques, calling them "torture". In non-election years, he likes to trash conservative positions and icons in order to get the media's and Democrats' approval. However, during the election he refused to go after Barack Hussein Obama's associations with Jeremiah Wright. He believes in the junk science known as global warming, and has supported cap-and-trade programs. Another Middle East war, without a goal, without full commitment to win, without Congressional approval- McCain supports the President. It didn't stop there and in July 2011, he called the Tea Party, the people that care about fiscal sanity in Washington, they are "hobbits".[4]

The sacrifices he has made serving this country cannot be overlooked. John McCain has earned war hero status but also the status as a D.C. zero.
A majority of conservatives distrust RINO John McCain even though many of his policies are that of a true conservative. Key RINO principles rejected by McCain include support for gay rights, support for abortion, and support for earmarks. He has positioned his career as a bipartisan moderate, reaching across the aisle whenever possible. This is also his downfall. The era of reaching across the aisle passed -- when statist, socialist Democrats became Senators. His major political blunders mostly came during the 21st century political period. He was against both the Reagan and Bush tax cuts, and employed class warfare rhetoric in trying to stop the tax cuts from taking effect. His support for amnesty was the complete opposite of what conservatives wanted. He has always complained about enhanced interrogation techniques, calling them "torture". In non-election years, he likes to trash conservative positions and icons in order to get the media's and Democrats' approval. However, during the election he refused to go after Barack Hussein Obama's associations with Jeremiah Wright. He believes in the junk science known as global warming, and has supported cap-and-trade programs. Another Middle East war, without a goal, without full commitment to win, without Congressional approval- McCain supports the President. It didn't stop there and in July 2011, he called the Tea Party, the people that care about fiscal sanity in Washington, they are "hobbits".[4]

The sacrifices he has made serving this country cannot be overlooked. John McCain has earned war hero status but also the status as a D.C. zero.
Obama's nominee to finish fundamentally transforming “education” in America has been approved by the GOP-controlled U.S. Senate, despite the pleas of Americans from across the political spectrum. Apparently the establishment wing of the Republican Party just cannot help itself when it comes to surrendering to Obama — even on so-called “education” and the minds of America's future generations. In what is being touted by the establishment press as a bipartisan move, seven GOP senators, all elected to stop Obama, joined forces with Democrats on Monday to confirm the deeply unpopular pro-Common Core nominee for U.S. education secretary, extremist John King (shown).

The latest GOP surrender came just a few months after the Republican-controlled Congress literally conspired with the White House to impose Obama's entire “education” agenda on America with the unconstitutional “Every Student Succeeds Act” (ESSA). Under King, the implementation of that radical agenda will continue uninterrupted. Critics were outraged, though, and vowed not to let the matter go.
Cruz is just afraid the church people will look dove on it if his rocky relationship comes to light.

Ding ding ding. I knew this was coming as soon as Trump said he would spill the beans. There has been rumors for a while that Cruz has been screwing around. I don't care who screws who, but when you have been doing the evangelical song and dance, hypocrisy is fair play.
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Doesn't surprise me that he's a phony. He sounds like a terrible used car salesman. Just think, I agree with everything he says. And he's so bad at saying it that I don't like hearing it from him. You can tell it's all lip service.

Worse than that, he would cave bigtime on that stage against Hillary. He's not even good at fighting Trump. How's he gonna battle the old hag? No way. He would be McCain and Romney all over again.
Some of the bills that the cons have blocked or attempted to block:

Tax on Companies that ship jobs overseas
Political Ad disclosure bill
Subpoena Power for the Committee investigating the BP Oil Spill
The Small Business Jobs Act
Repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”
Defense Appropriations Act
Senator Franken’s Anti-Rape Amendment to the Defense Appropriations Bill
Benefits for Homeless Veterans
Affordable Health Care For America Act
Health Care for the 9/11 First Responders who got sick from being at Ground Zero
The Jobs Bill
Wall Street Reform
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
Oil Spill Liability
Immigration Reform
Unemployment extensio n bill HR-4213
Fair Pay Act of 2009
How much would all those things have cost if passed?

See if you can follow along. We are NOT talking about whether we agree with the bill nor how much they cost. We ARE talking about whether the cons have caved to all of Obama's whims.
See if you can follow along. We are NOT talking about whether we agree with the bill nor how much they cost. We ARE talking about whether the cons have caved to all of Obama's whims.

What all was attached to the bills?

Free stuff for the hood.
What all was attached to the bills?

Free stuff for the hood.

See if you can follow along. We are NOT talking about whether we agree with the bill nor how much they cost. We ARE talking about whether the cons have caved to all of Obama's whims. Over 40% of all food stamp benefits goes to the white trash sector, ya flaming racist.
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Wonder how much shorter the list gets when you delete "attempted to block" from the heading. Obamacare goes away. That's the real biggie. Not only did they fail in their "attempt" to block it, but caved on budgets that continued to fund it.

Hell, many RINOs actually like it. Romney for one. John Kasich loves it. I'm sure there are others, but I'm just a redneck vacationer with a cooler of Big Ks so I don't care enough to look it up.
That's exactly right. You don't care enough to look it up, but that won't stop you from spewing nonsense, in spite of the republican controlled congress being one of the more obstructionist bodies in a long time.
See if you can follow along. We are NOT talking about whether we agree with the bill nor how much they cost. We ARE talking about whether the cons have caved to all of Obama's whims. Over 40% of all food stamp benefits goes to the white trash sector, ya flaming racist.

Well white trash or black trash. Does t matter. Plus whites are a bigger portion of the population.

Hand out free stuff is the Democrat way
You don't care enough to look it up

I'm not the only one either. That list is a lot of nothing. Who cares about most of that stuff? Obamacare is the only biggie on there. Republicans only attempted to block it with a half ass attempt. They could have blocked funding for it. Could have choked it right to death. They got scared and caved.
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Well white trash or black trash. Does t matter. Plus whites are a bigger portion of the population.

Hand out free stuff is the Democrat way

It does make a difference. While you mentioned the hood, racist that you are, you never even thought of the inconvenient fact that white people take a lot more of your tax dollars from the government. And further still you dont, again, mention that the wealthy take more of your tax dollars than do the poor. Taking from the poor and giving to the wealthy, it's the Republican way.
I'm not the only one either. That list is a lot of nothing. Who cares about most of that stuff? Obamacare is the only biggie on there. Republicans only attempted to block it with a half ass attempt. They could have blocked funding for it. Could have choked it right to death. They got scared and caved.

Your whining about Republican caving is a bunch of nothing.
It does make a difference. While you mentioned the hood, racist that you are, you never even thought of the inconvenient fact that white people take a lot more of your tax dollars from the government. And further still you dont, again, mention that the wealthy take more of your tax dollars than do the poor. Taking from the poor and giving to the wealthy, it's the Republican way.

I said the hood. can't there be a hood that is not just black people? Moron.

The hood
A place where some African American folk ususally claim they are from. They usually aspire to fantacies of escaping from "the hood" but most fail. However some actually do manage to escape from this 'hood' through their talents in the Rap and hip-hop industry.

The hood is also an area of heavy crime, and corrupt police force. Hoods are usually owned by organized crime organizations known as Street gangs. Which deal in the drug trade, prostitution, and theft.

Recently, hoods are becoming not only something of the African American race, but something of all races and cultures including hispanics, whites, etc, this hood-mentality has been spread through the increasing popularity of Rap and Hip-hop music, "gangster culture", and the underfunding of the police force allowed by the government.

Guyandotte is a hood.
It does make a difference. While you mentioned the hood, racist that you are, you never even thought of the inconvenient fact that white people take a lot more of your tax dollars from the government. And further still you dont, again, mention that the wealthy take more of your tax dollars than do the poor. Taking from the poor and giving to the wealthy, it's the Republican way.

Wealthy also contribute back more in terms of revenue and jobs.

If you were so correct then why wouldn't we want 300 million poor people. Somebody is paying for all this shit and it isn't the poor people.

I said the hood. can't there be a hood that is not just black people? Moron.

The hood
A place where some African American folk ususally claim they are from. They usually aspire to fantacies of escaping from "the hood" but most fail. However some actually do manage to escape from this 'hood' through their talents in the Rap and hip-hop industry.

The hood is also an area of heavy crime, and corrupt police force. Hoods are usually owned by organized crime organizations known as Street gangs. Which deal in the drug trade, prostitution, and theft.

Recently, hoods are becoming not only something of the African American race, but something of all races and cultures including hispanics, whites, etc, this hood-mentality has been spread through the increasing popularity of Rap and Hip-hop music, "gangster culture", and the underfunding of the police force allowed by the government.

Guyandotte is a hood.

We both know the hood you were talking about. Moron.
Wealthy also contribute back more in terms of revenue and jobs.

If you were so correct then why wouldn't we want 300 million poor people. Somebody is paying for all this shit and it isn't the poor people.


The wealthy do not create jobs. If they did, we would be awash in jobs. Trumpkin.
The whole white welfare trash thing is where they go live alongside blacks in the projects and pop out a bunch of yellow kids. People see the fat white welfare trash in the store with her EBT card and little Blake Griffin and say, "Gah, what a pile of shit."

I'm not the only one who says it either. It's certainly not limited to rednecks who like country music. Check out the lily white suburban rich women who wear those tight ass pants everywhere. Steeped in money, class, fanciness, etc., they look at this situation exactly the same way I do.

But they're voting for Hillary to alleviate their guilt over it while I'm saying flat out I don't feel a bit bad about it.

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