Trump and Cruz pissing match over wives

Of course Republicans only half-assed tried to stop "Obamacare"...that whole idea was a Republican idea.

True progressives, true liberals, wanted single payer. There was, and is, a lot of disappointment with Obama over this.

What in the hell do you have against hot white MILFs wearing tight pants? Jesus, that is the best reason to go to the grocery store.
What in the hell do you have against hot white MILFs wearing tight pants?

I'll preface this with the fact that I enjoy the view. Now then:

1. For roaring, tough actin' Tinactin women of now, they are still largely beholden to soft ideas.

The meanest of bullish bitches are as cold hearted and barbaric as men on the sea, but the ones I'm talking about feel guilt. That's where the Democrats really win. These women are traitors really, and should have been kept in line, in the kitchen, and out of the voting booths.

2. They're out selling what their man already bought.

Betraying their family, which leads to a lot of today's problems. Beneath the thin veneer of class they still retain by not fully going freak or goth or whatever, lies a howling whore wishing to be stolen away by a 20 something jerk with daddy's money in his pocket.
I'll admit to not knowing the details of things I don't care much about. Foreign policy for one. To me, it's all sand people living in squalor who can't figure out how to feed themselves.

Our softness as a country cries for them. The cold hard fact is if they're in the road, we're better off running over them than swerving to miss.
Walden Trump,,has a ring to it. lol Dont quote me But I heard he was going to hang caillin jenner his 2nd day in office.

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