Trump approval rating continues to fall

Still waiting on what Dreh_Nagi_HC_IM made up...

What has Cheetos done to improve morale in the military? What has he done to make it stronger?
The wall has not been started.
He's done nothing regarding Iran.
He's done nothing about jobs.
The Army lost four active divisions(min. 40k) and two Reserve divisions (20k). The number of total active personnel in the Air Force has decreased by nearly 30 percent. In the Navy, the total number of ships has decreased from around 393 ships in the fleet in 1992 to 316 today. Marines have dropped 22,000 personnel.
In addition OPTEMPO increased under Clinton. So go ahead, reduce the force and increase it's responsibility. Fvcking assholes.
Didn't ask for an essay, asked for a link to the military being cut by 2/3rds under bill.
Trump DIDN'T give Iran $1.3 billion. by NOT doing that he is already infinitely better than the previous admin against the #1 state terror sponsor in the World.
Trump DIDN'T give Iran $1.3 billion. by NOT doing that he is already infinitely better than the previous admin against the #1 state terror sponsor in the World.

Cheetos would have negotiated that amount to pay 3 billion and have Indiana taxpayers foot the bill.
It's still a hypothetical. Trump DID NOT pay anything to Iran BECAUSE he WAS NOT the president.

he has been the President for 35 days 0 hours and 47 minutes AND HAS NOT GIVEN IRAN MONEY

until that changes, he has been harder on Iran the Obama.
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But of course your 3 syllable statement was not referencing my post about one syllable words. Got it.
Of course t was in reference to your post because 76 replied to your original post with "same same what did Obama do."
Try to keep up
how can any red blooded american not enjoy the temper tantrums put on display by the crying libs? hell, this thread is pure entertainment.
There were about 2.2 mil active duty soldiers during Bush's presidency, cut to 1.4 in 2000. Cut 6 divisions, AF dropped around 30% of its force, Marines cut over 20,000. The reduction started under Bush but continued at a destructive decline under Clinton. Shear numbers don't tell the story though, force readiness does. That's hard to calculate because it wraps up personnel numbers, fully mission capable equipment, advanced training which was cut drastically under Clinton ( (, morale is affected because of all this... The RIF gave early retirements at 15 years and even 10 years. That affected leadership and experience which kills combat effectiveness ( (GAO/NSIAD-00-114, June 2000/) You always hear the term Force Multipliers, this was the exact opposite of that. Equipment readiness is called an S rating. S1 tells you that a high percentage of equipment is in a ready state, S4 is the worst. Congress ruled that all SOF and any combat arms units on a deployment cycle will be at a S1, most units hover between 1-2. During Clintons years S3/4 was the norm due to lack of budget. At the same time deployments ramped up under Clinton so a historically low force was stretched way too thin to be combat effective ( 23% of Chinooks, 19% of Blackhawks and 16% of Apaches were non mission capable. The Army reported 40% of its helos weren't wartime capable ( You also have to include equipment shortages. For example in 1999 214 Army units reported a shortage of required night vision totaling almost 9000 pieces (GAO-99-119). It's combat readiness I was referring to, not simply the number of personnel.

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how can any red blooded american not enjoy the temper tantrums put on display by the crying libs? hell, this thread is pure entertainment.

The cons have whined like mules for 8 years. We only get 4 to attempt to match the malarkey you've stirred up.
What has Cheetos done to improve morale in the military? What has he done to make it stronger?
The wall has not been started.
He's done nothing regarding Iran.
He's done nothing about jobs.
I wouldn't go there if I were you. The morale is much higher now.
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Do you ever get tired of being wrong or made to look like a complete moron?

Hey moron, you can't build a wall with talk. The wall has NOT been started. From YOUR article......."The president told the Conservative Political Action Conference on Friday that construction will start "very soon" For the puffs, that means the wall has NOT BEEN STARTED.

"It is unclear how soon Congress would provide funding and how much."
I wouldn't go there if I were you. The morale is much higher now

I didn't say it wasn't. I asked "What has Cheetos done to improve morale in the military? What has he done to make it stronger?" I have not received an answer.
Hey moron, you can't build a wall with talk. The wall has NOT been started. From YOUR article......."The president told the Conservative Political Action Conference on Friday that construction will start "very soon" For the puffs, that means the wall has NOT BEEN STARTED.

"It is unclear how soon Congress would provide funding and how much."

Soooo, you think we should just start building it without going through the bidding process required by fed. regs.? If Trump did that, you'd be bitching about how this administration is circumventing the law and assigned the project to one of his billionaire buddies. Be honest for once in your miserable life - it wouldn't matter if this administration ended world hunger, got the country completely out of debt, and cured cancer, you'd still bitch and moan about it because the POTUS is not from your party.
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