Trump approval rating continues to fall

"double digits"

Based on a thread started by someone named "andy4theherd" on January 17th, CNN is "fake news".

Since it's fake news, then for consistency we have to say that this poll can't be trusted.

the poll was conducted by "ORC"...

and i would assume a highly intelligent Marshall alum such as yourself could see the difference in a published story and a published poll.
even news from 1995 said it was great...

The poll shows a majority, nearly 60 percent, had a positive reaction to the president's first speech in front of a joint session on Capitol Hill. About 45.1 percent responded it was great and nearly 15 percent called the speech good. Almost 9 percent said Trump's speech was "very bad" while 7.6 percent called it "bad," which gives Trump total negative reaction of 16.3 percent -- over a 40 point difference when compared with positive responses. Over 10,000 people participated in Tuesday's flash poll.
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here ya go...


That works for me.

I never doubted the poll was right, but the use of it seemed a little inconsistent. I liken it a bit to a situation where a liberal bashes Fox News for being biased, then turns around and uses something on their site when it serves their purpose.
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