That's all u got. A quote from a made up story 7 yrs ago? Dr of Journalism? Dr of Grit magazine maybe. Gee expected you to burn the ground down with me raoul. You need to use your precious time figuring out how to get Trump out of the big chair and quit singing around the pinko's bon fire Kum by Ay My Lord, kum by At. Gays or females have no chance. Country could survive a weaker vessel female, man's helpmate but this country is along way from electing a gay person living an abomination and their agenda of everything being gay issues. People just want them to keep their nasty totally abnormal lifestyle in their own bedrooms like they claimed years ago that's all the wanted. Big bunch of Liar's. Trump is up to like 12000 lies to the American public and the dems are so out of touch with normal Americans even Don Lemon is saying it's over in 2020. Big bunch of whiners. That's all they do with no ideas no decent people to run and now the border really is out of control. Trump is running this country exactly like he wants. I thought he was too stupid to be able to do that. He is making a lot on here look really stupid. Keep throwing shit against the wall and hope something sticks. I actually left it up to the left to rid America of the buffoon. Boy what a letdown. Can't count on the left unless it's for some gay or Mexican or Muslim complaint they have with never amounts to anything. What's next, coal is being made into the cheapest gas in history. Coal is dead. Nobody intelligent enough to burn coal cleanly like Obama pledged. Cheap solar panels made in WV and KY is the best idea for green energy. Legalize pot and rid America of opiates. Get the blacks of smack and crack. Their small percentage is keeping up with the majority of the population being brain dead white America's youth on consumption.