Tulsi Gabbard Has Left The Democrat Party

i am herdman

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 5, 2006
She had just ran for President as Democrat in the last presidential race.

The Democrat Party has gone far left and ran people out like her and my mom and many others including Latinos.

Moderates have no place in the Democrat Party anymore.
Tulsi doesn’t really fit on a left-right spectrum. Tulsi is Tulsi.

Oddly enough a couple of the furthest left people I know like her because she is one of the only politicians with a recognizably different foreign policy than the American Norm that everyone has had since WWII.
This is always the go to.
Well, it's based on her own words. Russia state TV called her "our girlfriend Tulsi" and "an agent" (agent might be going a little far, but who the hell knows these days). And even Hannity called her out on her pro-Russia bullshit!

I mean, her first complaint in her statement was about "warmongers". Now what the hell do you think she is talking about?
Well, it's based on her own words. Russia state TV called her "our girlfriend Tulsi" and "an agent" (agent might be going a little far, but who the hell knows these days). And even Hannity called her out on her pro-Russia bullshit!

I mean, her first complaint in her statement was about "warmongers". Now what the hell do you think she is talking about?
Russian state TV also said that several US states are going to secede and that Russia would consider taking them in.
Well, it's based on her own words. Russia state TV called her "our girlfriend Tulsi" and "an agent" (agent might be going a little far, but who the hell knows these days). And even Hannity called her out on her pro-Russia bullshit!

I mean, her first complaint in her statement was about "warmongers". Now what the hell do you think she is talking about?
the current administration that is fighting a proxy war with our tax dollars? a war caused by our administration (war mongers) energy policies and NATO pushing to expand foot print? you know the ones who have friends and family getting filthy rich off of the money sent to Ukraine?
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the current administration that is fighting a proxy war with our tax dollars?
Would prefer a direct war with Russia? We've only been in proxy conflicts with them for...75 years? This is how the world is aligned.
a war caused by our administration (war mongers) energy policies and NATO pushing to expand foot print?
That's why Putin invaded? Moron.
you know the ones who have friends and family getting filthy rich off of the money sent to Ukraine?
Links that are not conspiracy websites? bUt HiS lApToP!

Now, if you want to talk about which market sectors are doing well since this war began...oddly (not really), coal is way up there. Maybe this will help WV! 19MU88: anti-West Virginia AND anti-freedom. Vote for Raoul.
Democrats like raoul still going with that Russian thing.
Ike and Reagan didn't like those motherfvckers too, you know.

I am constantly amazed at the Putin love with you bastards, strange days indeed. Reagan is doing 10k RPMs in his grave. Wait until China moves on Taiwan, y'all will love the Chi-Coms then, and probably get surgery to make your eyes slanted.
Ah, coming home to the party of the other Putin apologists.

The Russians won't need to paratrooper in like in Red Dawn, they are already in Congress. And unfortunately, also unlike in Red Dawn it is against American law to shoot them.

Green Energy is driving us to the brink of WW3..

Again, what is our end game in Ukraine? We were already in Russia's backdoor with NATO. Putin invaded Ukraine over energy and we, acting like morons, have this concept that we will go green and the world will be in harmony. Hello no, Oil and energy will become even more valuable.
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appears the resident liberaltarian OD'd on troll meds this morning.

Green Energy is driving us to the brink of WW3..

Again, what is our end game in Ukraine? We were already in Russia's backdoor with NATO. Putin invaded Ukraine over energy and we, acting like morons, have this concept that we will go green and the world will be in harmony. Hello no, Oil and energy will become even more valuable.
No, we’ll go green and then we can tell the Middle East to **** off since we are beholden to their oil anymore.
Would prefer a direct war with Russia? We've only been in proxy conflicts with them for...75 years? This is how the world is aligned.

That's why Putin invaded? Moron.

Links that are not conspiracy websites? bUt HiS lApToP!

Now, if you want to talk about which market sectors are doing well since this war began...oddly (not really), coal is way up there. Maybe this will help WV! 19MU88: anti-West Virginia AND anti-freedom. Vote for Raoul.
I'd prefer no new wars like 2016-20
Would prefer a direct war with Russia? We've only been in proxy conflicts with them for...75 years? This is how the world is aligned.

That's why Putin invaded? Moron.

Links that are not conspiracy websites? bUt HiS lApToP!

Now, if you want to talk about which market sectors are doing well since this war began...oddly (not really), coal is way up there. Maybe this will help WV! 19MU88: anti-West Virginia AND anti-freedom. Vote for Raoul.
I guess I responded too soon. usually don't read all of your BS but happened to skim back over. I see you are getting lose with your use of Moron.

Energy policies are just one of the contributing factors to Russians invasion. Weakness in the Whitehouse and incompetence certainly helped as well. Nato not ruling out adding Ukraine didn't help. But, Biden's war on energy here just helps Energy prices go up which does help and embolden Russia (they produce energy and vodka moron), but the way the Biden administration handled the gas pipeline to Germany certainly removed leverage and helped embolden Russia.

Even without the above foolishness that I mentioned, it's pretty clear that Putin sees the green light to add Ukraine territory during the Obama and Biden terms. that's exactly what happened.

As far as coal going up, that helps a few workers and owners make some money but in case you missed it we are having a war on domestic energy those high prices probably won't make WV thrive.

why are you screaming about his laptop? that's another topic altogether if you want to discuss FBI two tiered justice system, FBI suppressing info to manipulate election results (good bye to "of the people for the people"), or the actual Biden family corruption on the laptop.

stay on subject dickweed. you sound irrational, and well stupid, like the Cuck.
No, we’ll go green and then we can tell the Middle East to **** off since we are beholden to their oil anymore.
Good Luck with that. You suddenly going to replace every vehicle and piece of equipment in this country that uses oil and gas? Every product we have has an oil based prodcut as part of its existinence.

What plent do you all live on? Not Planet Reality.

We are backing ourselves into a corner strategically. Have you seen the mess Europe is in because of ths way of thinking? Are you that naive or brain washed?
No, we’ll go green and then we can tell the Middle East to **** off since we are beholden to their oil anymore.
or we could have just stayed energy independent and told the Middle East to **** off while not destroying our economy
or we could have just stayed energy independent and told the Middle East to **** off while not destroying our economy
We produce more oil than we use. We just don’t have the right refineries to refine our own oil, because it was cheaper to truck in the cheap shit from overseas and then sell ours.

Good Luck with that. You suddenly going to replace every vehicle and piece of equipment in this country that uses oil and gas? Every product we have has an oil based prodcut as part of its existinence.

What plent do you all live on? Not Planet Reality.

We are backing ourselves into a corner strategically. Have you seen the mess Europe is in because of ths way of thinking? Are you that naive or brain washed?
Oh no we can’t do it immediately and perfectly, better give up.

It’s a process. It’ll take time. Earlier we start, earlier we finish.
Ah, coming home to the party of the other Putin apologists.

And leaving the party of Ukrainian corruption and Chinese influence...

Spoken like the true liberal that you are...

Russia, Russia, Russia...

You sound like one of the Brady girls...
Again, what is our end game in Ukraine?
Weaken one of our two main rivals. And hopefully grow some dissent within their people.
I'd prefer no new wars like 2016-20
Well who wouldn't. Unfortunately we are not the only actor at play in this world.
I see you are getting lose with your use of Moron.
Not really, a bunch of you have turned into morons.
FBI suppressing info to manipulate election results
Like Comey doing his best to fvck Hillary on the eve of the 2016 election?
We produce more oil than we use. We just don’t have the right refineries to refine our own oil, because it was cheaper to truck in the cheap shit from overseas and then sell ours.
Profit before nation, as always.
Spoken like the true liberal that you are...
Spoken like a true Putin lover. Ain't nothing liberal about the other side in our geopolitical game.

What is it with you clowns and loving authoritarianism these days? One of the great branding accomplishments of the GOP was to have stolen the mantle of "fvck the government" from the hippies (because those hippies became neo-cons, but that's a discussion for another day). Y'all have flushed that one down the shitter. You've got pro-Russia people in Congress, Tucker wanting to blow Orban, Trump family loving the Saudis, a SCOTUS wanting a theocracy, one justice musing about banning condoms, and his wife running around trying to get a coup going.

Some people long for the 80s because of the music, or the movies, or even the cars (have you seen prices for a minty IROC Z these days?) Me, I long for everyone knowing which side was the good guys.
Weaken one of our two main rivals. And hopefully grow some dissent within their people.

Well who wouldn't. Unfortunately we are not the only actor at play in this world.

Not really, a bunch of you have turned into morons.

Like Comey doing his best to fvck Hillary on the eve of the 2016 election?

Profit before nation, as always.

Spoken like a true Putin lover. Ain't nothing liberal about the other side in our geopolitical game.

What is it with you clowns and loving authoritarianism these days? One of the great branding accomplishments of the GOP was to have stolen the mantle of "fvck the government" from the hippies (because those hippies became neo-cons, but that's a discussion for another day). Y'all have flushed that one down the shitter. You've got pro-Russia people in Congress, Tucker wanting to blow Orban, Trump family loving the Saudis, a SCOTUS wanting a theocracy, one justice musing about banning condoms, and his wife running around trying to get a coup going.

Some people long for the 80s because of the music, or the movies, or even the cars (have you seen prices for a minty IROC Z these days?) Me, I long for everyone knowing which side was the good guys.
It is not being pro Putin. It is wondering why we are sending billions to Ukraine and headed down a road of getting involved in a global conflict with large consequences. This is not war on terror stuff here. There are major consequences that are possible.

In addition, all the money funneling and what went on with the Biden family in Ukraine and we are suddenly entrenched in a conflict there and sending billions with Joe Biden as POTUS. What is the deal there?

Has nothing to do with the love of Russia or Putin? Nobody cares for them. It is all the stuff surrounidng it. Oh , and throw in that debacle exit from Afghanistan and that crap and we are like what in the hell are we doing?
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It is not being pro Putin. It is wondering why we are sending billions to Ukraine and headed down a road of getting involved in a global conflict with large consequences. This is not war on terror stuff here. There are major consequences that are possible.

Has nothing to do with the love of Russia or Putin? Nobody cares for them. It is all the stuff surrounding it. Oh , and throw in that debacle exit from Afghanistan and that crap and we are like what in the hell are we doing?
Biden's entire strategy is to outspend Putin. That's it. And if it means depleting our oil reserves, spending like a drunk college girl, & getting us into a nuclear war with a serious threat, well that's the price Joe Biden is willing to make you pay. Over Ukraine.
This is not war on terror stuff here.
Well yeah, it is worse. You ever look at a map? Russia has shot rockets into Lutsk, it's 50 some miles from Poland. That ain't good.
In addition, all the money funneling and what went on with the Biden family in Ukraine and we are suddenly entrenched in a conflict there and sending billions with Joe Biden as POTUS.
I think foil is on sale at Kroger. Russia has had sights on all of Ukraine much longer.
What is the deal there?
The deal is Russia decided to move into somewhere really close to NATO borders. Good thing Belarus is buddies with Russia.

War in Europe is not ragheads fighting over sand. Ain't even close. It's been our national policy since late 1941 that war in Europe ain't cool.

Nobody cares for them.
Yet you help spread Russian propaganda. Unknowingly perhaps, you just parrot what you hear.
Well yeah, it is worse. You ever look at a map? Russia has shot rockets into Lutsk, it's 50 some miles from Poland. That ain't good.

I think foil is on sale at Kroger. Russia has had sights on all of Ukraine much longer.

The deal is Russia decided to move into somewhere really close to NATO borders. Good thing Belarus is buddies with Russia.

War in Europe is not ragheads fighting over sand. Ain't even close. It's been our national policy since late 1941 that war in Europe ain't cool.

Yet you help spread Russian propaganda. Unknowingly perhaps, you just parrot what you hear.
No, I don't spread Russian propoganda. How? The reality is Urkaine is a corrupt nation who by the way the current POTUS was gaining profit from. Russia is a corrupt nation and we are getting involved in it by sending billions and perhaps being drug into a war with severe ramifications. That is not Russia propoganda that is the reality.

Russia controlled Ukraine for decades. We also moved into and were supporting and training Ukraine near Russia's border.

We also have a boob leader with a green energy policy that helped accelerate this.

That is not propoganda; that is the truth .
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