Uhhhh ohhhhhh

Brookings Institute isn't liberal? NYT isn't liberal? Paul Krugman isn't a liberal economist? CNN is "conservative"?

Keep'm coming buckyII.

As I stated, I only read the first article. It was so far from what you're claiming it supports that I didn't bother wasting any more of my time.

Let me remind you of what your own source said:

“As a reminder, the Trump Treasury department claims that tax cuts will pay for themselves because the economy will grow at almost 3 percent a year for the next decade. This growth projection didn’t come from any model; it was just pulled out of … well, you fill in the rest,” Nobel Prize winning economist Paul Krugman wrote Sunday in The New York Times.

Do you not know the difference between a decade and a quarter when discussing GDP? You're using a PREDICTION from an historically inaccurate system of one QUARTER to try and argue that those who mocked the DECADE prediction by the White House were wrong.

Honestly- simple question: can you not understand how asinine your attempt was now that you realize those economists weren't talking about a single quarter, but rather, cheeto's comments about 6% and 3% annually over a decade?
As I stated, I only read the first article. It was so far from what you're claiming it supports that I didn't bother wasting any more of my time.

Yet you continue to waste time in replying....

We know why you wouldn’t read the rest of the sourced materials. It would be the 2nd time in this thread you looked like a jackass.
Yet you continue to waste time in replying....

We know why you wouldn’t read the rest of the sourced materials. It would be the 2nd time in this thread you looked like a jackass.

So you’re admitting that your first source claimed something entirely different than what you were arguing, and now you expect me to trust that you now know how to critically read and develop a logical argument?

Sorry, Boy Who Cried Wolf. This happens far too frequently.

What you’re claiming happened and what actually happened are two different things. Let me dumb this down for you:

MLB baseball player: “I’m going to hit 50 home runs every year for the next decade.”

Sports writers: “That’s absurd. He doesn’t know what he’s talking about.”

Kindergarten student: “I bet the MLB player hits 40 homeruns before the All Star break.”

Raleigh: “Uhhh ohh! Those writers were wrong, as this kindergarten student PREDICTS the MLB player to hit 40 homeruns before the break in just one year.”

See how your argument is entirely different than what those you were blaming (liberals) were actually talking about?
See how your argument is entirely different than what those you were blaming (liberals) were actually talking about?

No. It’s pretty simple. 1) I wasn’t attempting to “argue” with my post. Just pointing out the “bad news” of the economy potentially hitting a 5+% growth point in quarters to come.
“Bad news” based on previous lefty predictions and mocking assertions of Trump economic performance: “...Wave a magic wand”....”Company PR moves”...”markets will crash if Trump is elected”.... “4% when pigs fly”... etc.

(Insert your initial knee jerk irrelevant response about Obama here)

2) yes...liberals across the board have questioned (and mocked) the idea of Trump’s economic predictions. And they continue to make excuses and move the goal posts on discussions as each previous expectation or report gets revised higher by the pundits (intentionally acting like what they said...they didn’t say). You’re doing a miserable job of attempting to prove otherwise regardless of what qtr, year, or decade you now try and debate.

The funniest part may be your ignorant assertion that those articles sources/linked were not liberal: brookings, Krugman, nyt, cnn money, FAO economics. Moron indeed. (Maybe bucky can help your argument by his incessant need to talk about Tudors.)
No. It’s pretty simple. 1) I wasn’t attempting to “argue” with my post. Just pointing out the “bad news” of the economy potentially hitting a 5+% growth point in quarters to come.
“Bad news” based on previous lefty predictions and mocking assertions of Trump economic performance: “...Wave a magic wand”....”Company PR moves”...”markets will crash if Trump is elected”.... “4% when pigs fly”... etc.

(Insert your initial knee jerk irrelevant response about Obama here)

2) yes...liberals across the board have questioned (and mocked) the idea of Trump’s economic predictions. And they continue to make excuses and move the goal posts on discussions as each previous expectation or report gets revised higher by the pundits (intentionally acting like what they said...they didn’t say). You’re doing a miserable job of attempting to prove otherwise regardless of what qtr, year, or decade you now try and debate.

The funniest part may be your ignorant assertion that those articles sources/linked were not liberal: brookings, Krugman, nyt, cnn money, FAO economics. Moron indeed. (Maybe bucky can help your argument by his incessant need to talk about Tudors.)
Raleigh did you just get off work. That’s good you don’t have to work Gino’s today. Enjoy the rest of your Saturday.
It’s not moving the goalposts. To a feeble mind that can’t follow a discussion and argument, it probably appears that way.

Your own fvcking link spelled it out; the comments were over the ten year span that the cheeto administration claimed. Now, you’re trying to use a prediction for one quarter to somehow prove that the comments about the decade prediction were somehow off-base.

You just aren’t good at this, and I’ve given you dozens of times over years to prove otherwise.

You’re much better at pretending to socialize daily with experts on every topic mentioned on this board.
This isn’t unbelievable. I’m so sick of morons wasting my time on here due to them not being able to critical read and follow their own argument.

Did you even read your own god damn source? Not only did it not say anything about liberals, but it clearly stated that the claim they were disputing was that the economy would see a growth of 3% annually for ten years as the White House claimed. God damn, the link to that article and a direct quote about that claim is even in your own fvcking source.

Nobody is disputing a 3% growth for a quarter. Nobody is disputing a 3% growth for even a year. What everyone was disputing was the White House release of 3% growth every year for a decade. It even has a direct quote your article about it.

I mean, fvck. Do you guys ever read; real publications, not the USA Today?

I’m going to the college national debate tournament this weekend. Kansas is predicted to win it with Harvard being next up. I think some of you need to make a trip to it next year so that you can be taught by these 19 year olds how to construct and defend an argument.

I’m not even going to bother reading your other attempts from sources, because I’m sure they also say something completely different than what you claimed and what I challenged you on.

This post is hilarious.
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Raleigh did you just get off work. That’s good you don’t have to work Gino’s today. Enjoy the rest of your Saturday.

Awesome. Just as I predicted.....

To now see, all world formerrifle, needing posters like bucky offering pitiful attempts to bolster opinions. So sad. The mighty have fallen.
This post is hilarious.

Oh, it's the liar. Still too scared to defend your own post with proof? Show us those celebrity liberals who stated on social media that pedos were "just normal people" like gays.

Says the guy whose initial reply to the post was completely irrelevant to a general observation being made. Priceless. Stick to discussing movie passes.

You made a claim that many liberals mocked cheeto for his economic claim. What you continue to fail acknowledging is that what you posted had nothing to do with what people were mocking him for stating. Your own damn link, which I quoted, showed that.

Why will you not directly refute or respond to that? Why did your own link quote a person discussing something entirely different than what you claimed liberals were mocking cheeto for?
Again. Hilarious. Questioning another’s comprehension when your initial first response had nothing to do with thread. Even more hilarious. Not comprehending the links provided were liberal sources providing what you wanted.

This is what you said it was about:
“Remember when libs mocked the idea of Trump claiming the economy would grow above 4% with his policies?”

So, I asked you to simply show all of those times. You have failed miserably, because what you claim they mocked and what they actually mocked are not the same.
What's the story behind his dave loves c0ck handle?

Why do you ask so many questions about me, you fvcking weirdo?

In multiple threads, you continue to ask questions to others about me. This is how Herd Fever started his obsession. Stop it now before you get even more humiliated like he did.
Why do you ask so many questions about me, you fvcking weirdo?

In multiple threads, you continue to ask questions to others about me. This is how Herd Fever started his obsession. Stop it now before you get even more humiliated like he did.

Just wondering why you would put your real name on here.
What's the story behind his dave loves c0ck handle?

It was to tell the honest truth about a loser who hangs out on The Woodshed named @dave who, in fact, LOVES the cock.

It stands as one of Rifle's most admirable accomplishment on here. The other was shutting down TiTM, although I do wish they would create a new smack board.
Why is it so hard for morons to understand the difference between “your” and ”you’re”?

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It was to tell the honest truth about a loser who hangs out on The Woodshed named @dave who, in fact, LOVES the cock.

It stands as one of Rifle's most admirable accomplishment on here. The other was shutting down TiTM, although I do wish they would create a new smack board.
His most admirable accomplishment is to resign defeat by changing his name to homophobic slur. #winning