Ukraine claims control of hundreds of square miles of Russian territory as operation forces tens of thousands to flee

Russia has 33 percent of ukriane dipshit.

Maybe Ukraine should worry about fighting in their own territory.
putin puppet Snot told us putin would have everything he wants in 30 days
putin puppet Snot told us putin would have everything he wants in 30 days
Do side Milley snd everyone else. Admiration foe the Ukrainians. Thry fight admirably. Shame on NATO and the USA for helping facilitate the war.
Do side Milley snd everyone else. Admiration foe the Ukrainians. Thry fight admirably. Shame on NATO and the USA for helping facilitate the war.
putin puppet Snot told us putin would have everything he wants in 30 days
putin puppet Snot told us putin would have everything he wants in 30 days
The Ukrainian forces in the remote areas of Russia are being decimated. Russia controls the area of rhe size of Texas. Ukrianes incursion into Russia would be like controlling half of Mason County. Russia has the area they want. Ukraine is trying for a peaced deal.
zUkrainian forces in the remote areas of Russia are being decimated. Russia controls the area of rhe size of Texas. Ukrianes incursion into Russia would be like controlling half of Mason County. Russia has the area they want. Ukraine is trying for a peaced deal.
putin puppet Snot told us putin would have everything he wants in 30 days. He's now rutin for putin. Like the oath breaker he is.
putin puppet Snot told us putin would have everything he wants in 30 days. 2 1/2 years later he's still rutin for putin. Like the oath breaker he is.
putin puppet Snot told us putin would have everything he wants in 30 days. 2 1/2 years later he's still rutin for putin. Like the oath breaker he is.
Not rooting for Putin at all. Have no love for Russia. However, we helped facilitate the war with the NATO nonsense and Ukraine is corrupt and has been a slush fund. We have zero strategic interest in what happens in Eastern Ukraine.
Not rooting for Putin at all. Have no love for Russia. However, we helped facilitate the war with the NATO nonsense and Ukraine is corrupt and has been a slush fund. We have zero strategic interest in what happens in Eastern Ukraine.
putin puppet Snot told us putin would have everything he wants in 30 days. 2 1/2 years later he's still rutin for putin. Like the oath breaker he is.
You are a moron. They don't control anything other than a forest and they are being routed. They sent in up to 11,000 troops(which they needed elsewhere). approx 3500 of those have been killed or wounded. Many captured and the rest will soon be decimated or captured. They are cut off from their escap route back into Ukraine.

What was their objective here? It amounts to nothing. They entered through a lightly populated mostly forested area of Russia(small in scope). Got decimated and are trying to fall back and can't. They really didn't accomplish anything. Blew a few bridges, might have been trying to get to the nuclear power plant. Didn't work other than getting a bunch of their troops killed and equipment destroyed.

Unfortunately, Zelensky's final chapter(good or bad and he is snake oil salesman) is being written and so is Ukraine's. they lost men and equipment they needed elsewhere for little or no gain and something meaningless. This is a disaster for Ukraine.

Russia wanted the ethnic areas of Ukraine. Now they may go after more. Zelsnky owns a house in Europe and Orlando, FL for a reason. his escape likely with our cash.
putin puppet Snot told us putin would have everything he wants in 30 days
That came from Mark Milley, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs under Mush. He actually said 72 hours(capital would fall). But, Russia has want it wants which is the eastern part of Ukraine which is ethnic Russian. He never wanted to rule Ukraine.

Their wonderful incursion would be like take half of a county in WV and getting 5,000 men killed to do it. For what? getting some trees. Now they are cut off and getting routed. Blunder.
That came from Mark Milley, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs under Mush. He actually said 72 hours(capital would fall). But, Russia has want it wants which is the eastern part of Ukraine which is ethnic Russian. He never wanted to rule Ukraine.

Their wonderful incursion would be like take half of a county in WV and getting 5,000 men killed to do it. For what? getting some trees. Now they are cut off and getting routed. Blunder.
putin puppet Snot told us putin would have everything he wants in 30 days