Ukraine Corruption Continues - An Update


Platinum Buffalo
Aug 16, 2015
From NPR yesterday:

WASHINGTON — Just last week, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy fired all two dozen regional military recruiters. Investigators found they were coming up with bogus documents to show a potential recruit was unfit for military duty. The price? $10,000 each.​
And a few days later, the New York Times reported that a Ukrainian weapons dealer was inflating prices. This follows the dismissal of the chair of Ukraine's Supreme Court in May after being accused of taking millions of dollars in bribes. And before that Zelenskyy removed six deputy ministers and five regional administrators on charges of – you guessed it – corruption.​
That's not all. Last fall the U.S. Agency for International Development's Dekeleptification Guide reported that costs for large scale state construction projects in Ukraine are inflated by 30 percent, including 10 percent kickbacks for government officials and their friends.​
None of this comes as a surprise to Transparency International, which tracks corruption in government. It lists Ukraine as the second most corrupt state in Europe – after Russia.​

Afghanistan Corruption & Lessons for Ukraine
There's about 30 republican officials under indictment for fraud. And probably twice that in unindicted conspirators. But Ukraine...
Iraq & Afghanistan are BOTH largely considered boondoggles. And ironically, Biden was for the wars before he was against them. But somehow, those two wars being full blown boondoggles mean we give Ukraine a blank check? I honestly do not understand the left's logic on this.
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Iraq & Afghanistan are BOTH largely considered boondoggles. And ironically, Biden was before the wars before he was against them. But somehow, those two wars being full blown boondoggles mean we give Ukraine a blank check? I honestly do not understand the left's logic on this.
THey are about party first. That's it. Their party told them it is good so they go along with it. Their party is first and foremost.
Totally hypothetical situation, but if dems proposed sending troops & Americans into Ukraine for "oversite", would those on this board finally be against this war since the whole "no boots on the ground" is their rallying cry?
Robin Ware, JRB Ware, Robin L Peters
That's not all that have surfaced so far, either. Shell companies, multiple aliases, & LARGE unexplained foreign payments.

It's almost like the dems know he's corrupt AF & because of his age, they hope he dies the day after he gets out of office so they don't have to actually have to address the corruption.
That's not all that have surfaced so far, either. Shell companies, multiple aliases, & LARGE unexplained foreign payments.

It's almost like the dems know he's corrupt AF & because of his age, they hope he dies the day after he gets out of office so they don't have to actually have to address the corruption.
There is zero evidence Joe Biden has committed a crime.

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