Ukraine Thoughts Weeks In

i am herdman

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 5, 2006
News this morning that the Russians are shifting attacks to the West, some within 50 miles or so of the Polish border. Mostly airstrikes at this point. The attack the other day on the airfield was about 10-15 miles off the polish border. My humble opinion, those are sent to send Poland, NATO, USA, whoever a message to not come in there with aircraft or other items for the Ukraine war effort. Putin still seems committed at this point. What is that saying from Mark Twain and his deminse?

Putin is trying to, my opinion, force the Ukrainians to the table. Keep Nato out of there. Does Putin really want Ukraine? I don't think all of it. No. I think he wants the Eastern and Southern Parts for access to the Black Sea and the parts bordering Russia to the East to act as a buffer. He has to know he can't hold it. My guess is we would just funnel arms in there for a prolonged blood bath and the Ukrainians might get roped into it. At one time, he probably wanted a regime change in Ukraine but, I am just guessing that he would let them stay in power with a condition of no NATO and to disarm many of its weapons along with surrending territory to the east and south. I can't see the Ukrainians going for the disarmement portion in particular. I don't think I would either. THey will give up the NATO dream, but no way I would disarm being that Russia just invaded the country.

I never understood why people thought Russia would take Ukraine in a day or three. I don't think we could take it either in a day or three. The Russians are doing exactly what I thought. Get in there and just umerficully artillery and missile and bomb. They fight differently than we do. We tend to move at much higher pace. They move slowly and artillery things and bomb them.

NATO has to be careful not to get sucked into this thing.
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