Ukraine War Photo-Russian Missile

i am herdman

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 5, 2006
I got this from some internet sources I have. Not my words below. This is out there for public consumption.

The gentleman who shared and wrote this works for an organization that does R&D for the US military

The photo was taken from a security camera on an adjecent building. The missile was traveling at Mach 5.


I was able to isolate the missile from video footage provided by the Ukrainians of the recent mall attack. I think the proportionality, winglets, and rear vertical stabilizer clearly identify it as a Kh-22 NATO reporting name “Kitchen”. Originally designed by the Russians to sink American carriers during the Cold War, it is nuclear-capable.

The Kh-22 has an inertial guidance system followed by active radar homing for terminal guidance. Likely deployed from a Tu-22M Blinder.

The Kh-22 is an odd weapon to use for the mall attack for a variety of reasons and suggests the Russians may be running out of more traditional precision guided weaponry.

It is unspeakable to use such a weapon against a civilian target with clearly no military value. There could be no better evidence that this incident represents the worst sort of war crime. Who would order such a thing?

Sounds almost exactly like what you're orange Jesus wanted to do to Mexico.
Also how do you do a no fly zone against missiles? What do you do when an American pilot gets shot down?
Not what I said.

Take out the launchers even if they are in Russia.
Doesn't work that way. You set up a no fly zone then you have to have comand and control on the ground. You have to have quick reaction forces in place which means, ground troops(special operations and light infantry). Then you have to have to have a back up force in case in gets out of hand and that means heavy assets.

You shoot down their ADA and missile systems, they are going to shoot back. They are going to shoot at our planes anyway. Shooting them up in Russia is aburd. You likely just started a thermo nuclear war.

Do you think the Russians are just going to sit there and let us shoot their planes down?

Then, what do you do if the Chinese get involved?
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The Kh-22 is an odd weapon to use for the mall attack for a variety of reasons and suggests the Russians may be running out of more traditional precision guided weaponry.
As we discussed a while back....
Are you willing to risk high amounts of American casualties over Ukraine?
Strike out the word "Ukraine" and replace it with "Europe". That's what is really at stake here, Ukraine is not the only nation that was formerly part of the Soviet empire. Does Putin want only to re-establish Mother Russia, or does he want to re-establish the Soviet empire?
The line is NATO. Two years ago every liberal hated the dirty, corrupt Ukraine. Eight years ago Obama let Russia March in and did nothing but send some blankets.

Was black Jesus wrong or is Biden wrong? Maybe Joe just has a much more compelling personal reason for defending a corrupt state?
The line is NATO. Two years ago every liberal hated the dirty, corrupt Ukraine. Eight years ago Obama let Russia March in and did nothing but send some blankets.

Was black Jesus wrong or is Biden wrong? Maybe Joe just has a much more compelling personal reason for defending a corrupt state?
Or maybe you're a lying idiot.
As we discussed a while back....

Strike out the word "Ukraine" and replace it with "Europe". That's what is really at stake here, Ukraine is not the only nation that was formerly part of the Soviet empire. Does Putin want only to re-establish Mother Russia, or does he want to re-establish the Soviet empire?
I have heard the numbers of casualties for a ground war for US troops(run in simulations and testing). The American people are not prepared for that. Frankly, right now, I am not sure our military is prepared for that. Let's just say, we would reach what happened in Afghanistand and Iraq(over 20 years) in perhaps the first week or two.

Frankly, Taiwan has much bigger implications and the Chinese are far more serious threat. We can't fight a two front war right now against two near peer threats.

Ukraine is giant suck hole of corruption and chaos.
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I have heard the numbers of casualties for a ground war for US troops(run in simulations and testing). The American people are not prepared for that. Frankly, right now, I am not sure our military is prepared for that. Let's just say, we would reach what happened in Afghanistand and Iraq(over 20 years) in perhaps the first week or two.

Frankly, Taiwan has much bigger implications and the Chinese are far more serious threat. We can't fight a two front war right now against two near peer threats.

Ukraine is giant suck hole of corruption and chaos.

Are we 100% sure the Ukranian people want this war to continue?

Make no mistake, this is Putin's fault. But I get the feeling the outside influence is "helping" Zelensky make decisions regarding options for ending this war.

I just don't have a good feeling for what the end game looks like here. Is the goal complete removal of Russian forces from all Ukranian territory? Because that is how many years and lives lost down the line?

I don't know, I suck at foreign policy. Germany is looking at 6X energy costs this coming winter (imagine your heating bill is literally SIX TIMES what it was last year. That's a mortgage payment). Their people will only stand for that so long. I just think dominos can fall the longer this goes.
Are we 100% sure the Ukranian people want this war to continue?

Make no mistake, this is Putin's fault. But I get the feeling the outside influence is "helping" Zelensky make decisions regarding options for ending this war.

I just don't have a good feeling for what the end game looks like here. Is the goal complete removal of Russian forces from all Ukranian territory? Because that is how many years and lives lost down the line?

I don't know, I suck at foreign policy. Germany is looking at 6X energy costs this coming winter (imagine your heating bill is literally SIX TIMES what it was last year. That's a mortgage payment). Their people will only stand for that so long. I just think dominos can fall the longer this goes.
It appears Putin may now be playing the long game. Wait it out. War of attrition, smaller land grabs, and eventually the West gets tired of sending money there and all the related cost. The Russians seem more calucated in their operations now.

Hard to say, the outcome. I don't see Ukraine holding on to all of their country.
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How many of you are ok with allowing russia, or anyone else, to annex a single square mile of our country??

In theory zero.

But war and poverty wears on you.

You negotiate with what is reality, not what you wish was reality.

And what % of those eastern Ukrainians think of themselves as culturally Russian.

There are no good solutions.

But the reality is that Western Europe/Germany is literally funding both Russia and Ukraine.
Doesn't work that way. You set up a no fly zone then you have to have comand and control on the ground. You have to have quick reaction forces in place which means, ground troops(special operations and light infantry). Then you have to have to have a back up force in case in gets out of hand and that means heavy assets.

You shoot down their ADA and missile systems, they are going to shoot back. They are going to shoot at our planes anyway. Shooting them up in Russia is aburd. You likely just started a thermo nuclear war.

Do you think the Russians are just going to sit there and let us shoot their planes down?

Then, what do you do if the Chinese get involved?

You only need special ops if a plane goes down in Ukraine. Which is our ally.

Shooting in Russia is not absurd. Russian doctrine states they will only use nukes if they feel Russian existence is in jeopardy. We will never get close to that threshold. I'm willing to bet our Russian counterparts will not risk escalation they will stand down. I strongly feel Putin's subordinates are not willing to risk Armageddon and the loss of their family for Vladimir's strange admirations.

China will do nothing. Why should they? They are not as close to Russia as some think.
It appears Putin may now be playing the long game. Wait it out. War of attrition, smaller land grabs, and eventually the West gets tired of sending money there and all the related cost. The Russians seem more calucated in their operations now.

Hard to say, the outcome. I don't see Ukraine holding on to all of their country.
Wait, I thought you agreed that it would be over in a month.
You only need special ops if a plane goes down in Ukraine. Which is our ally.

Shooting in Russia is not absurd. Russian doctrine states they will only use nukes if they feel Russian existence is in jeopardy. We will never get close to that threshold. I'm willing to bet our Russian counterparts will not risk escalation they will stand down. I strongly feel Putin's subordinates are not willing to risk Armageddon and the loss of their family for Vladimir's strange admirations.

China will do nothing. Why should they? They are not as close to Russia as some think.
Yehh so you have to have special ops on the ground to paint and find the ADA you want to shoot up. Then, you have to have special ops to go get pilots or others who are shot down. Then, you have to have a light infantry unit to serve as a base and a backup QRF for the special ops. Oh, and then where do you base them? In Ukraine? In Poland? What do you do when the Russians shoot at them? A special ops team has to be housed somehwere and has to have a back up force. THey have to gon in there some way so, now you are talking a helicopter insertion. The QRF has to get there someway so now you are talking more helicopter insertions.

China not get invovled? THey are already bankrolling Russia. Then, we go over there and set up shop and a no fly zone. We just weakened a possible response to Tawain and a possible invasion. We don't have the numbers right now.

We have one brigade combat team of light infantry in close theatre now(public knowledge) and some other assets scattered throughout Europe. You set up a no fly zone and we need far more and we have to have command and control inside of Ukraine. Russia is going to shoot back. Ukraine is bigger than Texas.

Not worth it.
Yehh so you have to have special ops on the ground to paint and find the ADA you want to shoot up. Then, you have to have special ops to go get pilots or others who are shot down. Then, you have to have a light infantry unit to serve as a base and a backup QRF for the special ops. Oh, and then where do you base them? In Ukraine? In Poland? What do you do when the Russians shoot at them? A special ops team has to be housed somehwere and has to have a back up force. THey have to gon in there some way so, now you are talking a helicopter insertion. The QRF has to get there someway so now you are talking more helicopter insertions.

China not get invovled? THey are already bankrolling Russia. Then, we go over there and set up shop and a no fly zone. We just weakened a possible response to Tawain and a possible invasion. We don't have the numbers right now.

We have one brigade combat team of light infantry in close theatre now(public knowledge) and some other assets scattered throughout Europe. You set up a no fly zone and we need far more and we have to have command and control inside of Ukraine. Russia is going to shoot back. Ukraine is bigger than Texas.

Not worth it.

Special Ops are already in Poland leave them there. Ukraine is smaller than the size of Texas. Flying Helicopters into rescue pilots is no big deal. I'm calling Russia's bluff they are not going to attack a Nato nation in any way shape or form. If they do, they have already decided to use nuclear weapons in response. Something I don't think Putin's subordinates are willing to do.

China is bankrolling Russia, Germany is still buying oil and so is India. Believe me, China is not is no way shape or form going to get into a military confrontation with NATO. There is no upswing and any confrontation will be dropped on Chinese territory.

Why do you think you have to have C&C inside Ukraine? Central Command can do a perfectly good job from Poland or the Baltics.

You have a family member in the military and you are concerned about a Russian conflict. It's either unavoidable or not at this point. When they get done with Ukraine, I have a decision has already been made to go into Lithuania and the Baltics. So military action now won't effect that either way. Time to get tough.
Special Ops are already in Poland leave them there. Ukraine is smaller than the size of Texas. Flying Helicopters into rescue pilots is no big deal. I'm calling Russia's bluff they are not going to attack a Nato nation in any way shape or form. If they do, they have already decided to use nuclear weapons in response. Something I don't think Putin's subordinates are willing to do.

China is bankrolling Russia, Germany is still buying oil and so is India. Believe me, China is not is no way shape or form going to get into a military confrontation with NATO. There is no upswing and any confrontation will be dropped on Chinese territory.

Why do you think you have to have C&C inside Ukraine? Central Command can do a perfectly good job from Poland or the Baltics.

You have a family member in the military and you are concerned about a Russian conflict. It's either unavoidable or not at this point. When they get done with Ukraine, I have a decision has already been made to go into Lithuania and the Baltics. So military action now won't effect that either way. Time to get tough.

We have specail ops in Euorpe, correct and we have regular conventional troops in Poland. But, when you fly helicopters and planes and run search and rescue into Ukraine then you open a whole other dynamic. Russia is going to shoot back and those planes. They are not going to let us just take down their anti aircraft or artillery.

Doesn't matter about my family member in the military. I would say this regardless. Ukraine isn't worth it. You have to run a risk assessment and look at the big picture. Ukraine is not it. We have other fish to fry right now.
How many of you are ok with allowing russia, or anyone else, to annex a single square mile of our country??
Ukraine is not part of the US so that is a stupid comment. Obama was cool with Russia breaking off a piece of Ukraine for themselves. I guess he had “more flexibility after the election”.
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Ukraine is not part of the US so that is a stupid comment. Obama was cool with Russia breaking off a piece of Ukraine for themselves. I guess he had “more flexibility after the election”.
No, it's not a stupid comment, you idiot. It's what some of you are suggesting as a reasonable solution for Ukraine.
Whats that saying?
The first casualty of war is the truth.

Aside - I read about this for the first time last night.

They have lied about Russian capabilities ans what is going on. What troops Russia is using.

They have lied about ukraine being some noble nation.

They have lied about us political involvement involved in ukraine.

They have not told the truth about Europe a s their energy and being two faced in regard to Russia ln energy.

They have not told how Europe has ripped us off for decades in regard to NATO
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They have lied about Russian capabilities ans what is going on. What troops Russia is using.

They have lied about ukraine being some noble nation.

They have lied about us political involvement involved in ukraine.

They have not told the truth about Europe a s their energy and being two faced in regard to Russia ln energy.

They have not told how Europe has ripped us off for decades in regard to NATO
You're a lying idiot trumptard oath breaker.

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