US DOD and Saudi Arabia on High Alert as Iran Threatens Saudi and US Targets

i am herdman

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 5, 2006
Iran has threated targets in Saudi Arabia and US military bases as well, perhaps in Iraq.

Stay tuned.

The world is not a good place right now. Lot of hot spots.
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The world is on fire right now, and the MSM and Democrats are still consumed over Donald J. Trump.

Need those tax returns, man, and keep a watch out for man-pig.
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The world is on fire right now, and the MSM and Democrats are still consumed over Donald J. Trump.

Need those tax returns, man, and keep a watch out for man-pig.
The Democrats are complete idiotic imbeciles and child like people. They might not even wake up if we take a missile right down the chimney.

Everything they touch turns to shit.
Reports are Iran has already launched drone attacks and used ballistic missiles in Northern Iraq and a USA warplane may have shot one down a few days ago.
Reports are Iran has already launched drone attacks and used ballistic missiles in Northern Iraq and a USA warplane may have shot one down a few days ago.
I know when Trump was President, they wouldn't be getting by with this type of thing. Message would have already been sent.

Meanwhile, mush is probably lining up his next meeting with a tranny.

Good news though. We only have two more years of this, assuming we survive it.

Better news. Enough voters have apparently realized what a horrible mistake they made, and will elect Republicans moving forward.

We somehow have to survive this communist coup takeover though. Let's all pray 2025 arrives quick enough before it's too late.
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Reports coming in now that Iran is going to be sending ballistic missiles to Russia for use in Ukraine.
Mush and his green energy save da earf crap and these left wing nutjobs are going to start WW3.

You stupid ass people.
@Raoul Duke MU

I think greed hacked your account
Perhaps someone that follows international news should hack yours.

Iran Int'l is a little weird in that it gets some funding from the Saudis, but it has been declared an enemy of the state by Iran's government so I think we can trust it lol. Also, J Post has been reporting the same, proxies brought in to quell protests.

Does Iran have a strategic alliance with Russia? Yes. Is Iran possibly going to do something regionally to wave the flag and try to take attention off current protests? Very likely yes. Two birds with one stone. Maybe it is time to whack another one of their people.
I would suggest that the rag heads of Iran are acting out, and taking advantage of the Arabs, due to mush brains being butt hurt over the Saudis not holding back on cutting oil production until after the election. Unfortunately, the Iranians are much smarter than mush, and taking full advantage of a weak minded individual, as are the North Koreans, China, Russia, and likely many others. Brazil will now turn into a hot zone in the coming months.

Communism on the rise, and many in the United States (on the left) fully support it.
I would suggest that the rag heads of Iran are acting out, and taking advantage of the Arabs, due to mush brains being butt hurt over the Saudis not holding back on cutting oil production until after the election.
They would be as stupid as you are if they believe the US will not side with the Arabs over an Iranian attack.

Communism on the rise, and many in the United States (on the left) fully support it.
Good thing we have the fascists on the right to battle it. I love me some early 1900s Euro political battles.
as you did

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