US Sen. Watches Van Halen Video // Saved by the Bell


Gold Buffalo
Gold Member
Oct 12, 2002
Not really a Throwback Thursday type of person, because everyday is a day for fun nostalgia (wacka-wacka-wacka), but here are a couple of interesting TBT-type of videos to consider.

First, nearly 30 years ago, Tipper Gore and several wives of US Senators formed the PMRC (Parents Music Resource Center) to increase awareness of and provide an opportunity for greater control over the "adult" content found in contemporary popular music. In the end, the PMRC was successful in getting a warning sticker applied to music with such adult content.

However, the hearings (and the cast of characters brought in to provide testimony to the committee, including legendary contrarian Frank Zappa, the "meek" folk-singer John Denver, and the "loud-mouth" Dee Snider) were painfully hilarious to watch, then and now. Here is but one of several clips, in which the committee watches Van Halen's "Hot for Teacher" video, considered one of the Top 20 videos for the first ten years of MTV.

Second, Jimmy Fallon restored a little joy and sanity to the world last night/this morning by staging a "Saved by the Bell" reunion + alternative universe, in which Jimmy Fallon is one of the characters at Bay Side High School and is close friends with our reliable (and durable) band of teenage protagonists. 8 minutes of television perfection (er, almost).


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