Video Board

I would pay to see a cage match between GHMY & GHoGHII. It could be the opening card before the women’s match…..
Still jealous about kids these day huh?
Sorry I hurt any of your feelings, but I just don’t see the need to call out the students when at a football game they do the exact samething any of you did during your time at a event… just they have a phone, internet at their finger tips… quit crying about it.
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The 25-30 people in the band are probably playing as loud as they can and are most likely physically tapped out after halftime.

Agree with the championships.
Some serious money needs to be invested in the band .. like the Legislature does with the WVU Band, but it will never happen.
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30 days out from video board’s debut!! Should be an awesome sight for all, but especially the team as they run onto the field.
A Law School could help.
The LAST thing WV needs is more lawyers. The purpose of a state university is to turn out people trained for the jobs that exist in the state it serves. In WV that is all levels of health care, business, teaching, technology, and engineering. Not law.

In fact, the glut of lawyers in WV, and most rural states and rural parts of states, is so large that the better move would be to close the WVU law school. The private school system would provide plenty of lawyers for the state.

My anti-WVU credentials, long time readers will know, are among the best here, but the real facts are that the number of WVU graduates and the number of WVU Law graduates in the legislature today is less than any time since WWII. Remember with over 65% of its students being from other states, WVU really doesn't even have that many alumni in WV.

Its not that. As the saying goes, if the shirt say Marshall, they went to Marshall, if the shirt says WVU, they went to Wal-Mart. The most ardent WVU backers, in politics as in sports, never went to any college.

That is why, as I always say, what is good for WVU is bad for WV, and v-v. Be it sports losses, Thugens' drunken escapades, Gee's racist rants, Manchin's academic fraud, whatever is in the news and negative about WVU, helps the state. A state with a state university well funded and actually doing its job, like most states have, isn't last in everything.
The LAST thing WV needs is more lawyers. The purpose of a state university is to turn out people trained for the jobs that exist in the state it serves. In WV that is all levels of health care, business, teaching, technology, and engineering. Not law.
In that case, why even have traditional colleges if we only want to focus on the jobs that currently exist in WV?
So colleges should train students on how to mine coal, natural gas, work at Dollar General, Fast food places and be recovery counselors? That's about it except for Mo'hole area and Eastern panhandle.

Back on topic - Anyone know if the board has been delivered or on it's way?
So colleges should train students on how to ... and be recovery counselors?
Yes It Is GIF
Marshall should always be looking to add new degrees that produces high income, connected (both politically and business wise), and employable alumni. Like medical and engineering related degrees, law fits right into that mold and would pay growing dividends as time goes by for decades.
Was in the stadium and stood below the board, it’s impressive. They are starting to put the video panels up and saw multiple boxes of large speakers sitting around on the ground.
I remember when I was a kid and tried to get to the movie theater early on Saturday so I could sit in the front row. The screen from my seat was overwhelming. Wonder if the new scoreboard will be like that?
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Yes, it will be from underneath. It’s massive. took some pics but don’t have a way to post
Having recently watched some of Wimbledon:
Will it be able to zoom in on sideline pass plays to see if that foot was in or out?
…..or do you need a dedicated control room for that?