Want to help donate $6million/year to Marshall University?

heck, most of those tax proceeds would even be generated in Morgantown yet Marshall would benefit. .


How does the tiny subsidized speck that is the 'hole pay more taxes than the productive part of WV?

Without WVU, the 'hole main industry would be selling beer and gasoline to over taxed Pennsylvanians. Population, maybe, 50. Holeites don't really pay taxes in the broadest sense.

Without Marshall, Huntington is still a city.

You say you do not "understand" our attitude. WVU is all about helping WVU. MU is all about helping West Virginia.

MU has to fight the state for every $ because every $ spent to further subsidize some New Jersite is a $ wasted.

Because WVU is where YOU pay and OTHERS benefit.
Cooperation would be sharing the taxes evenly.

So if you are proposing that we share the current pop tax evenly then yes I am on board with you.

Unfortunately, it seems that cooperation in Morgantown simply means, WVU should only share what they are forced to share.
You will never see a more bitter group of people than a small (very small) group of Marshall fans. Very entertaining! Thanks, I hope all of you have a great day.

Facts? What facts? All you've done is spew opinionated bullshit on here...

This is exactly why I was surprised the moderators allowed this jackass to be on here.

Long established? Marshall came to the state FIRST for a medical school. The state (at the time) was the only way any program by any university could get presented it to the legislature and they signed off on it. The legislature is made up of wvu law grads (aka, a joke law school).
What the hell do you think happened?
Marshall was rejected before they could get any funding...

Then a year later, wvu approached the state with the exact same proposal...wvu got funding without a blink of an eye.
The accrediting body came by to formally accredit wvu's med school...took one look at ruby memorial and declared the facilities "lacking in efficiency in supporting a medical school" and rejected their accreditation application. Wvu then asked for a $10 million bailout in order to sufficiently house a medical school...again, no problem for them, the state gave it to them...
Marshall came back, and requested their medical program be given funding, the legislature said, "No, we already have a medical school in the state, we don't need another one."
This was an argument they used 100 times.
Finally, after years of pushing it through, Marshall got their medical school (with no help from the state or wvu that CT, the dumbass claims is all around) and got it up and running.
The accrediting bodies came by...took 1 look at Cabell and gave them accreditation, right then and there...
Marshall needed no money to bailout their program nor did they get any money (because all the legislature does is complain about everything Marshall does, as does wvu).

The pop tax was repeatedly brought before the legislature with Marshall wanting...a MERE PENNY of that tax...with it being rejected.

How is that "willing to work with universities in the state."

The only reason wvu even claims to do such because, besides Marshall, no other school is a "threat" to them to jump ahead in programs...yet, Marshall has the #1 graduate Forensic Science school in AMERICA with Digital Forensics being the only accredited program IN THE WORLD.

wvu does not demonstrate willingness to work with other colleges in the state, if they want something, they simply tell the state to suck funding from a school so they can absorb the program into theirs...the EXACT same thing happened at WV-Tech...who used to have a great engineering program til wvu wanted one...instead of starting one up, they had the state suck funding from Tech...eventually Tech's program was broke...and wvu came swooping in.

Look at the state Tech is in now...they're on life support...

Hell, that ISIS loving oliver luck even has said, "We're looking out for wvu, not the state..."
That says it right there...that wvu is only caring about themselves...and it shows.
The state could be in much, MUCH better shape than it's in...if the legislature had cooperated with Kopp initially and he had gotten funding for biomedical research.
Instead, he kept getting rejected till he finally pushed the programs he wanted, through...since wvu is basically in Pennsylvania and wishes they had the education system of any major PA school, the southwest region, you know, the TRUE WV region, is suffering as a result.
To not see that, I shall quote Dennis Hopper a-la-Speed, "You got blinders on to the world, Jack!"

Fortunately, there's hope...since the feeder school for wvu school of law in the 1990's (since many out-of-staters would prefer to practice in their home state and any education wvu law gives is basically a joke) was Marshall...and those who got into working for the state and doing legislative things, have been able to get their feet wet and have given us some made up political ground. Essential to growth for Marshall.

Oh, and want to know just how dumb wvu law was? If you graduated from their law school, you could practice law in WV without taking the BAR, it's since changed, but much of the laws that are benefitting wvu, were made during that well as several laws biting the state in the ass right now...because we had people who essentially didn't know what they were doing, calling the shots.

CT, it's pitiful you defend a university like wvu, when you clearly never attended there...and you bash another university in Marshall, when you've clearly never attended there either...

Do us all a favor, move to North Korea.
You will never see a more bitter group of people than a small (very small) group of Marshall fans. Very entertaining! Thanks, I hope all of you have a great day.

Unless you actually graduated from either school in question...your argument is invalid.
"Working together" to WVU means WVU takes 99% and some lapdog leadership at MU and the state colleges not objecting.

What is good for WV is bad for WVU, and v-v. WVU has never had the interest of the state in mind.
That is the usual Huntington position. But it is not true, and it is unrealistic. There are always unequal partners in any venture. There are a dozen institutions in West Virginia (4 or 5 too many, but that is another issue). They are all of different sizes, have different missions, have different programming, different alumni groups, vastly different endowments, different resources and so forth. They are never going to be "equal". I can't imagine anybody outside of Huntington who believes these schools are all equal, and even those folks couldn't have ventured very far.

That does NOT mean they can't work together to everyone's benefit. That is all I'm saying, and that is what Dr. Kopp was saying prior to his death. Of course the larger, more powerful institutions are going to get a larger slice of any pie. It is pure delusion to believe otherwise. But a pretty good slice of a pie is much better than no slice at all.

Our state is in an awful financial condition right now. We could debate endlessly the reasons for that, but that is not the issue here. What matters is they have consistently been reducing funding for higher education... all higher education including WVU and Marshall, for the past several years. It is only through working together that this trend can be reversed. It will take a concerted effort on the part of all involved.

As far as any new revenue sources for medical education, the three medical schools (which again are not equals, but which can still work together for mutual benefit), will have to step to the plate with a concerted effort involving everyone. You'd have to be blind to not realize that the WVU medical establishment, which is growing by leaps and bounds and employs more than 8,000 people, is MUCH larger and more powerful than the other 2 combined. Logic would dictate that this would have to be a consideration, but still a disproportionate share out of proportion with the size disparity could be arranged where everyone benefits.

We don't have any figures here... I'm sure the guys that count do though, but lets say a new tax on cigarettes would yield $15 million annually. If WV gets7.5 of that MU gets 5 of that, and Lewisburg gets 2.5 of that it is a lot of money for everyone involved. Everyone moves forward. Or, we can keep the status quo and argue and bicker about some arbitrary "fairness" standard. What's fair to one will never be fair to the other because everyone looks at that standard through their own filters, and those can never be the same.

Compromise and cooperation is the only way this group moves forward in our state. If that is lacking, things will remain unchanged, and I would posit that remaining unchanged would hurt Marshal more than it would WVU. ... a lot more.
As stated, WVUH (NORTHERN West Virginia's main hospital) is a highly profitable, private venture. More state taxwaste funding for this venture is not needed. In fact, getting it to a point where it is forced to support the WVU medical education effort with no state funding (which is what most states do) is what is needed.

As to all this "equal" BS, I realize that you never attended ANY college, but you make yourself look foolish trying to argue this idiocy. There are states with a tiered system, AKA "the California Master Plan" with one, or several, colleges taking the best and brightest, and others down the line. WV is not one of those. WVU is not really much different from any other college in WV in undergrad terms. In fact, it is below not just MU, but several of the state colleges. It is, more or less, just another state college in a state with too many state colleges. With the difference that a lot of hilljacks see "West Virginia" and say "that there is usens". It is not. And they parlay that idiotic belief into a MASSIVE subsidy of out-of-state students and into stealing programs (including the med school in the first place) that would have served the state so much better elsewhere.

In fact, I really cannot think of a college in the "power 5" that WVU is not the academic inferior of.
Bitter, bitter, bitter, LOL...LOL...LOL!! Keep it going sam, we love this stuff!!!! So entertaining.
WVUSoM: ~450 students (30%)
JCESoM: ~ 275 students (18.3%)
WVSOM: ~775 students (51.7%)
Total: ~1500

Morgantown: 29,660 residents (2010)
Huntington: 49,138 residents (2010)
Lewisburg: 3,830 residents (2010)
West Virginia: 1,852,994 residents (2010)

30% of medical students in the state are benefitting from a tax for which

As far as the people being taxed, Morgantown contributes 2%, Huntington contributes 3%, and Lewisburg contributes .2%. Or going by county population, Cabell and Monongalia both contribute 5% (96K), Greenbrier 2% (35.5K). If you want to go one step further, Huntington/Ashland/Ironton MSA (including only WV portions) contributes 12% (216.5K), Morgantown MSA contributes 7% (129.7K), Lewisburg is not a part of an MSA, but Greenbrier and it's bordering counties contribute 8% (152.5K).

The issue here is less of a matter of "trying to steal money" from WVU, and more an issue of numbers. 30% of state medical students are at WVUSoM, and receive 100% of the state tax. 7% of the tax (assuming a roughly even distribution across population) is coming from the greater Morgantown area. Why should taxpayers in the greater Huntington area support a medical school 200 miles away, and have nothing going to the medical school just down the road? Why should taxpayers in southern WV support a medical school 180 miles away, and have nothing going to the school just down the road where over half of the state's medical students attend?

This is not a school vs school issue. The real issue is that the state is doing a poor job allocating tax money. How would you feel if the taxes you paid in Monongalia County went to support fixing the potholes on South Blvd in Huntington? Wouldn't you prefer to have the Mileground patched up instead?

Split up the pop tax evenly between schools, evenly by students, or by whatever other method. So long as the can of pop I buy across the street from JCESoM benefits them, the situation
Bitter, bitter, bitter, LOL...LOL...LOL!! Keep it going sam, we love this stuff!!!! So entertaining.

No wife nor a dick is cstolz26,
Has to go on here to get a fix,
Never went beyond high school,
Acts and is a goddamn fool.
WVUSoM: ~450 students (30%)
JCESoM: ~ 275 students (18.3%)
WVSOM: ~775 students (51.7%)
Total: ~1500

Morgantown: 29,660 residents (2010)
Huntington: 49,138 residents (2010)
Lewisburg: 3,830 residents (2010)
West Virginia: 1,852,994 residents (2010)

30% of medical students in the state are benefitting from a tax for which

As far as the people being taxed, Morgantown contributes 2%, Huntington contributes 3%, and Lewisburg contributes .2%. Or going by county population, Cabell and Monongalia both contribute 5% (96K), Greenbrier 2% (35.5K). If you want to go one step further, Huntington/Ashland/Ironton MSA (including only WV portions) contributes 12% (216.5K), Morgantown MSA contributes 7% (129.7K), Lewisburg is not a part of an MSA, but Greenbrier and it's bordering counties contribute 8% (152.5K).

The issue here is less of a matter of "trying to steal money" from WVU, and more an issue of numbers. 30% of state medical students are at WVUSoM, and receive 100% of the state tax. 7% of the tax (assuming a roughly even distribution across population) is coming from the greater Morgantown area. Why should taxpayers in the greater Huntington area support a medical school 200 miles away, and have nothing going to the medical school just down the road? Why should taxpayers in southern WV support a medical school 180 miles away, and have nothing going to the school just down the road where over half of the state's medical students attend?

This is not a school vs school issue. The real issue is that the state is doing a poor job allocating tax money. How would you feel if the taxes you paid in Monongalia County went to support fixing the potholes on South Blvd in Huntington? Wouldn't you prefer to have the Mileground patched up instead?

Split up the pop tax evenly between schools, evenly by students, or by whatever other method. So long as the can of pop I buy across the street from JCESoM benefits them, the situation
Allow me to correct one of your figures... Monongalia County is one of three counties in the state with more than 100,000 residents. Berkeley and Kanawha being the others. Also, there are a lot more people in our state then in Mon County who benefit from a presence of WVU Medicine. There is a presence in several other counties, including Kanawha. Also, according to the latest figures available, the WVU SoM has 487 students, and JCE SoM has 271, while the osteopathic school has more than 800. I don't really believe that is germane to the discussion, but since you threw that out I thought you'd want the right information. That pop tax that has been a funding source for WVU since the 1950s does a lot more than just train basic medical students. You are not considering that, but again I don't believe that matters because you are going to fail in your efforts to ruin that revenue stream. In fact, if we could find a trusted third party to hold the funds, I would make a significant wager to that effect. You have absolutely nothing to gain from this antagonistic position other than to preen your own ego, and that will not do a single thing for Marshall. Working with WVU will benefit both schools in addition to the Lewisburg school.

I really fail to understand why the thinking there is to make enemies rather than to build partnerships.
Maybe that explains why the previous folks at WVU wanted next to nothing to do with Marshall in any endeavor? The current administration has reached out, and Kopp accepted. Unfortunately, the gentleman died a couple weeks later. Maybe they'll put you in charge in Huntington to make sure there is nothing but animosity between the schools indefinitely? I'm sure you'd really like that.

Look, I'm not going to argue with you here, and I really have a hunch no amount of reason in the world would get through, so we'll just have to wait and see how your conflictual, oppositional, non cooperative position works out for you and Marshall, won't we? I really wasn't aware that Marshall was so flush that they could endure the continued cuts in state funding all West Virginia colleges are incurring. I didn't realize that a medical school, which only recently was removed from academic probation by its accrediting agency, is so flush for money that it wouldn't benefit from a coordinated approach with the other institutions in the state. I hadn't realized that the Marshall athletic program, which lost $15.1 million last year alone, could withstand the inevitable backlash from WVU alums if you folks continue to attack their long established funding sources.

The WVU Foundation grew by more money last year alone than the entire amount of money in the Marshall endowment. Go ahead and continue to pick fights rather than cooperate. This state is out of money, and looking to cut even more. Since you folks are insistent on pushing forward with this sort of aggressive stance, we'll just have to wait and see how it works out for you. My bet is they will be standing there to pick up the pieces when a whole lot of Marshall goes down the tube. Your medical school just established two very expensive programs with a constant or declining funding base. At some point, the piper will have to be paid.

I don't know how much pop you drink, but attacking WVU's funding isn't going to do much for you even if you can screw it up. You can draw a circle around Huntington for about 15 miles, and that is where your support base is stronger than WVUs. Keep messing around like this, and Marshall will feel the weight of the other 95% of the state. My honest guess is the first place it will be felt is in the athletic program.

I'd bet on one thing though... when you screw things up even more you will be right back here blaming somebody else.
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Allow me to correct one of your figures... Monongalia County is one of three counties in the state with more than 100,000 residents. Berkeley and Kanawha being the others. Also allow me to point out that far more than Mon County benefits from WVU medical activities... medical, dental, and otherwise. WVU has a medical presence in several counties in the state, not just Mon County. Part of the presence is in Kanawha.

Look, I'm not going to argue with you here, and I really have a hunch no amount of reason in the world would get through, so we'll just have to wait and see how your conflictual, oppositional, non cooperative position works out for you and Marshall, won't we? I really wasn't aware that Marshall was so flush that they could endure the continued cuts in state funding all West Virginia colleges are incurring. I didn't realize that a medical school, which only recently was removed from academic probation by its accrediting agency, is so flush for money that it wouldn't benefit from a coordinated approach with the other institutions in the state. I hadn't realized that the Marshall athletic program, which lost $15.1 million last year alone, could withstand the inevitable backlash from WVU alums if you folks continue to attack their long established funding sources.

The WVU Foundation grew by more money last year alone than the entire amount of money in the Marshall endowment. Go ahead and continue to pick fights rather than cooperate. This state is out of money, and looking to cut even more. Since you folks are insistent on pushing forward with this sort of aggressive stance, we'll just have to wait and see how it works out for you. My bet is they will be standing there to pick up the pieces when a whole lot of Marshall goes down the tube. Your medical school just established two very expensive programs with a constant or declining funding base. At some point, the piper will have to be paid.

I don't know how much pop you drink, but attacking WVU's funding isn't going to do much for you even if you can screw it up. You can draw a circle around Huntington for about 15 miles, and that is where your support base is stronger than WVUs. Keep messing around like this, and Marshall will feel the weight of the other 95% of the state. My honest guess is the first place it will be felt is in the athletic program.

I'd bet on one thing though... when you screw things up even more you will be right back here blaming somebody else.
Allow me to correct one of your figures... Monongalia County is one of three counties in the state with more than 100,000 residents. Berkeley and Kanawha being the others.

Where do you get your figures from? As of the last census Monongalia County had 96,189 residents making it the 4th largest county in the state just behind Cabell County with 96,319.
Where do you get your figures from? As of the last census Monongalia County had 96,189 residents making it the 4th largest county in the state just behind Cabell County with 96,319.
The census updates their figures with estimates every year. Mon County now has more than 103,000 residents, something those of us who live here know quite well by seeing what is taking place all around us.

If projected growth trends continue, we'll be over 105,000 in the 2020 Census. See this...

As you can see, Cabell actually grew by about 800 people since the Census too.
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Allow me to correct one of your figures... Monongalia County is one of three counties in the state with more than 100,000 residents. Berkeley and Kanawha being the others. Also, there are a lot more people in our state then in Mon County who benefit from a presence of WVU Medicine. There is a presence in several other counties, including Kanawha. Also, according to the latest figures available, the WVU SoM has 487 students, and JCE SoM has 271, while the osteopathic school has more than 800. I don't really believe that is germane to the discussion, but since you threw that out I thought you'd want the right information. That pop tax that has been a funding source for WVU since the 1950s does a lot more than just train basic medical students. You are not considering that, but again I don't believe that matters because you are going to fail in your efforts to ruin that revenue stream. In fact, if we could find a trusted third party to hold the funds, I would make a significant wager to that effect. You have absolutely nothing to gain from this antagonistic position other than to preen your own ego, and that will not do a single thing for Marshall. Working with WVU will benefit both schools in addition to the Lewisburg school.

I really fail to understand why the thinking there is to make enemies rather than to build partnerships.
Maybe that explains why the previous folks at WVU wanted next to nothing to do with Marshall in any endeavor? The current administration has reached out, and Kopp accepted. Unfortunately, the gentleman died a couple weeks later. Maybe they'll put you in charge in Huntington to make sure there is nothing but animosity between the schools indefinitely? I'm sure you'd really like that.

Look, I'm not going to argue with you here, and I really have a hunch no amount of reason in the world would get through, so we'll just have to wait and see how your conflictual, oppositional, non cooperative position works out for you and Marshall, won't we? I really wasn't aware that Marshall was so flush that they could endure the continued cuts in state funding all West Virginia colleges are incurring. I didn't realize that a medical school, which only recently was removed from academic probation by its accrediting agency, is so flush for money that it wouldn't benefit from a coordinated approach with the other institutions in the state. I hadn't realized that the Marshall athletic program, which lost $15.1 million last year alone, could withstand the inevitable backlash from WVU alums if you folks continue to attack their long established funding sources.

The WVU Foundation grew by more money last year alone than the entire amount of money in the Marshall endowment. Go ahead and continue to pick fights rather than cooperate. This state is out of money, and looking to cut even more. Since you folks are insistent on pushing forward with this sort of aggressive stance, we'll just have to wait and see how it works out for you. My bet is they will be standing there to pick up the pieces when a whole lot of Marshall goes down the tube. Your medical school just established two very expensive programs with a constant or declining funding base. At some point, the piper will have to be paid.

I don't know how much pop you drink, but attacking WVU's funding isn't going to do much for you even if you can screw it up. You can draw a circle around Huntington for about 15 miles, and that is where your support base is stronger than WVUs. Keep messing around like this, and Marshall will feel the weight of the other 95% of the state. My honest guess is the first place it will be felt is in the athletic program.

I'd bet on one thing though... when you screw things up even more you will be right back here blaming somebody else.

Funny how the HS graduate claims Marshall is the only one attacking wvu...when it's clearly a MARSHALL well as the fact that wvu has turned their backs on the state for nearly a century essentially, attacking everyone else. Not to mention the former AD claims that wvu only cares about themselves...which basically says, they'll do whatever they can to stay afloat...afloat amongst some of the best schools in America...and they are losing that battle...BADLY.
Then he says,
"Why do you attack wvu?" Then goes on to rant about how bad Marshall is.
Look, wvu doesn't need you to defend them. The mere fact you're defending a school you never attended from another school you never attended shows just how much compensation for your ego you really need.
Of course, I need not say much else, ct got banned from his own wvu board...enough where WVU FANS don't even want him there.
Why he's idea...I'd beg the admins to simply kick him to the curb, or I'd simply ask him to remove himself entirely, but neither is going to happen since he gets off on defending a school who could give 2 sh.its less about him.

If Marshall ever came out with their own idea for generating money for their medical school, wvu would have a fit and either attempt to block the funding or take majority share.

Oh and you want to talk about messing around?

Keep messing around trying to compete with the major players in college barely broke even with a $1million in the AD...wait till the Big 12 decides to pay their players and determines how much they will do're gonna be broke like crazy trying to keep up. They'll bury holgorsen on the recruiting trail and essentially, the smokescreen for what TRULY is given to athletes will be set in place...and wvu simply isn't going to have the money or resources, or even football history (hint: There is none) with a mere 3 BCS bowls from a conference who was essentially the C-USA of the BCS with nobodies.
wvu was narrowly left out in the cold during conference re-alignment, and essentially, were homeless for a while. Imagine when the Power schools begin to get more aggressive...wvu will be scheduled with Marshall in the same division of football...after the hopeful suicide of ct as the result, they'll finally settle in, and realize they aren't worth it...the fanbase will dwindle and people will simply stop caring.
See, while Marshall may never have had a shot at being in a P-5 conference...yet, have experienced success while moving up divisions...wvu is going to essentially drop down a division...or at least, miss out on THE division of college sports...being passed over by a washed up rock star.

So Marshall may endure the wrath of 95% of the state...but wvu is going to endure the wrath of 95% of college athletics.
Funny how the HS graduate claims Marshall is the only one attacking wvu...when it's clearly a MARSHALL well as the fact that wvu has turned their backs on the state for nearly a century essentially, attacking everyone else. Not to mention the former AD claims that wvu only cares about themselves...which basically says, they'll do whatever they can to stay afloat...afloat amongst some of the best schools in America...and they are losing that battle...BADLY.
Then he says,
"Why do you attack wvu?" Then goes on to rant about how bad Marshall is.
Look, wvu doesn't need you to defend them. The mere fact you're defending a school you never attended from another school you never attended shows just how much compensation for your ego you really need.
Of course, I need not say much else, ct got banned from his own wvu board...enough where WVU FANS don't even want him there.
Why he's idea...I'd beg the admins to simply kick him to the curb, or I'd simply ask him to remove himself entirely, but neither is going to happen since he gets off on defending a school who could give 2 sh.its less about him.

If Marshall ever came out with their own idea for generating money for their medical school, wvu would have a fit and either attempt to block the funding or take majority share.

Oh and you want to talk about messing around?

Keep messing around trying to compete with the major players in college barely broke even with a $1million in the AD...wait till the Big 12 decides to pay their players and determines how much they will do're gonna be broke like crazy trying to keep up. They'll bury holgorsen on the recruiting trail and essentially, the smokescreen for what TRULY is given to athletes will be set in place...and wvu simply isn't going to have the money or resources, or even football history (hint: There is none) with a mere 3 BCS bowls from a conference who was essentially the C-USA of the BCS with nobodies.
wvu was narrowly left out in the cold during conference re-alignment, and essentially, were homeless for a while. Imagine when the Power schools begin to get more aggressive...wvu will be scheduled with Marshall in the same division of football...after the hopeful suicide of ct as the result, they'll finally settle in, and realize they aren't worth it...the fanbase will dwindle and people will simply stop caring.
See, while Marshall may never have had a shot at being in a P-5 conference...yet, have experienced success while moving up divisions...wvu is going to essentially drop down a division...or at least, miss out on THE division of college sports...being passed over by a washed up rock star.

So Marshall may endure the wrath of 95% of the state...but wvu is going to endure the wrath of 95% of college athletics.
I have no idea why you want to make this about me. I've never been banned from any WV board, ever. And, I can assure you that I have a Marshall degree that is at least as high as yours. That isn't why I responded here, and I am not attacking Marshall. I am merely pointing out that if Marshall cooperates in joint endeavors, they will benefit richly from it.

You can decide for yourself how the antagonistic approach has worked for them. Aside from the millions Plymale was able to wrest before he was ousted as education chairman, what has the negative attitude brought but rejection. You guys have a chance to help turn things around, or you can help maintain the status quo. That is for you to decide, but you won't turn anything around with the tone of this thread.

The West Virginia athletic program is set to get a huge pay raise in the coming year, so that $1 million profit last year (which included major chargeoffs for facilities improvements) will grow to a point where the scholarship payments can be absorbed. They are already making plans to implement it. There is also talk of the Power 5 increasing scholarship limits beyond the current 85. Mid majors, already hard pressed to pay the bills, will undoubtedly be faced with having to accept more non qualifiers and will see the talent pool drop considerably if that change takes place. Just a heads up. It's time to get on board with trying to improve relations.
I have no idea why you want to make this about me. I've never been banned from any WV board, ever. And, I can assure you that I have a Marshall degree that is at least as high as yours. That isn't why I responded here, and I am not attacking Marshall. I am merely pointing out that if Marshall cooperates in joint endeavors, they will benefit richly from it.

You can decide for yourself how the antagonistic approach has worked for them. Aside from the millions Plymale was able to wrest before he was ousted as education chairman, what has the negative attitude brought but rejection. You guys have a chance to help turn things around, or you can help maintain the status quo. That is for you to decide, but you won't turn anything around with the tone of this thread.

The West Virginia athletic program is set to get a huge pay raise in the coming year, so that $1 million profit last year (which included major chargeoffs for facilities improvements) will grow to a point where the scholarship payments can be absorbed. They are already making plans to implement it. There is also talk of the Power 5 increasing scholarship limits beyond the current 85. Mid majors, already hard pressed to pay the bills, will undoubtedly be faced with having to accept more non qualifiers and will see the talent pool drop considerably if that change takes place. Just a heads up. It's time to get on board with trying to improve relations.

Really? You're not getting anymore fact, you'd end up losing money if the Big-12 takes in 2 more teams to bolster their conference. Where are your numbers in that? Mine are simple...
$/10= $25 million
$/12= <$25 million
Degree from Marshall? Why do you lie? This board doesn't like it when you lie. Prove it. Show it on here. Go on, post it. You won't, cause you're a coward and you don't have one. The closest you ever came to a college degree was driving through the campus to Tudor's.

You do realize the Power 5 is talking about this because they specifically want to expand themselves away from the lower tier P-5 schools like you, Indiana, Purdue, Vanderbilt, Oregon State, Kansas, etc. They only have themselves in mind, they really don't care about you guys. They're tired of having to split revenue with lesser achieving teams/schools. That's why they want to form their own division with the top earners in money and revenue, and have them play one another.
While I am against it, I know it's likely going to happen and there's really nothing anyone can do. Alabama, Texas, Oklahoma, USC, Notre Dame, Florida, ohio state, Michigan, Wisconsin, PSU, FSU, etc...wvu...not on that list.
Really? You're not getting anymore fact, you'd end up losing money if the Big-12 takes in 2 more teams to bolster their conference. Where are your numbers in that? Mine are simple...
$/10= $25 million
$/12= <$25 million
Degree from Marshall? Why do you lie? This board doesn't like it when you lie. Prove it. Show it on here. Go on, post it. You won't, cause you're a coward and you don't have one. The closest you ever came to a college degree was driving through the campus to Tudor's.

You do realize the Power 5 is talking about this because they specifically want to expand themselves away from the lower tier P-5 schools like you, Indiana, Purdue, Vanderbilt, Oregon State, Kansas, etc. They only have themselves in mind, they really don't care about you guys. They're tired of having to split revenue with lesser achieving teams/schools. That's why they want to form their own division with the top earners in money and revenue, and have them play one another.
While I am against it, I know it's likely going to happen and there's really nothing anyone can do. Alabama, Texas, Oklahoma, USC, Notre Dame, Florida, ohio state, Michigan, Wisconsin, PSU, FSU, etc...wvu...not on that list.
I don't put my personal information on any public forum, but there are people who post on this forum who will verify my degree if you want to ask them. Who is going to verify yours?

None of us knows what will happen down the road long term, but West Virginia was a Top 30 earner even before joining the XII. I feel comfortable that they will land on their feet in any event. The XII is not talking about adding programs at this point, and you are right to a degree... if they do, there might be a slight drop in revenue but remember, any program they add will bring their own revenue stream so the drop would not be large. They wouldn't add any mid tier mid majors in terms of budget... it would be programs with earnings potential like Cincy, UConn, UCF, USF, or possibly ECU that can help deliver a television market.

Next year is the final year in the contract where WVU gradually gets a full share of XII money. The increase will be at least $7 million. In addition, additional revenue is expected from the baseball program along with more revenue from concessions and so forth. Look for at least an $8.5 million increase next year over this year.
No baseball program puts more than $3 million into the team...and hardly ANY program generates a profit...wvu is not a baseball heavy program.
The minor league team is going to be for themselves...and they wouldn't generate enough to even consider sharing with anyone else.
Yes, a top 30 earner before joining...the money and spending is MUCH more increased and with 5 years of winning in a crap conference, the wake up call is slowly hitting because their margin of profit has shrunk considerably since they've joined.
It's basically, only a matter of time, until they begin to fold in many areas because they can't keep up.

Another 4 win season is going to begin putting wvu in major financial trouble.
No baseball program puts more than $3 million into the team...and hardly ANY program generates a profit...wvu is not a baseball heavy program.
The minor league team is going to be for themselves...and they wouldn't generate enough to even consider sharing with anyone else.
Yes, a top 30 earner before joining...the money and spending is MUCH more increased and with 5 years of winning in a crap conference, the wake up call is slowly hitting because their margin of profit has shrunk considerably since they've joined.
It's basically, only a matter of time, until they begin to fold in many areas because they can't keep up.

Another 4 win season is going to begin putting wvu in major financial trouble.
We're not going to make money with baseball. You're misunderstanding what I'm saying. We're spending money for a baseball program anyway. That program will be bringing in an extra $1 million + per year starting next year... money the program isn't receiving now, so that will be an addition to the budget. In addition, with the better exposure they are getting playing XII teams there is added advertising income and higher attendance means more money spent at concessions and the like.

That said, the Texas baseball program does generate a profit. It is one of the very few that does so. The minor league team will have no relation to WVU income, as you mentioned, but their participation does drive down the cost of maintaining a top flight baseball facility.

You mention an interesting point in terms of wins and losses. I think it is realistic to assume, as you are pointing out, that we won't win as many games in a tougher league as we did in the Big East. Still, they managed to get to a decent bowl game early in the current coach's tenure. Revenue sharing for bowl participation is different in the XII, and a profit is guaranteed for going to any bowl game. It's exciting to play teams the caliber of Texas, Oklahoma, Baylor, Oklahoma State, and Kansas State week in and week out win or lose. On an off year, we seem to win at least some of them. That's enough to keep interest high.

This year's season ticket sales for football are roughly the same as last years, and the average attendance last year was almost 57,000 and that includes the cupcake games at the beginning of the season fewer people attend.
The census updates their figures with estimates every year. Mon County now has more than 103,000 residents, something those of us who live here know quite well by seeing what is taking place all around us.

If projected growth trends continue, we'll be over 105,000 in the 2020 Census. See this...

As you can see, Cabell actually grew by about 800 people since the Census too.

Right they update their figures with ESTIMATES every year.. meaning those aren't exact and may not be correct.
MUst be nice to get flooded with Fed and St money creating jobs and growth. But don't say it is fair because you are better. You are the favored son. Best for the whole state? No best for the northern part. Should one hospital get all the money when Huntington has a great hospital growing?
MUst be nice to get flooded with Fed and St money creating jobs and growth. But don't say it is fair because you are better. You are the favored son. Best for the whole state? No best for the northern part. Should one hospital get all the money when Huntington has a great hospital growing?
Why is this some sort of regional thing? Our entire state would not comprise a single large city. With Interstate highway travel, you can be from one part to any other part in a few hours, and the state can ill afford to act like Ohio (which has 5 times the population), or PA (which also has 5 times the population) and support 2 or 3 major health facilities. Our state's population is fairly evenly distributed in small clusters in the north, south, southwest and east. The political center is in the south, and the educational/healthcare center is in the north. Nothing unfair about that. If any region is getting left out it is the EP.

Every higher education institution in our state is being hammered by reductions in funding. That might help Charleston, but it hurts WVU and Marshall, and it hurts Huntington and Morgantown.

No place suffers more from that than Huntington. Why? Because over the years WVU Alumni have donated and created a significant endowment for their school, and money from that can be used to supplement scarce funding. Marshall does not have that luxury to the same degree. That's nothing for or against either school. It's just obvious on the face of it. Also, Morgantown is located much closer to large population centers and can attract more out of state students to help offset the losses. Still, these funding losses are very harmful to WVU as well as to Marshall. WVU must build its endowment to compete with its peers, not deplete it to offset losses in state subsidies. It is only by working together and getting the small colleges onboard too that we can turn that around.

In terms of funding for the schools' healthcare initiatives, most of our state is seeing a major shift in the average age of the residents, and those people need more healthcare services. That means increasing funding for healthcare education and services across the board, not robbing from Peter to pay Paul. Instead of building roads to nowhere, and increasing the bureaucracy by creating an expensive community college system when it operated more efficiently in the past, unified with the other colleges and universities, we need to get the priorities straight, correct past mistakes, and put the money where it will do the most good.

Working together, Marshall and WVU can shift priorities, develop new funding sources, repair some of the damage done in the past by empire building politicos, and make progress for everyone involved. If we keep having 11 narrowly focused, everyone for himself initiatives, that task becomes a whole lot more difficult.
Did this idiot just say that WVU has a significant endowment? I would say that WVU has one of the smaller ones in the nation when it comes to supposed land grant institutions. I would also say that it has one of the smaller endowments out of all P5 schools.
Okay, so with your updated numbers (estimates), my math stays pretty much the same.
Your point about WV not comprising a single large city? Going by population alone, there are four cities in this country with a higher population than WV - NYC, LA, Chicago, and Houston.
Proximity to large population centers? Within four hours of Morgantown: Columbus (787K), Cleveland (389K), Pittsburgh (305K), DC (658K), Baltimore, (622K) - 2,761K. Huntington: Lexington (310K), Louisville (612K), Cincinnati (298K), Columbus (787K) - 2,007K. Not a particularly large difference, other than Pittsburgh being 50 miles closer than Lexington is to Huntington. Not that it matters, since Marshall (80%) caters to WV students, while WVU (49%) clearly does not. In case you were wondering, despite being twice the size as Marshall by enrollment, only 3700 more WV residents attend WVU than MU; ~14,300 vs ~10,600.

However, all of this distracts from the main point, and is ultimately irrelevant. The pop tax is a state tax (NOT a WVU tax) which goes to support medical education in WV. When the tax was created, there was only one medical school for it to support. Fair enough. There are now three medical schools. And none of us are necessarily in support of splitting that one penny per bottle of pop three ways. Throw two more pennies on there, one for each school. I'm sure nobody would mind paying $1.39 instead of $1.37 for that bottle of Coke. With inflation, the tax is still less than it was when instituted - one penny in 1951 = nine in 2015.
When I pay my taxes, I expect the government to use them in a way that benefits me in some way. That's the entire point. I'm well aware it is naive to think that actually happens, but I still want it to work correctly.

For all of your talk, you are the only one I've seen here who is against working together. We want the state to be less obvious about it's bias, and give us a fair shake. The only thing you can think of is "Let's work together by having you shape up, or face the wrath of WVU. Stay away from our money." I am all for cooperation between the schools. I'm in Morgantown every month for work, and have a number of friends who are WVU students or alumni, which has given my a much more positive view of WVU than your average MU alumnus. However, it is the people like you who seem to believe that working together means having WVU dominate any collaborator on any project, who keep making any cooperation difficult.
Did this idiot just say that WVU has a significant endowment? I would say that WVU has one of the smaller ones in the nation when it comes to supposed land grant institutions. I would also say that it has one of the smaller endowments out of all P5 schools.
Our billion dollar endowment is smaller than most national universities, which is why it must be built up to compete with our peers rather than having to use the proceeds to make up for state funding shortages. I thought I made that clear. But, in terms of institutions within our state, it is the only significant endowment of consequence. I think you'll have to agree there.
Okay, so with your updated numbers (estimates), my math stays pretty much the same.
Your point about WV not comprising a single large city? Going by population alone, there are four cities in this country with a higher population than WV - NYC, LA, Chicago, and Houston.
Proximity to large population centers? Within four hours of Morgantown: Columbus (787K), Cleveland (389K), Pittsburgh (305K), DC (658K), Baltimore, (622K) - 2,761K. Huntington: Lexington (310K), Louisville (612K), Cincinnati (298K), Columbus (787K) - 2,007K. Not a particularly large difference, other than Pittsburgh being 50 miles closer than Lexington is to Huntington. Not that it matters, since Marshall (80%) caters to WV students, while WVU (49%) clearly does not. In case you were wondering, despite being twice the size as Marshall by enrollment, only 3700 more WV residents attend WVU than MU; ~14,300 vs ~10,600.

However, all of this distracts from the main point, and is ultimately irrelevant. The pop tax is a state tax (NOT a WVU tax) which goes to support medical education in WV. When the tax was created, there was only one medical school for it to support. Fair enough. There are now three medical schools. And none of us are necessarily in support of splitting that one penny per bottle of pop three ways. Throw two more pennies on there, one for each school. I'm sure nobody would mind paying $1.39 instead of $1.37 for that bottle of Coke. With inflation, the tax is still less than it was when instituted - one penny in 1951 = nine in 2015.
When I pay my taxes, I expect the government to use them in a way that benefits me in some way. That's the entire point. I'm well aware it is naive to think that actually happens, but I still want it to work correctly.

For all of your talk, you are the only one I've seen here who is against working together. We want the state to be less obvious about it's bias, and give us a fair shake. The only thing you can think of is "Let's work together by having you shape up, or face the wrath of WVU. Stay away from our money." I am all for cooperation between the schools. I'm in Morgantown every month for work, and have a number of friends who are WVU students or alumni, which has given my a much more positive view of WVU than your average MU alumnus. However, it is the people like you who seem to believe that working together means having WVU dominate any collaborator on any project, who keep making any cooperation difficult.
Not to argue, but you're overlooking the obvious. Those cities have extensive suburban areas not included within their city limits. When you talk about Pittsburgh, you have to include the millions who surround the place too, not just those who live in it. Those folks are literally just up the road from us here. There are more folks living in and around Pittsburgh alone than live in our entire state. Also, even more obvious... WVU is much closer to the true megalopolises on your list. 3 1/2 hours from the huge DC/Baltimore area of 7 million people, and less than 8 hours from the 20 million people who live in the NYC/NY/NJ/CT area. That proximity allows WVU to attract thousands of students who pay comparatively high tuitions helping offset some of the shortfalls in state funding.

The entire state benefits form the activities associated with the pop tax you want to attack in many ways. You will not be successful in eliminating it... it has been tried by others who have been successful in helping to sour relations between Marshall and West Virginia. My friend Bobby Pruett also caused a lot of that bad blood, and he recently apologized to several of us here in Morgantown for that, at an event where he was a featured speaker.

You would have to be blind to not see that Marshall stands to gain a lot more from good relations with WVU than with having bad relations. The football game you folks so desperately want might never happen, but if there are good relations WVU would be looking for ways to work with Marshall athletically if possible rather than looking to avoid it. Marshall's program is losing lots of money, but there are numerous other sports where home and home series might work for both programs, helping with that situation.

Why would you assume that the 11 institutions within our state are equals? They don't have that unrealistic position in our neighboring states. Any casual observer could see major differences between them. I'm not saying one is better than another, but any agreement has to take into consideration the relative positions of those making the agreements. That is simply politics. The larger, wealthier, better funded, bigger have more influence than those smaller, poorer, and worse funded. This isn't an athletic conference. It is a group of institutions that have defined characteristics that can find common ground to work together to benefit everyone. They don't all have to benefit equally to have everyone benefit.

If you folks keep up with the negativity, everyone loses, but Marshall loses more than anybody else. That strangely doesn't seem to matter in Huntington as long as you guys can try to throw a wrench at WVU. I'll leave it to you to decide how smart that is, but from here...
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We desperately want that game? Really? I would personally love to have it, only because WVU is a Big 12 school. Some people would love to have it because there are only two D1 schools in state. I don't think anybody is "desperate" for that game. Louisville is closer, has a better team in a better conference, and is a traditional rivalry with us. Many people would much rather them be on the schedule than WVU any day. Sure, WVU would be nice to play, but not a big deal if we don't.

If you're wanting to do 8 hours, both schools would share most cities. Morgantown would have NYC, Toronto, and Boston - all very large cities. Huntington would have Memphis, Atlanta, St Louis - not quite NYC, but still large cities. Both states would share Ohio, Indianapolis, Chicago, Detroit, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Nashville, North Carolina. If you want to say 10 hours, then with only a few exceptions both cities would have basically every city east of the Mississippi, north of Florida. All of WV is within a weekend trip of anywhere in the Eastern US. And ultimately, like I mentioned previously, that doesn't matter - MU focuses on serving in-state students,, while over half of WVU students are out of state. They have completely different objectives in the sort of students they draw, and how they serve the state. Proximity to large cities is completely irrelevant.

Also, where do you see this massive wave of people wanting to eliminate the pop tax? The few people I've seen in support of it, are in that position because of how asinine they feel it to be to fund a medical school with an unhealthy beverage such as pop. Most people, myself included, just want a share of our tax dollars to support our local medical school; not to have our tax money support only a medical school 200 miles away. I, personally, am all in favor of a method which would not in the slightest impact WVUSoM's funding in the slightest - simply raise the tax two pennies. Give those two pennies to the other two medical schools. It's such a small amount, especially when considering inflation since the original implementation of the pop tax, that I don't believe most people would mind. It would also, while having zero impact on the WVUSoM, make Charleston look like they actually care about the existence of any academics outside of Morgantown, and make our state much stronger in the field of medicine - which is something I think we can all agree that WV needs desperately, both as a growing career field, and with the relative state of health of the majority of West Virginians.

Once again, the person I see with the most negativity in this thread is you, CT. The majority of posters have stated various ways of sharing the pop tax that would minimally, if at all, affect WVUSoM's source of revenue. Meanwhile, here you, saying "let's work together, WVU is better, don't touch our money."

Also, one more time, this is not, I repeat NOT, an issue of MU vs WVU, or an issue of not wanting to work together, or an issue of trying to throw a wrench at WVU. This is a matter of our taxes. You don't pay your taxes to have WV-101 (8th Ave in Huntington) repaired, only to have WV-705 fall to pieces. I certainly don't pay my taxes to fund Morgantown HS, only to have Huntington High and Cabell Midland fall apart. If you're going to tax the entire state, you have a responsibility towards the entire state. The pop tax is a state tax, not a WVU tax, not a Morgantown tax, not a Mon County tax, not even a Northern WV tax. If there were only one medical school in the state, that would be fine. But don't tax me to support medical schools, and ignore the two schools which are closer to me in favor of the one that's 200 miles away. Regardless of my feelings towards any of the three schools (and unlike most on this board, I actually do like WVU quite a bit), as a resident of Huntington, I do not like the way this tax is implemented. Any West Virginian south of Charleston should feel the same way.
I have always heard (years before I came to the Huntington area) that the pop tax was intended to build the hospital only and not to maintain it.
I have always heard (years before I came to the Huntington area) that the pop tax was intended to build the hospital only and not to maintain it.

If thats the case, then let wvu have their pop tax...I'd have an alcohol tax...we get the same amount wvu gets from pop except we have booze. Then watch wvu try to get the state to quit drinking because they wouldn't want Marshall to get anything from it.
Our billion dollar endowment is smaller than most national universities, which is why it must be built up to compete with our peers rather than having to use the proceeds to make up for state funding shortages. I thought I made that clear. But, in terms of institutions within our state, it is the only significant endowment of consequence. I think you'll have to agree there.[/QUOTE

I really would love to see the link to where you have gotten your one billion dollar number. I dont see a need to discuss the points you are attempting to make until we first address the falsehoods made in your posts.
@McMurphyESPN: Bob Bowlsby says from Big 12 meetings, league will distribute $27M to 8 members; TCU & WVU get $23M
@ChuckCarltonDMN: Bowlsby: "We made a big jump this year and we'll make a big jump next year." Revenue expected reach $44 million near end of TV contracts.
Plus 7 million from IMG. WVU is gonna get 30 million this year and going towards 50 million in a few years. Let that sink in for a while.
The problem with trying to brag about the conference tv deals is the fact that the teams you are trying to catch are also getting as much if not more from the conference they are affiliated with. So, you are back at square one in an arms race that you have no chance of being successful in.

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