We desperately want that game? Really? I would personally love to have it, only because WVU is a Big 12 school. Some people would love to have it because there are only two D1 schools in state. I don't think anybody is "desperate" for that game. Louisville is closer, has a better team in a better conference, and is a traditional rivalry with us. Many people would much rather them be on the schedule than WVU any day. Sure, WVU would be nice to play, but not a big deal if we don't.
Most would disagree with you about conference quality. The ACC has no top shelf marquis programs, but FSU and Clemson are at the top of the next layer... I don't dispute that, but there is no way Louisville has a better football program than WVU. If you want to look up the wins vs. losses for those programs when they placed each other (I won't do that) you are going to find a VERY lopsided series. Now, you could logically argue that their basketball program is a notch higher, but not their football program.We desperately want that game? Really? I would personally love to have it, only because WVU is a Big 12 school. Some people would love to have it because there are only two D1 schools in state. I don't think anybody is "desperate" for that game. Louisville is closer, has a better team in a better conference, and is a traditional rivalry with us. Many people would much rather them be on the schedule than WVU any day. Sure, WVU would be nice to play, but not a big deal if we don't.
If you're wanting to do 8 hours, both schools would share most cities. Morgantown would have NYC, Toronto, and Boston - all very large cities. Huntington would have Memphis, Atlanta, St Louis - not quite NYC, but still large cities. Both states would share Ohio, Indianapolis, Chicago, Detroit, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Nashville, North Carolina. If you want to say 10 hours, then with only a few exceptions both cities would have basically every city east of the Mississippi, north of Florida. All of WV is within a weekend trip of anywhere in the Eastern US. And ultimately, like I mentioned previously, that doesn't matter - MU focuses on serving in-state students,, while over half of WVU students are out of state. They have completely different objectives in the sort of students they draw, and how they serve the state. Proximity to large cities is completely irrelevant.
Also, where do you see this massive wave of people wanting to eliminate the pop tax? The few people I've seen in support of it, are in that position because of how asinine they feel it to be to fund a medical school with an unhealthy beverage such as pop. Most people, myself included, just want a share of our tax dollars to support our local medical school; not to have our tax money support only a medical school 200 miles away. I, personally, am all in favor of a method which would not in the slightest impact WVUSoM's funding in the slightest - simply raise the tax two pennies. Give those two pennies to the other two medical schools. It's such a small amount, especially when considering inflation since the original implementation of the pop tax, that I don't believe most people would mind. It would also, while having zero impact on the WVUSoM, make Charleston look like they actually care about the existence of any academics outside of Morgantown, and make our state much stronger in the field of medicine - which is something I think we can all agree that WV needs desperately, both as a growing career field, and with the relative state of health of the majority of West Virginians.
Once again, the person I see with the most negativity in this thread is you, CT. The majority of posters have stated various ways of sharing the pop tax that would minimally, if at all, affect WVUSoM's source of revenue. Meanwhile, here you, saying "let's work together, WVU is better, don't touch our money."
Also, one more time, this is not, I repeat NOT, an issue of MU vs WVU, or an issue of not wanting to work together, or an issue of trying to throw a wrench at WVU. This is a matter of our taxes. You don't pay your taxes to have WV-101 (8th Ave in Huntington) repaired, only to have WV-705 fall to pieces. I certainly don't pay my taxes to fund Morgantown HS, only to have Huntington High and Cabell Midland fall apart. If you're going to tax the entire state, you have a responsibility towards the entire state. The pop tax is a state tax, not a WVU tax, not a Morgantown tax, not a Mon County tax, not even a Northern WV tax. If there were only one medical school in the state, that would be fine. But don't tax me to support medical schools, and ignore the two schools which are closer to me in favor of the one that's 200 miles away. Regardless of my feelings towards any of the three schools (and unlike most on this board, I actually do like WVU quite a bit), as a resident of Huntington, I do not like the way this tax is implemented. Any West Virginian south of Charleston should feel the same way.
You can say what you will about it, but it supports the state's, by far, premier medical establishment.
Saying stupid crap over and over does not make it so.
First, the "premier medical establishment" in WV, to such an extent that one can be said to exist, is probably CAMC, followed by St. Mary's. Ruby is a nice hospital for the small area it serves.
But second, WVUH is a PRIVATE and HIGHLY PROFITABLE company. It does not get the pop tax money. The WVU med and dental schools do. Two separate things.
But, back to Ruby, it is a fine hospital. For NORTH CENTRAL WEST VIRGINIA. If you live elsewhere in WV, some other hospital will take care of you. If you get really sick, you will be sent to actual regional "premiere medical centers" like Pitt,, UVa, U of C, OSU, UK, Cleveland Clinic, Carolinas MC, or the DC region's hospitals.
Because, and this is the point, of all the mistakes made by WV's One Party Government in its 80 plus years, the decision to place the state's first med school in a tiny hick town and in the only part of the state already well served in term of access to a true "premiere" hospital system (because of its proximity to Pittsburgh), rather than in a place where it could have become an actual regional center for health care and science research, such as Charleston, Huntington or even Beckley, was the worst. A decision different from most every other state in a similar situation. A decision that served WVU and dis-served West Virginia.
Which failed. Which is why WVU, to this day, cannot actually support a med school, schlepping off half the class to Charleston and others to Wheeling and now Martinsburg. Which is why a MU SOM and the WVSOOM were needed. Which is why West Virginians are, as I write, in out of state facilities for serious illnesses.
Because WVU looked out for WVU, and not West Virginia.
One only needs to look at UAB and what it did for the ENTIRE STATE of Alabama to see what a tragedy this was and remains.
Every WVian, unless you live within 25 miles or so of the 'hole is screwed by the "pop tax", as every WVian in every OTHER part of WV is screwed by WVU in 1000 other ways. Because WVU is where YOU pay and OTHERS benefit.
So return the pop tax money to the people who earned it, to spend as they wish, and let the PRIVATE and HIGHLY PROFITABLE WVUH fund the med school. Or raise the tuition on the massive number of out-of-state students. Or just shut it down and expand MU or move it to Charleston. I don't care. I don't live in the tiny part of WV where WVU is relevant.
I just have to pay for it.
But, and this is also the point, you are a living proof of what Dr. Hayes said so many years ago. "There are people, most of whom never attended any college, who think the quality of a college is proportional to the quality of its football team". You never attended WVU, or any other college, but think of it as "we" simply because of its name. And you have highly uninformed opinions of its med school and general academic quality. Because "we" (same words as on your DL, no actual relationship) beat Oklahoma State once.
And you are not unique. Which is why every loss by "your" mighty mountaineers loosens the grip of that taxwaste on the populace. Which, eventually, frees up money for MU and the state colleges to ACTUALLY HELP West Virginia.
Sam, you couldn't be further from right here. WVU is a strong supporter of coal interests. It can be seen everywhere here. Does that mean that every single tenured professor is inclined that way? Or course not. There are thousands of them here. The Marshall Faculty Senate had no confidence in Steve Kopp, but most Huntington power brokers thought he was the greatest thing to happen since Pullman Square, and let's face it... far more than WVU is connected to Morgantown control, Marshall is literally dominated by local influence there.Arguing that the 'hole is some kind of economic anything is, of course, foolish. It is a typical town with an artificial economy. Like any place with a college, military base, or other government facility. It is not "real" in an economic sense. It is money earned elsewhere, taxed away, and spent by government. That is, and this is one of the things you would have learned if you had a higher education, far different from an actual productive economy.
Because, just as the guy who owned the bar just outside the Navy base learned when the USN said "Base closed" it is all built on OTHER PEOPLE'S TAXES, not actual productive work.
WV is, in no small part due to WVU's failure to serve the state, going to lose (according to a recent report written by WVU's anti-coal far left economics department) 700000 people in the next generation. The massive subsidy of what is just another state college in a state with too many state colleges becomes harder and harder to sustain. Eventually New Jersey's C students will have to be accommodated by New Jersey. And then what?
I just know you're kidding, right? Pitt doesn't have half the support WVU has athletically, and Pittsburgh is a pro sports city with as many WVU supporters as Pitt supporters. In fact, 30% of Pittsburgh households who watch sports on television tune in to West Virginia games, surpassing the numbers for Pitt.wvu is/was riding the coat tails of Pitt both as a city and academic institution.
However Pitt took their media market and school and basically left wvu for the ACC where they can sever all ties with wvu...allowing themselves to be more indpendent and no longer associated with wvu.
wvu is entirely on their own...and it does not look good.
Oh and just look at the horrible health of wv overall...even wvus med school cant do jack shit.
Hell, I even recall the victim from LSU of a senseless beating...even told the EMT's to Medivac him to Pittsburgh despite ruby being less than a mile away.
...and when compared to real cities like Pittsburgh...morganhole really is 'a small hick town.'
You must be saying that from down there in Huntington with no first hand knowledge of what's taking place around here. The WVU Foundation manages $2.5 billion in investments, of which approximately $1 billion is in endowment as you mentioned, but if you think they have invested in infrastructure down there in Huntington, and Marshall has made some investments in that regard, you should see what is taking place here in Morgantown.CT, WVU is not in line to do anything other than be one of the worst land grant institutions in the country. The only people who believe differently are those that actually think the WVU endowment is above the billion dollar threshold.
Why dont you post a link that shows that you have a $1 billion dollar endowment? Those are all nice things, but you act as if the schools you are trying to catch are all standing still. That is the major problem with WVU fans.
. The WVU Foundation manages $2.5 billion ininvestments, of which approximately $1 billion is in endowment as you mentioned, .
The Foundation’s total endowment is $565 million.
You should pay attention to your own words. You repeat this lie over and over. The $20 million loan from the WVU Foundation to WVU's athletic department was paid in full by the Big XII conference the day WVU joined. The Big XII then assumed the loan and forgave half of it; the remaining $10 million is being paid by the WVU athletic department in five $2 million installments. They are deducting the $2 million installments from our annual payouts through the 2016-17 school year. The loan from the Big XII will be paid in full at that time. This was documented in several national newspapers when WVU joined the Big XII. I guess you missed it, or more likely you dismissed those facts and invented your own "facts" to fit your twisted version of all things WVU.We have already informed you that saying stupid crap doesn't make it so....
of which $20M was "loaned" to the money losing athletic program get out of the Leastleftovers, and will never be paid back.
I did quote wrong figures for the endowment, not having checked them, but that does not change the fact that it is too small for a national university. It only serves to emphasize the fact that we need to do something about that and grow it. From what I can tell, and those figures are difficult to decipher for any school, there is something like $1.6 billion in assets under management with around $550 million in endowments, including the endowments of ancillary organizations like the Alumni Association.We have already informed you that saying stupid crap doesn't make it so.
Not $2.5 BILLION, not approximately $1 BILLION. $565 million.
Of which, according to a lawsuit filed by John Raese, about 30% is invested in a single unlisted stock. Bray Cary's WV Media Holdings, which is carried at book value, but is pretty much actually worthless, as the company has never made a profit and is currently in default on its founding loans. Which takes us to about $400M. Of which about a third is not sellable securities, but coal and timber land, again carried at book value before the war on coal started. Depending on the results of the next election, the value could be zero. (And, of which $20M was "loaned" to the money losing athletic program get out of the Leastleftovers, and will never be paid back.)
And of which, about 40% is pledged to cover retirements. Because unlike most schools, the WVUF is the security of WVU's employees' retirement. Meaning, contrasting WVU's endowment to others requires even more downward adjustment. Even though it is already in the bottom 10 of the so-called Power 5.
BTW, UT's Endowment? $25 BILLION.
Your whole point seems to be that you enjoy living around New Jersites and working for New Jersites and wish OTHER PEOPLE would build even more stuff so even more New Jersites could be served and your tiny hick town could look more and more like Hoboken.
The people of WV are finally waking up and saying, no.
I did quote wrong figures for the endowment, not having checked them, but that does not change the fact that it is too small for a national university. It only serves to emphasize the fact that we need to do something about that and grow it. .
You have trouble absorbing FACTS when they don't fit your sick and twisted world view. Read this again and try to comprehend: The Big XII paid the WVU Foundation $20 million the day WVU joined the conference. That debt was paid in full; the WVUF got their $20 million back three years ago. WVU agreed to pay the Big XII $10 million in five annual installments. That debt will be paid in full by the spring of 2017. The Big XII forgave the other $10 million. So, to summarize, the Big East got their money from the WVU Foundation; the WVUF got that money back via a lump-sum payment from the Big XII; WVU still owes the Big XII $4 million, and that will be paid by 2017. Do you understand? It is really quite simple.You did take like 5th grade math, right?
Let us review. I will type slowly, so you can follow with your non-alumni mind.
WVU's money losing, non-self supporting, athletic program "borrows" $20M from the WVUF to get out of the Leastleftovers.
WVUF now has $20M less money, Leastleftovers has $20M more.
The DEBTOR is WVU athletics, the CREDITOR is WVUF.
The Big 2, Little 8 then "assumes" the loan. It is the, dumbass, DEBTOR, in place of WVU athletics. It, on paper owes WVUF $20M.
Debtors cannot "forgive" loans. Creditors can. It would be for WVUF to forgive the loan, not the Big 2, Little 8.
Then the Big 2, Little 8 is "withholding" $2M/year. And? Giving it to the WVUF? Because it is who the money is owed to.
Try to keep up, OK?
It is a documented fact that WVU athletics spent $20M of WVUF money to get out of the Leastleftovers. That money will never be paid back to the WVUF.
This is because, and try please to understand, WVU athletics, a money losing deal, did not have the money to get out of the Leastleftovers. Just as it did not have the money to build any of its facilities, pay for its rifle team, or expand the 'hole's useless airport.
Pure taxwaste.
I'm a Marshall graduate. I supported Marshall until things started getting irrational. I was there when they opened up the Joan, and was pulling for them when they beat Youngstown State. Most West Virginians were, including most of Morgantown. I have actually spoken with Bobby Pruett, at length, personally within the past couple of years.You tolerate MU as long as they "stay in their place"
Well, I'll tell you what... I'm not a betting man, but it is really hard to turn down a sure thing. You can spout off all you want when you know I won't divulge private information on a public forum. Find somebody we both trust for verification purposes, say Connie Reed, who is very prominent in Marshall alumni circles, and leave it up to her to do the verification. I will bet you $100 that I have a degree from Marshall subject to her verification. You keep running your mouth... do we have a bet? In fact, I'd make it for more than that if I could be somehow assured of your integrity.CT is not a Marshall graduate...nor is he a wvu graduate either. IF he did even attend college, it was likely Fairmont...and that's a stretch.
There's a lot of poison, resentment, and jealousy in that post so there is no way to respond that would evoke an intelligent answer. Where did I say Huntington was bad? You're the one calling my town a stupid, inaccurate name, and trying to talk down West Virginia... The University. I happen to like Huntington. I like Marshall too... just not the way it has been led in the past decade or so, but I'm not on here calling it Huntington High, or anything like that. Doing that would decrease the value of my own degree... don't you think? I want Marshall to succeed. I just don't want their supporters to go around acting like a bunch of ignoramus, jealous hilljacks.You want to be constructive? How about banning yourself from this forum.
Until you admit you're wrong on everything you've been called out on by others on here, no bet...and I'll continue to call you a bullshitter for the simple fact that someone with as many "credentials" as you, would make so many inaccurate comments.
However ct you do shock me...not for the supposed "education" you have...but the fact that you were ever married.
Want to help everyone on here? Leave. Never come back. If Huntington and Marshall head in the direction you claim, then let it...go worry about how morganhole and wvu are going to win 4 games this season. Why do you even bother "caring" if all you do is bash one area and prop up the other? Marshall and Huntington could become a metropolis of economics and growth and somehow...wvu and morganhole are better...and yoh try tonlet everyone know it.
In short...no bet until you go back and admit how wrong you were to everyone on here who called you out...then we'll talk...and even so...its all based on trust that you are who you claim to be and not some miserable uneducated sorry sack of crap like 99% of wvu fans on here.
Please... take a look at what you just posted and note the tone of that, and the way you referred to another city in our state. My ONLY intent is to say it benefits everyone to cooperate. Everyone wins that way. Endeavors like the one proposed in this thread help nobody, create animosity, and insure that cooperation does not take place.90% of your response is utterly untrue, especially when it comes to your supposed "no ill will towards Marshall or Huntington." The worst part is you think I believe you making such a mistake as something honest. Your past and reputation says otherwise.
You failed to address the fact that anyone who says something Huntjngton could do or is doing is shot down entirely by you because if the idea is something that makes Marshall ahead or better or even equal to morganhole...it simply isnt; going to work, isnt possible because Marshall/Huntington cannot thrive at all, or wvu is going to do better so why should MU bother?
Seriously, you claim all this crap anout equality as though you are some sally struthers idiot...im reality, your agenda is very clear...its only good for Marshall as long as its not better than wvu and what they sre doing.
Quit with the lies and bullshit regarding "this is not my intention...I didnt mean to..."
I am not hiding mine, at all...ever.
Sign this petition to evenly distribute the pop tax in the state of West Virginia. We are already paying the tax, and as of right now, all of the money has been going to WVU School of Medicine. It right now adds up to around $12million/year. So Marshall is missing out on $6million/year, every single year.
Huntington is the 2nd largest city in the state, so why is our part of the state not also benefitting from this?
We have all had loved ones get medical treatment in Huntington.
This would not only help Marshall University's Joan C Edwards School of Medicine, but this in turn bring better medical opportunities to the citizens in our part of the state.
Only takes 2 minutes to sign the petition. Sign it, share it, and get your friends/family to sign it as well.
For the record... my degrees are Diploma (Spanish), Defense Language Institute, AGS, Indiana University, (3) AAS Community College of the Air Force, BSBusAd., West Virginia University, BA, University of the State of New York (Albany), MA, West Virginia University, MS, Marshall University.
I have no idea what an "AGS" is. Apparently nobody at IU does either, since it as a degree nor as a major is listed anywhere on its website. If "A" stands for "Associate's" then you might want to know that IU doesn't have a community college. The statewide community college in Indiana is commonly called "IVY Tech" and is unrelated to IU.
The "University of the State of New York" or USNY (us-knee) is, confusingly, what NY calls its state board of education. The body in charge of regulating education in NY state. It is not a college.
The "State University of New York" or SUNY (sunny or SOO-knee depending on what part of NY state you are in) is the statewide system of colleges, of which Albany, along with Buffalo and Stony Brook, is the best academic constituent. Real alumni of Albany prefer to call it the University at Albany or simply Albany.
A technical distinction, but one that anybody who attended school in, or even lived in, NY would know. Or somebody who has spent a career hiring and firing people, including tracking down people's fake claims
So you have 5 community college degrees, plus a hitch in the USAF, plus 3 separate college degrees, plus two unrelated master's. One of those college degrees being from one of the best public colleges (The University At Albany, State University of New York) in the country.
Are you also an heir to the Spanish Throne? Nobel Prize winner? Inventor of the bottle cap? Have a star on Hollywood Blvd.? Play for FC Barcelona?
Your discussion is about trying to take part of the long established funding source for the far larger and more comprehensive WVU Medical Education from them by means of a petition, and supposing there would not be repercussions from activity like that.The board: "I say we raise the pop tax from one penny to three, and each school gets a penny. Small enough raise not to bother tax payers, does not reduce funding for the only current recipient, and provides great financial support to the other two."
CT: "You need to quit spouting negative ideas and trying to take money away from WVU. We need to work together, increase WVU's funding, and threaten to take away MU's athletic funding if they continue to attempt a fair and equitable way of raising additional funding that would have no negative consequences on any other school in the state. By the way, I went to MU, WVU, USNY (not SUNY), and took some online classes for promotion points in the Air Force, so my opinion counts for more than yours. But please, let me distract you from calling me out by inviting you to an asinine bet on an internet message board which nobody in their right mind would actually agree to."
The entire board: "We're trying to come up with a fair and equitable way of increasing funding for JCESoM without hurting WVUSoM. We're also going to call you on every bit of the BS you pour out. But don't worry, we don't just call out WVU fans on BS, we call everyone out on it."
CT: "Why don't you quit trying to take away WVU's money, and just work together? I mean, WVU is significantly closer to NYC and has a billion dollar endowment, so we matter more."
The board, again: "We're not trying to take away WVU's money. We want to increase JCESoM's funding, and have actually come up with a method which would do exactly that, would addictionally increase WVSOM's funding, and have absolutely zero affect on WVUSoM. And how does your proximity to NYC make any difference in this conversation? After all, WVU targets out of state students at a significantly higher rate than MU, which targets primarily in state students. You're also completely incorrect about WVU's endowment."
CT: "Quit trying to take money from WVU. This is exactly what is wrong with MU, always attacking WVU. We have more students, a higher endowment, better hospital, live in a much larger metropolitan area thanks to Pittsburgh, and need to be the only recipients of the pop tax. Why won't you try to work together with WVU? Oh, I'm also going to compare Marshall to Fairmont and Concord in this conversation, despite the entire debate centering around the funding of state medical schools. While I'm distracting you already, would you like to bet $100 to $250 on my credentials? After all, this is an internet message board. That's what you do, right?"
Sign this petition to evenly distribute the pop tax in the state of West Virginia. We are already paying the tax, and as of right now, all of the money has been going to WVU School of Medicine. It right now adds up to around $12million/year. So Marshall is missing out on $6million/year, every single year.
Huntington is the 2nd largest city in the state, so why is our part of the state not also benefitting from this?
We have all had loved ones get medical treatment in Huntington.
This would not only help Marshall University's Joan C Edwards School of Medicine, but this in turn bring better medical opportunities to the citizens in our part of the state.
Only takes 2 minutes to sign the petition. Sign it, share it, and get your friends/family to sign it as well.