War with China is inevitable.

Think we should make the first strike to keep them from "Building" up!

We don't know how good their guidance, and re-entry are. Might have a tactical advantage at this point.
Looks like one of the Chinese apologists has shown up. The intellectual integrity of this thread just went down...

Some time back I heard General Harley Mooney, great American, tell a story about the Korean War. I can't remember the numbers he used but he was with the US troops on one side of the Yalu River. Chinese troops just kept showing up and showing up, something to the tune of 100k a day until they totaled 1 million.

China doesn't want a nuclear war. They have been playing the long game both economically and militarily.

Economically they have surged to number 2 in terms of GDP and have a higher growth rate than the US. They have used corporate espionage, stolen technology, counterfeiting, copyright infringements and other unfair trade practices to accomplish this so it has been engaging in economic warfare.

Interestingly China has recently been in the news concerning its new three child policy. Since the adoption of the previous one child policy in 1979 China has engineered a gender imbalance estimated at 35 million in favor of males. Since most of this imbalance occurred during the 40+ years of the former one child policy, China has a tremendous inventory of military age males.

While our politicians and leaders are attempting to impose sensitivity training on our troops, China is preparing for the opportunity to flex its military muscle.
Think we should make the first strike to keep them from "Building" up!

We don't know how good their guidance, and re-entry are. Might have a tactical advantage at this point.
Hell no. The war with then is a ugly scenario.
Looks like one of the Chinese apologists has shown up. The intellectual integrity of this thread just went down...

Some time back I heard General Harley Mooney, great American, tell a story about the Korean War. I can't remember the numbers he used but he was with the US troops on one side of the Yalu River. Chinese troops just kept showing up and showing up, something to the tune of 100k a day until they totaled 1 million.

China doesn't want a nuclear war. They have been playing the long game both economically and militarily.

Economically they have surged to number 2 in terms of GDP and have a higher growth rate than the US. They have used corporate espionage, stolen technology, counterfeiting, copyright infringements and other unfair trade practices to accomplish this so it has been engaging in economic warfare.

Interestingly China has recently been in the news concerning its new three child policy. Since the adoption of the previous one child policy in 1979 China has engineered a gender imbalance estimated at 35 million in favor of males. Since most of this imbalance occurred during the 40+ years of the former one child policy, China has a tremendous inventory of military age males.

While our politicians and leaders are attempting to impose sensitivity training on our troops, China is preparing for the opportunity to flex its military muscle.
35 million more military aged males....The Greed Clan is busy learning Mandarin for their heaven on earth.
I was recently mocked for posting about if you don't remember your past you are doomed to repeat it.

Interesting that we are currently seeing a Chinese naval expansion...

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American corporations will never allow war with China..

Two, China is becoming very aggressive and growing military. Fact.

Finally America ans Americans are not prepared for that kind of war. The scenario is nit what we have seen in some time.
Unlike sufferers of TDS, I will give Biden props (maybe a poor choice of words since he appears propped up at times...) when he does something I agree with.

But also notice he is following Trump's lead...
When you win you are no longer following. When you lose you are no longer leading.
Here we go again. When someone does something first and you follow behind them and do pretty much the same, the second party is indeed following the first party's lead.

For example, Cam Henderson is generally given credit for inventing the faat-break in basketball. Since then coaches followed his lead and began using the fast-break with their own teams.

That might be a little hard for you to grasp so let's try something a little closer to home for you. extragreen has proven many times he is an idiot, since then several others have followed his lead and proven they are idiots as well.

See the differences?
Here we go again. When someone does something first and you follow behind them and do pretty much the same, the second party is indeed following the first party's lead.
When you win you are no longer following. When you lose you are no longer leading.
So you didn't see the differences. Not surprising...
One of the many differences I see is that your orange jesus was a one term president.

When you win you are no longer following. When you lose you are no longer leading.
There is so much to say in response and yet so little time in the day...
I'll save you the time....your orange jesus only leads his uninformed and treasonous sheep, many of which hold office. That's where his leading starts and ends.
Republican Senators Urge Biden Admin To Reverse Course On Giving Away Medical Technology To China

WASHINGTON – Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) joined Sens. Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas) and Thom Tillis (R-North Carolina) in a letter to Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo and U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai asking them to reverse the Biden administration’s decision to give U.S. COVID intellectual property to China.

China hints at denying Americans life-saving coronavirus drugs

China could impose pharmaceutical export controls which would plunge America into "the mighty sea of coronavirus."

Republican Senators Urge Biden Admin To Reverse Course On Giving Away Medical Technology To China

WASHINGTON – Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) joined Sens. Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas) and Thom Tillis (R-North Carolina) in a letter to Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo and U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai asking them to reverse the Biden administration’s decision to give U.S. COVID intellectual property to China.

China hints at denying Americans life-saving coronavirus drugs

China could impose pharmaceutical export controls which would plunge America into "the mighty sea of coronavirus."

What we don't give them we allow them to steal...☹

Interesting about China's threats to withhold exports in March of 2020. Wouldn't that be tantamount to weaponizing the Covid virus? But using their own words and threats would be tantamount to being a crackpot conspiracy theory according to many...☹
When you don't have anything original, meaningful or intelligent to offer one needs to resort to being a grammar cop and name-caller.

Meanwhile in Beijing the Chinese are plotting their next move in their long-range plan to supplant the US as the strongest economy and military in the world. They have been making tremendous strides to that end as we become more and more disjointed. Great play by some on the home team...


Another one is completely paid off, and I could get about $450K for it. Yet another one is over $600K, and the mortgage has about $215K left on it.

It appears that I’ll be buying a fourth one either in Newport Beach, the Dallas Metroplex, or rural Pennsylvania within the next few months. Soon, I’ll have a different property for each day of the week . . . and you’ll still have a sidewalk that you can’t complete that stops in the middle of your yard.

When you don't have anything original, meaningful or intelligent to offer one needs to resort to being a grammar cop and name-caller.
Let’s talk about your daughter.
We’ve already hit those bastards where it hurts the more Chinese buffets.
When you don't have anything original, meaningful or intelligent to offer one needs to resort to being a grammar cop and name-caller.

Meanwhile in Beijing the Chinese are plotting their next move in their long-range plan to supplant the US as the strongest economy and military in the world. They have been making tremendous strides to that end as we become more and more disjointed. Great play by some on the home team...
He's not the sharpest crayon in the box.
If we can't officially win a war in Afghanistan against the Taliban, who thinks we can actually defeat China in a war? It would be a stalemate at best.
So we're going to declare war on ourselves? Hell, we are China. I've probably got more Chinese stuff than anything. I may even be Chinese.

Whatever it is, I can't believe I have to have it 86 degrees in this office. Well, I get cold easy. 82 was warm enough earlier, but I get colder as the day goes on.