War with China is inevitable.

I can't believe no one is going to comment on China thinking they can be friends with all the rags in Afghanistan. They will learn that the rags will be shooting at them. They shoot at everyone, including their own.

and you’ll still have a sidewalk that you can’t complete that stops in the middle of your yard.
LOL. Tell us more....
Whatever it is, I can't believe I have to have it 86 degrees in this office. Well, I get cold easy. 82 was warm enough earlier, but I get colder as the day goes on.
You got the cancer?
LOL. Tell us more....
No lie - the dude has a fvcking sidewalk that stops in the middle of his god damn yard. I don't know if it's his fault or the city's, but the thing stops in the middle of the yard. Like, what is a person walking down the sidewalk supposed to do? Sidewalk ends, then what? Just walk through his yard?
I can't believe no one is going to comment on China thinking they can be friends with all the rags in Afghanistan. They will learn that the rags will be shooting at them. They shoot at everyone, including their own.

China plans for boots on the ground?
China plans for boots on the ground?
They will shoot at Chinamen building roads, or whoever China has do it. That's what Afghanis do. The government hires road builders? Taliban will shoot them.

Look at the US over there. We couldn't even be successful at humanitarian shit because we had to deal with tribalism. We would bribe one warlord, that would piss off another warlord, even if you pay both one gets mad that you paid the other. Meanwhile their peoples are cutting deals back and forth, you can't tell who is on what side and even if you could the sides are always shifting. Not that this is particularly isolated to Afghanistan, look at how ISIL was founded pledging allegiance to AQ but ended up in infighting with them.

You might say, "But Raoul, the Chinese won't be at war with the Afghanis, they will be there as allies." Doesn't matter, it's the tribalism that matters, and the ongoing shit between the government (and I use that term loosely) and the Taliban. Fun fact: both the Soviets and the US invested foreign aid in Cold War Afghanistan; hell, it was the Soviets top recipient of foreign aid! Didn't matter, bunches of them still eventually fought both of us.

While China has experience dealing with factions in Africa, Afghanistan ain't Africa. And I am pretty sure the Afghanis are aware of the Uighurs, that's reason enough for many to shoot a Chinaman or their lackeys.
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No lie - the dude has a fvcking sidewalk that stops in the middle of his god damn yard. I don't know if it's his fault or the city's, but the thing stops in the middle of the yard. Like, what is a person walking down the sidewalk supposed to do? Sidewalk ends, then what? Just walk through his yard?
How can someone look at that every day and just leave it as is?

When we had our sewer line replaced the plumbing company flat out fvcked up our front yard. We fought with them for months and they half-assed it twice. The next spring I paid someone to fix it and lay sod. Why? Because the relatively small cost of that was worth it to stop looking at a fvcked up yard.
How can someone look at that every day and just leave it as is?

When we had our sewer line replaced the plumbing company flat out fvcked up our front yard. We fought with them for months and they half-assed it twice. The next spring I paid someone to fix it and lay sod. Why? Because the relatively small cost of that was worth it to stop looking at a fvcked up yard.

Im in Newport Beach again and thought about driving to Stephens’ house to try and help him. I had plans to get some construction cones and place them around the end of the sidewalk so people would stop being stuck in the middle of his yard, but I went to the Angels game instead.
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and you’ll still have a sidewalk that you can’t complete that stops in the middle of your yard.

Because the relatively small cost of that was worth it to stop looking at a fvcked up yard.

He is just doing his part to fight systemic racism and inequality. I thought for sure both of you "enlightened" ones would be woke enough to recognize that.

If the beautiful lawn was a shiny emblem of the American Dream, it could also signify the ways in which racism and systemic inequality marked the American landscape.
He is just doing his part to fight systemic racism and inequality. I thought for sure both of you "enlightened" ones would be woke enough to recognize that.

If the beautiful lawn was a shiny emblem of the American Dream, it could also signify the ways in which racism and systemic inequality marked the American landscape.

Really, that’s one of the more pathetic attempts this board has seen in a long time. Step your posting game up. We got rid of the moron who now stays on the paid board, but replacing him with you hasn’t helped.

Jesus Christ Weinstein, what the **** are you talking about?
Suddenly, you want to deny the sidewalk that stops in the middle of your yard?
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Really, that’s one of the more pathetic attempts this board has seen in a long time.

So you are saying it is a pathetic attempt to project systemic racism on people who take pride in their yards and work at making them beautiful? All I was doing was illustrating the absurdity of wokeism, which you evidently subscribe to. What was that Latin term you struggled with a couple of weeks ago???🤔
He is just doing his part to fight systemic racism and inequality. I thought for sure both of you "enlightened" ones would be woke enough to recognize that.
Fvcked up.


See that wide gap there? That's the gulf of difference in fvcked up and perfect. There is no way I am anal enough to have a perfect yard...not to mention too cheap. But a yard with humps and a big depression, as well as being muddy from a lack of grass? That's a hazard as well as fvcked up.

As for your woke yard link, you really think I care? Here's a hint:

They will shoot at Chinamen building roads, or whoever China has do it. That's what Afghanis do. The government hires road builders? Taliban will shoot them.

Look at the US over there. We couldn't even be successful at humanitarian shit because we had to deal with tribalism. We would bribe one warlord, that would piss off another warlord, even if you pay both one gets mad that you paid the other. Meanwhile their peoples are cutting deals back and forth, you can't tell who is on what side and even if you could the sides are always shifting. Not that this is particularly isolated to Afghanistan, look at how ISIL was founded pledging allegiance to AQ but ended up in infighting with them.

You might say, "But Raoul, the Chinese won't be at war with the Afghanis, they will be there as allies." Doesn't matter, it's the tribalism that matters, and the ongoing shit between the government (and I use that term loosely) and the Taliban. Fun fact: both the Soviets and the US invested foreign aid in Cold War Afghanistan; hell, it was the Soviets top recipient of foreign aid! Didn't matter, bunches of them still eventually fought both of us.

While China has experience dealing with factions in Africa, Afghanistan ain't Africa. And I am pretty sure the Afghanis are aware of the Uighurs, that's reason enough for many to shoot a Chinaman or their lackeys.
I must have been drunk when I asked that question, and I've been OCONUS untill about a week ago. What I meant was - Do you think China will send their own labor force? I feel they'll it farm out. Companies, like Washington Group, already exist and have employees in country, because of us. It'll be a different type of labor, but the Sri Lankans probably won't complain much. The Chinese will still need managers and oversight and security...that part intrigues me and will be interesting to watch develop.

Your reply was fvcking spot on though.

Your original question about China buying up mineral rights deserves its own thread. And a gawddamned congressional. How nobody talks about this on a national level is shocking. Or should be.
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I must have been drunk when I asked that question, and I've been OCONUS untill about a week ago. What I meant was - Do you think China will send their own labor force? I feel they'll it farm out. Companies, like Washington Group, already exist and have employees in country, because of us. It'll be a different type of labor, but the Sri Lankans probably won't complain much. The Chinese will still need managers and oversight and security...that part intrigues me and will be interesting to watch develop.

Your reply was fvcking spot on though.

Your original question about China buying up mineral rights deserves its own thread. And a gawddamned congressional. How nobody talks about this on a national level is shocking. Or should be.
So far with the Road and Belt, China has done both local workers and Chinese migrants. I don't see Afghanistan being any different. You have to think about why it is both. Local contractors and workers to buy loyalty. Chinese migrants because China still cannot domestically employ everyone. That's a good way to fight domestic poverty, send your poor somewhere else.

Minerals...China funds this stuff two ways. They have a program to give/invest their own money in projects, but they also loan money to other nations for projects. The collateral is often mining rights, port rights, etc. When these shitholes don't pay back the loan, and they never do, China now has the rights to the mine and the port to ship the good from. They are no good bastards, for sure. Will the locals eventually not like that and start shooting? We can hope. I am sure there will be American influence to foment local dissent.
So far with the Road and Belt, China has done both local workers and Chinese migrants. I don't see Afghanistan being any different. You have to think about why it is both. Local contractors and workers to buy loyalty. Chinese migrants because China still cannot domestically employ everyone. That's a good way to fight domestic poverty, send your poor somewhere else.

Minerals...China funds this stuff two ways. They have a program to give/invest their own money in projects, but they also loan money to other nations for projects. The collateral is often mining rights, port rights, etc. When these shitholes don't pay back the loan, and they never do, China now has the rights to the mine and the port to ship the good from. They are no good bastards, for sure. Will the locals eventually not like that and start shooting? We can hope. I am sure there will be American influence to foment local dissent.
Chinese are after not only minerals and natural resources but supply chains across the global. Want to get goods? Have to deal and play ball with the Chinese. Want ships from the ship yards. Deal with Chi Comms. Probably will go after roads, water, sewer, electric, gas , etc. They could probably shut us down now if they wanted. Look at all our goods we use from there.

Oh and land. They own many of the golf courses now in Myrtle Beach for example. Want to buy land? Will have to buy it from the Chinese.

If they get a stronger Navy, we are in a world of hurt. They are going to be a big animal, maybe worse than the Soviets(who went broke).

Houston, we have a problem.
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Chinese are after not only minerals and natural resources but supply chains across the global.
We do the same thing and have been doing it since the end of WWII.

Our recent problems are due to China making stuff we need and neither us nor our partners making it.

I am all for China to build their network. We need to build ours up. This is a huge reason I thought Trump was nuts to start tariffing our allies on stuff we need. Fvck no. Keep your friends close, don't give them a reason to see China as an option. This was something Biden stressed on his recent European trip, continue the Cold War model of two powers with separate customers.
Oh and land. They own many of the golf courses now in Myrtle Beach for example. Want to buy land? Will have to buy it from the Chinese.
Rich Chinese businessmen buy stuff in the West because there is not as much worth buying in China...and they are scared to death Chinese real estate is a bubble. There are huge buildings with no tenants all over China. Western real estate has always been a good investment...and a way to launder money and avoid taxes. The Japs did the same thing during their bubble years.
We do the same thing and have been doing it since the end of WWII.

Our recent problems are due to China making stuff we need and neither us nor our partners making it.

I am all for China to build their network. We need to build ours up. This is a huge reason I thought Trump was nuts to start tariffing our allies on stuff we need. Fvck no. Keep your friends close, don't give them a reason to see China as an option. This was something Biden stressed on his recent European trip, continue the Cold War model of two powers with separate customers.
Well part of the problem is(and you will get mad at me, hah) is our partners were stiffing us in terms of money for things like NATO and let's be honest after the attacks of 9-11 they basically gave us token support in many places and when the saw Afghanistan was going to be what it was they were like we gone. Like it or not , it is true.

The Chinese are a serious damn threat.
Well part of the problem is(and you will get mad at me, hah) is our partners were stiffing us in terms of money for things like NATO and let's be honest after the attacks of 9-11 they basically gave us token support in many places and when the saw Afghanistan was going to be what it was they were like we gone. Like it or not , it is true.

The Chinese are a serious damn threat.
Is NATO really a partnership? Or what we forced on Europe because Germany cannot be trusted with a large army? You had people making decisions that personally witnessed Germany declare war ON THE ENTIRE WORLD...twice.

Afghanistan was not Europe's business. And beyond crushing the Taliban and AQ there, it really wasn't our business.
How can someone look at that every day and just leave it as is?

The next spring I paid someone to fix it and lay sod. Why? Because the relatively small cost of that was worth it to stop looking at a fvcked up yard.
I had a similar problem. Town tore up my frontage extending a waterline. Said they would be back to fix the damage. I waited about three weeks then landscaped the area myself. Screw the Town.
I had a similar problem. Town tore up my frontage extending a waterline. Said they would be back to fix the damage. I waited about three weeks then landscaped the area myself. Screw the Town.
It's probably the idiot contractor the town hired. We have had the same problem around here with peoples' driveways getting fvcked up from street resurfacing, the contractor won't fix shit.
Is NATO really a partnership? Or what we forced on Europe because Germany cannot be trusted with a large army? You had people making decisions that personally witnessed Germany declare war ON THE ENTIRE WORLD...twice.

Afghanistan was not Europe's business. And beyond crushing the Taliban and AQ there, it really wasn't our business.
Ok, if they killed 3,000 people in London or Paris we would have been in there like white on rice. Probably bigger than their own countries would have.

As for NATO, maybe so, but they still stiffed us for years. Dissolve it then. Let the Europeans protect themselves from Russia, Germany again, or whoever.
It's probably the idiot contractor the town hired. We have had the same problem around here with peoples' driveways getting fvcked up from street resurfacing, the contractor won't fix shit.

They did that shit in my yard one time. Gas company. Knocked on the door. Gotta replace the gas line coming to your meter and will have to dig a ditch from the main line and the road down to it. I am like why? Well, when they built the neighborhood they ran a T off the neighbors line into you meter. Can't do that now and your neighbor got rid of gas. We can't have a line from there to your house even though we did it that ourselves way back then.

SOB. they used a ditch with from the road down to the meter. Got done and threw some token straw and probably 10 year old seed on it. Muddy damn mess. Had to get it fixed myself. Bastards.
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They did that shit in my yard one time. Gas company. Knocked on the door. Gotta replace the gas line coming to your meter and will have to dig a ditch from the main line and the road down to it. I am like why? Well, when they built the neighborhood they ran a T off the neighbors line into you meter. Can't do that now and your neighbor got rid of gas. We can't have a line from there to your house even though we did it that ourselves way back then.

SOB. they used a ditch with from the road down to the meter. Got done and threw some token straw and probably 10 year old seed on it. Muddy damn mess. Had to get it fixed myself. Bastards.
Gas company came and did this right after I had the yard fixed and sodded. Before their bullshit began I had them send out a big head honcho supervisor and told him in no uncertain terms my yard better be as good as new, as it was new and I could prove it, or there would be lawyers involved. He spray-painted on the street "SAVE SOD". I'll be damned, they actually did fix it right, they scalped off the sod, leveled the dirt after their dig, and put the sod back. Everyone else in the neighborhood? It looked like shit.
Gas company came and did this right after I had the yard fixed and sodded. Before their bullshit began I had them send out a big head honcho supervisor and told him in no uncertain terms my yard better be as good as new, as it was new and I could prove it, or there would be lawyers involved. He spray-painted on the street "SAVE SOD". I'll be damned, they actually did fix it right, they scalped off the sod, leveled the dirt after their dig, and put the sod back. Everyone else in the neighborhood? It looked like shit.
They got me twice within a year.

Got a knock on the door after that. We are here from the fiber optic company. Yehh ok, can I help you. Well, are going to be going through your yard at the front in a few weeks and running fiber optic line. What? Yep, town signed the deal and they have an 8 ft easement, I am sure they told you. Well, i guess i missed it.

SOB, went along the whole front of my lot. Had no choice as they did have a right of way easement for utilities. My lot, but they have a right of way. SOB. Twice in about 12 months. However, those guys fixed it good. The town did make sure of that. They had inspectors and all kinds of stuff.

The best action was when the dug up on the other side of the street and smelled natural gas. Damn fire trucks and stuff all over the place and people took off running. I walked over there like hey what's going on this is some cool shit. hahaha Had a bad valve on the gas line across the street and when they dug the gas escaped.

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