Still want an explanation on "can't" comment. Please no HIPPA excuses. My example of a press release would not have conflicted with the regulation.
I'm not taking up for Chuck in this. But both sides have proven to be less than professional in how they handled this event. Doc needs to be willing to communicate more effectively. He is the "leader" of this program (I guess).
For the 857748586th time NO Devon Johnson can not get a medical redshirtAgain, can Rock get a medical redshirt? If that's the case, I'd don't want to waste Devon or Clint on the rest of the season. We are going to a bowl anyway; MTSU and WKU will graduate a lot of personnel. He and Van Horn would give us a real boost for next year.
Hell, Doc never seemed to get any time to divulge information to people because Chuck kept trying to hard to beat him to it...on top of producing an attempted smear campaign against the head coach.
It led to his limited access and the AD a great reason to not reveal anything. Had Chuck been more professional, he would've gotten the controversy he wanted.
For the 857748586th time NO Devon Johnson can not get a medical redshirt
Again, can Rock get a medical redshirt? If that's the case, I'd don't want to waste Devon or Clint on the rest of the season. We are going to a bowl anyway; MTSU and WKU will graduate a lot of personnel. He and Van Horn would give us a real boost for next year.
That is one of the most absurd explanations I've heard yet. Doc has all the time in the world to discuss injuries with the media....especially in regards to a player like Johnson.
IF....IF.... this is how the program came to the decision to handle this issue.............then they are as childish and unprofessional as Chuckie. We should question ALL their judgments.
Good lord, you seriously have no you?
I'd try to write the explanation in crayon but you'd probably eat the crayon.
You have a clue?? C'mon. Give us the scoop Chucky missed out on..........
You have had plenty of opportunity to discuss this, but choose to give kindergarten excuses with little common sense explanations. Lets recap: "Chucky's fault Devon is hurt. Chucky's fault the school didn't release ANY information. Chucky's fault coach didn't have enough time. Chucky's faul..." We get it. Chucky's fault....
People who don't get it that he was cleared by the team physician and wanted to play.......well....they aren't gonna get much. Doc doesn't over-rule the Doctor. Why would he? Now if you can prove DJ was hesitant and Doc said he needed him then lets hear your evidence.
I said it is Landon's fault that Marshall is not releasing information on DJ because of his actions...if you still can't read and understand that then you seriously need to have several drinks and drive home.
Some retards can't understand logic...
The kind of logic that suggests someone get behind a wheel of a car after several drinks?? You are a genius.
By the way, Doc is not on your time or anyone else's except Marshall's time. Not only do I hope he doesn't release information so people like you just get tortured from it, but I hope he does it in the future out of spite.
Whonare you tonsay he answers to you? Why don't you attempt to grow a pair of balls and ask him on his call in show.
Tortured? My goodness. All anyone has to do is read your rambling attempts at wishing someone else harm over an opinion about a newspaper article. Bitter and angry much Herdstruck?? Hahaha.
Karma is a bitch. Here's hoping a drunk driver doesn't run you over, or just the fact that you just simply enjoy your life swinging from a football coach's nut sack.
I actually really haven't cared much about what Doc says to everyone...if he wants to ring on DJ's injury or not. You just can't grasp that he simply could care less about you or what you think regarding his practices as a coach.
But in terms of nuts, your nutless self wouldn't even do the proper thing AND ASK HIM.
Funny how it's a newspaper article for me but it's so much less for you. In either case, rot in Raleigh!
Like much of Chuck's work over the years, this is a perfect example of why he's gotten in trouble in the past and why he got fired from the Daily Mail.
Chuck's rush to "get the scoop" on fellow reporters has caused him to skip normal protocols such as getting confirmation from two sources before sending the story for print.
Chuck was onto something with this story but his sloppiness undermined his credibility and provided Doc and Mike with with opportunities to mock him.
How do you know that he didn't have 2 or more quality sources on this?
Because he said he had a fractured diskHow do you know that he didn't have 2 or more quality sources on this?
Devon is still very much a prospect for the NFL and has been called multiple times by scouts of his career is not done.
I think right now he is game time decision for WKU...if anything he is good for the bowl game.
That's a fair point Dan and the answer is I don't know for certain that he didn't have two sources on this story. I used that as an example of why he's gotten in trouble in the past. He has a reputation among sportswriters for going to print prematurely.
I said I thought he was onto something but he missed the mark just enough to allow Mike and Doc to mock him. The rest of my post was my opinion and not supported by fact.
I don't think anyone, including the media is asking for "detailed breakdowns", Simple statements would do.I don't understand people's obsession with wanting Doc to give detailed breakdowns of every player's injuries. What does it accomplish besides giving the other team a heads up on who is hurt, how and to what degree? Just to appease you? Serious question.
I hope you are right but he looked like he could barely walk yesterday.
Once again it's how he reported it and insisted that the staff intentionally played Devon against medical advise. The editors at the hd suck and chuck sucks if they didn't catch the fractured disk.I asked him specifically about it. He told me (and I believe him) that he had multiple sources on it being a back injury, the "fractured disc" was a mistake in terms of word usage and made him look a little silly, he should have said ruptured, but none the less, his reporting was more accurate than not. His MRI location apparently was wrong too, but not wrong apparently that DJ had one. As for getting into trouble, that is a real matter of how you look at things. Few of you know the restrictions that MU places on ALL reporters at practice. Chuck is just doing his job, the best way "he knows how to do it". Marshall (from the days of Jack Daniels as Assoc. AD) has almost always been a difficult place for the media to work, I've never understood, what they hope to gain by being a bit difficult, moreso than programs much larger who are far more transparent. That said, GO HERD!!
I asked him specifically about it. He told me (and I believe him) that he had multiple sources on it being a back injury, the "fractured disc" was a mistake in terms of word usage and made him look a little silly, he should have said ruptured, but none the less, his reporting was more accurate than not. His MRI location apparently was wrong too, but not wrong apparently that DJ had one. As for getting into trouble, that is a real matter of how you look at things. Few of you know the restrictions that MU places on ALL reporters at practice. Chuck is just doing his job, the best way "he knows how to do it". Marshall (from the days of Jack Daniels as Assoc. AD) has almost always been a difficult place for the media to work, I've never understood, what they hope to gain by being a bit difficult, moreso than programs much larger who are far more transparent. That said, GO HERD!!