This is silly. When a majority of Democrats vote to approve whack bills, get back to me. For fvcks sake, we could fill a server with batshit crazy stuff that has come out of just Rand Paul and Ted Cruz's mouths. Some reps and senators get tagged to fill the role of floating crazy shit, just to appease the nuts in the base. Here's a hint: for all of the "mainstream Dems" outrage at the Muslim woman saying impeach the motherfvcker*, they are happy...because they can distance themselves from the fringe in the base.
Also, may I remind you The Great Orange One himself said the EC should be abolished...until he won because of it, then he was all butthole-tonguing the EC.
* IMHO, she is just a little early. The odds that Trump hasn't committed a least a misdemeanor are pretty poor. The question is can it proven, and who really gives a he said, most of you wouldn't care if he shot someone on 5th Avenue.